Official 4th Annual Boscboel Beach Party Thread

Bummer I was going to make ups some good Tilapia for you. Oh well I guess I'll go back to the drawing board ..

You have as long as you can keep Tim there. He's a cool guy ...
For those who need an address for the Beach Party ...

My address is
410 East Bluff St.
Boscobel, WI 53805

On Friday night for those who will be coming in after we have headed to dinner. We will be at Boscobel Bowling and Banquette located on Hwy 61 on the south side of town. You can't miss it as you come in from the south it's is on the left hand side of the road.

If you come in from the north just keep driving on Hwy 61 past the True Value Hardware and Thermo-Gas .... The Bowling and Banquette will be on the right.
just some e mail BS but it could be true, and i dont wanna find out the hard way. chicago will be a "hot spot"

"Illinois will begin using photo radar in
freeway work zones in July.
One mile per hour over the speed limit
and the machine will get you a
$375.00 ticket in the mail. Beginning
July 1st, the State of Illinois
will begin using the speed cameras in areas
designated as "Work Zones"
on major freeways. Anyone caught by
these devices will be mailed a
ticket for the FIRST offense. The SECOND
offense will cost $1000.00 and
comes with a 90-Day suspension. Drivers
will also receive demerit
points against their license, which allow
insurance companies to raise
Insurance rates.
This is the harshest penalty structure ever set
for a governmental unit
involving PHOTO speed enforcement. The
State already has two camera
vans on line issuing tickets 24/7 in work
zones with speed limits lowered
45 MPH. Photos of both the
Driver's face and License plate are taken.
Pass this on to everyone you know who might be

again, dunno if the 1 mph over is correct cuz theres could be up to 3 mph fluctuation in the speedo and it still be correct, but when i hit these zones i drop down 4 below cuz fukk that ive paid the state enough money already!
*double post alert!!!* i cashed in the change bucket today, who wants to guess the total? 1 years worth of change....

change bucket for boscobel.jpg
If things go like they did last year you may have to use the moeny to bail joey out of jail.
ok Im friggin trippin on the river inn!!! I called to confirm reservations to let them know I'd have two in the room and they have me reserved for the wrong weekend!!!!!

ok Im friggin trippin on the river inn!!! I called to confirm reservations to let them know I'd have two in the room and they have me reserved for the wrong weekend!!!!!


I checked mine and they had my reservation.:D
Damn! You really saved those pennies!

Ok, $1,800? :)

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