Ford Nut (Kirk) Got in an Accident


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
Twin Cities
Ford Nut was up on a fishing trip and was driving a two wheeled thing (not sure exactly what happened or what he was riding) but he crashed and hit his head. He has some bleeding on the brain, but he is cognitive and is expected to make a full recovery. He just called me a while ago and he seems a little out of it, but he should be just fine... his mark isn't hurt :D
head injuries are no fun, a year or two ago I hit my head pretty good at the skatepark, apparently I was knocked out and convulsing (I only remember before and after), the hospital bill ended up being around $2500, and that's not including the doctors fees

anytime a helmet is suggested you should probably take the suggestion
I'm glad to hear that he should recover fine. I got a little scared when I read the title. I was hoping it wasn't gonna be really bad news.
Tell him we are hoping to hear from him soon. And if hes really with joke and tell him we want pics.
wow glad he'll be ok though, i know all about head injury, when i was 13 in a wrestling match with my neighbor, (friendly wrestle) i was accidently tossed backwards head first into my buddies chimney, i woke up hours later in the e.r, the next time i woke up i was on my couch, about 8 hours went by in this time and i remember nothing except a 4 day headache and serious tunnel vision, i had a severe concussion. no fun man.
He will be in my prayers tonight, I was just thinking about a conversation we had about tuning my truck. I Pray all is well, please keep us updated KK!
He got off the phone and was going to take a nap all hppped up on drugs hahahahaha.... I'm going to call him tomorrow and see whats up, he was very out of it.
man that sucks...glad to hear it wasn't any worse.
Glad he will be ok. Sounds like you are giving him chit so things must be good. :lol:
Well wishes for sure. I had a good friend at work suffer a head injury on a 4-wheeler in a driveway several years back and he has not been the same since. :(
Ok, we're all glad that he's gonna be ok but did he catch any fish? Was the two wheel thing a bicycle? He was riding a bicycle and going fishing. I wonder if he had the basket on the handle bars...

I'm just messin with him cause I know he's gonna be coming back on here. Kirk, drive the Mark fishing next time and stay off bicycles or anything with 2 wheels.
When I fell of my board in 4th grade I had about the same experience as Jamie..jell-o and a headache..and they made me stay awake for 48 hours...totally sucked
Give me a shout Kirk. Hope your doing
ok. Bet it scared the wifie pretty good. Take care of yourself.

Is there anything we can do, even if it's as modest as just sending him a pizza? Or a helmet.
Glad to hear he's okay. That could've ended up a lot worse.

I'm guessing it was a moped accident. :p
All the best to him when you talk to him again.

From experience think I can say those who have had a serious injury of any sort would agree that it can be scary shat for all concerned.

Hope he well be OK...

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