POLL: Average age of Mark VIII owners

POLL: Average age of Mark VIII owners

  • 16-21

    Votes: 9 9.2%
  • 22-25

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • 26-32

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • 33-40

    Votes: 19 19.4%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 10 10.2%
  • 51+

    Votes: 16 16.3%

  • Total voters
As of 08/11/09, I will be 41 and I raise a 7 year old boy on my own with no mother. I take him to school and pick him up from school. I also search when I need to know something but sometimes, I can't find wtf I'm looking for so I might ask from time to time but it's rare. I help others on here with what I know, which isn't much considering I have only owned my Mark since 2005. If they start asking the same stupid questions over and over, I stop! I then go back and look to see who Frog is picking on next.:shifty:

He taught me that a hub wasn't a rotor lol:D I was seeing sh!t.
Ok, the newbie to LVC had to squeeze in here just a bit, I can't help it since I've been in Forums since 1999 so it's 10 years of seeing quite a few of these cyber-brawls. It's 1:30am, I decide to pry around LVC as I usually do before bed & I find this thread. OMG, I almost peed in my pants. Guys, LVC is about L's & C's. Well, & quite a few laughs as well. One thing's for sure;

VIking, dude, do yourself a favor, Frogman is probably older than you, this is not an age thing & you are offending others that don't deserve it. I was once a 16-23 year old TCCoA forum member & I never did anything childish that offended others, that wasn't my style. This is a forum for God's sake. If you really take it serious like that then you can't handle these forums. If you owned a Waverunner & you by any chance were to become a member of PWCToday.com? Good luck there dude. They beat you down with pure forum brutality. Here at LVC people help u. On that site NO ONE helps unless you own an old school stand up style jet ski. I own a 3 seater performance ski, you know what they call us there? Couches, they tell us to tke our couches elsewhere... You have to accept critisism & if it's offensive at times, continue to scroll down, answering back only makes it worst. You think I take offcence to calling my 68mph waverunner a couch? hell no, I think it's funny as F***!:q

Frogman? You are truly an @$$ dude but I love your style.:D You thrive on pissin ppl off man & it makes me laugh as well as others around here. I have to admit, on the first thread I posted you threw one of your sarcastic "search" link comments to me. I was like; "WTF?":soapbox: but I read through a whole mess of threads & saw that this is who you are. I like it, u keep the peeps on their toes. I swear I think there's a Frogman in EVERY forum out there. Anyway, that's enough for me, it has been amazing to read everyone's posts on this thread & sometimes I will post threads that have already been discussed because I can't find the answers but I know Frogman will point me in the right direction. :)

Oh & I'm turning 30 next Saturday!
The average age of a Mark VIII owner is probably 51+. The average age of people on here is probably about 30. I'm 21.
Oooo! A stalker! Never had one of them! I'm all excited now. I'd be even more so if you were cuter, and a different sex, but eh. Sometimes you gotta take what you can get when it comes to stalkers. :D

I try to be cuter but Heather won't let me play with knives anymore.:cool:

I'm 19, got a problem with that?

Ya ... punk @ss kid ... did you wet your huggies .....:D

I know mang my life sucks... I mean look at my post count, I'm a total loser...

Well yes ...:p

I do! Rabble rabble rabble! Gripe gripe gripe! :D

Like I know kustomizinkid is good people cause of how he treats others and how he responds.

KK is good people ... :eek: LOL ... Well I haven't received any PMs about him lately LOL ...

I can tell Frog is an ass but a good dude that may bust your balls but he will help ya pick up the peices.

Well I doubt he'll pick up your balls ..
Maxx is a solid guy too

Under statement of the year ... Maxx is better than any parts store ...

I hang out here cause I like the people here.

Aw ... I feel all warm and mushy ...

I was able to pick up on who is who and also know that Frog will help ya out as long as you are willing to help yourself out too.

This is so true .. you will find who knows what and who does not ... a few come to mind.

Getting some sand in your vag over something he says and replying in the like is one thing but then to just come out and attack him is another.

Also if you get in a pissing match with Frog you won't win ...

Must have been a shock to see we are all mostley middle aged (to me life is over after 70 so 35 is middle aged :p ) owners here........ forgot where I was going with this, pain meds kicked in. :D

What 70 hell I plan on living much longer .. and driving like crazy in nice cars until I crash.

I'm a nice guy... I'm failing at being an :q:q:q:q:q:q:q...

BS ... :D

Original Mark VIII owners were 80-ish. The people who buy them now are in their 20's. They're poor or smart with their money.:D An affordable, luxurious, mustang eater, is something many of us young whippersnappers can't pass up.

By the way, i'm 25, and 5 out of 25 of my cars have been lincolns. That's right, 25 cars, 4 properties, a wife, 2 kids, and a dog.:D Most of that was while working at Wal-mart and Subway.

Oh crap! I started rambling.:shifty:

Damn ... :eek:

I'm 36 and on my second user name. I always do a search first. I have answered a lot of questions for myself simply by doing this. Doing searches is at the Kindergarten level of web intelligence and etiquette.

You had another user name??? who the hell was that :cool:

The average age of a Mark VIII owner is probably 51+. The average age of people on here is probably about 30. I'm 21.

Whoa ... only 21 ... no wonder you took a job at Autozone :p :D :p I'll still ask you question LOL;) But dang your not much older than KK ..:eek:
I just turned 25 in July.

Same here, on the 25th, but I bought my first one when I was 19. Dont think this will be the last....I almost bought one a week ago but the guy wanted 600 for a rusting, leaky air and seized motor mark. I told him 50 over scrap. Needless to say I'm still at number 5:D
Ok... just read thread. Let me know if I get this right. Chicken gives lap dances to kids who give him cookies?
i'm almost 33, husband, father of 2, total dickface. i fit up there with the older guys on here, i am misserable, i hate everyone and everything, i like to be left alone and i love my quiet time. my age doesnt apply to who i am, i will always be a kid at heart, the second i feel my age, i want a bullet in my head. when i cant walk, piss or eat on my own, the game is over, but i'll promise everyone until that day, i will still act like a kid. so age doesnt mean :q:q:q:q, people always say act your age, those people are duche bags, the only people who act their age dont really like themselves. i dont really show everyone on here what i am like, i have made people around me laugh for years i was a clown in school and still am, i talk very dirty too, enough to make my wife wonder wtf she ever thought when she got together with me, i make anyone laugh, or sick to their stomach, obviously i am known on here to be a somewhat clean person and someone to come to for help or parts, i cant be a dick to much!! but i could get banned from here really fast if i could be my true self! so i dont care how old anyone on here is, dont matter to me as long as we all have fun and lend a hand when we can.
but i could get banned from here really fast if i could be my true self!

Is that a challenge? I like a good challenge! Been years since I've used the 'ban' button.

Personally, I think you are going to have to work alot harder to get banned.

Getting banned here is considered a "badge of honor" by most. Certainly something to strive for I guess.

Maybe he went over to .org to tell on us ... LOL ...

Their's the douche calling the douche black ..

he'd last about 2.2 nanoseconds on calvins board.

With an attitude like he has, his ONLY HOPE and salvation is here on LVC.

Just try and post "F*CK you" ONE TIME on ANY of them other boards...haha

Someone needs to talk to him about "sitting on burning bridges" and the affect that has on your hemmoroids

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