Sapperfires 93 blue on blue progress thread

Yes this blows, almost just want to sell the car and start over...if there was someone with a brain that wanted that lower end, they can have it, but they'd have to remove it from the car without damaging anything else...

Anyone know the stretch or max length spec on the head bolts? I realize that it's suggested to replace TTYs, but I normally don't have a problem using them twice, I've reused them on a few of my other cars with no problems..
Since I know the right bank on new motor has been removed, I'll assume the bolts were I will not use those...I will probably use the bolts in the left bank head. Since the left bank on my old motor is breached, I'll assume that those may have been stretched in the overheat
unless someone wants to hop on eBay and send Sapper a Christmas present of new bolts
Buy new bolts douche. Eating and having ciggs is over rated. :p

I am just being selfish I guess. I dont wanna do this again in a couple weeks cause the head lifted and killed the head gasket.
I crack myself up!


LMFAO..ok motor is up for sale, got a few hits on it already, hope it goes fast...I need the car running asap, so I'll take what I can get, get the new bolt set, if I get enough Ill do both head for now I'm only set to do the driver bank
is that what was wrong with your original motor was a bad driverside head gasket? these motors dont blow head gaskets often, you better have someone check the deck on that head when you take it off, before you just slap a new gasket under it, you need to make sure its still flat, if its warped at all, you'll blow the new gasket fast too. just trying to help, dont want to see it come out 3 times.
Yup, 7&8 have water in them every now and then. Not much but enough to be worried about. I thought about checking the deck too and will ahen I pull it apart.
all you need is a super straight edge bill, in a dark area lay the straight edge on the bottom of the head and shine a flash light along the back side of the straight edge, if you see no light leak through under the straight edge, slap the pig back on, back yard deck check, works good enough!
That was the plan. I have a metal yard stick and a 2 foot 90* ruler. Should be good. I wish I could figure a way to get the head bolts. He needs this thing together and I don't wanna use the stock bolts again. Maybe I can pawn some Blue Ray movies and help him out.
Thanks Mike, you have no idea how much I appreciate it bro.
I was planning on checking the heads, they need a good cleaning anyway I'm sure..and since I basically polish everything I take apart before I put it back together...I'm sure the polishing bit set will get used.
The ones you PMd me are for the pushrod motor. I sent a link with the modular ones. SOHC and DOHC use the same ones. Found an OEM set for very cheap.
Nice. Good looking out. I'm still curious as to how much they normally cost though.
Thanks. :)
Normal cost is around $50 per side. I just found a set of 20 OEM ones for $30 shipped. They will be perfect.

ARP only sells the stud kits for our motors and thats like $250+

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