LaserSVT 98 White Pearlescent Progress Thread

wow laser just spent over a hour reading this whole thread. nice car if i havent told you allready. Have to agree with you these lvc folks are pretty cool. Just wish I had buds with marks that lived near me like that to help me spend my money and build my car. I envy you guy's, I am in a town/state that I am not from and since i have been here all i ever did was work then home the work then home and it just sucks.Now 10+ years of being in this dead beat town I find myself going nuts and somewhat depressed cause I just got nothin to do and none to do it with. cant wait to get started on my car soon. nice to see you guys and alot of other's on here working together.
More odds and ends detailing. Painted the alt bracket to match the blower and then freshened up the belt guide that attaches to the tensioner. :)

Looks great man, I hope the bolts dont scratch the paint up on those bracket too bad... You might be able to stick some of those brackets in the oven on a low heat setting to help them cure a little bit... However I don't know how long it wil take for Jamie's motor to make it to you...
Yeah, gonna have to be very carefull on the whole reinstall cause there will be lots of stuff to scratch. Those brackets were already painted and held up fine but they were the wrong color so I sanded them and redid them.
The valve cover bolts are the ones that are gonna be hard not to mess up and scratch. I will just try my best. I sanded the heck out of them, applied 3 nice coats of paint and two coats of high temp clear so hopefully they are fairly durable.
So we started on the tear down tonight. Pulled the drive shaft, exhaust and fuel tank just to get a head start on tomorrow.
TOmorrow we will pull the hood, wipes, cowl, wire harness, drain oil and then pull the motor.




Sapperfire decided to get a workout routine in too! :lol:
:lol: Yeah hes a character.

And thanks Stangman for the help. :)
Because I like to do extra stuff. :p

Trans has to be dropped. To drop the trans the driveshaft has to come out. To drop the driveshaft the tank has to come out. Weird, huh?

Anyway, back to work!



I know exactly what you're dealing with right now. Pulling from the top is annoying as hell or on a Gen 1 it is. Be happy that you have help lol. I kinda had to do mine myself. Well, my dad helped but a few of you on here know what type of help that was. I'm just glad that I was only removing and not replacing too.

Good luck with it Bill.
Because I like to do extra stuff. :p

Trans has to be dropped. To drop the trans the driveshaft has to come out. To drop the driveshaft the tank has to come out. Weird, huh?

Hmm...that is weird, since it IS extra stuff. My wife even knows this, since she's helped me do it a couple times. It's even weirder (more weird?) that I've never had my gas tank out even once on either of my cars. I've pulled the transmission on my 98 at least 3 times now (maybe 4), and haven't had to pull the gas tank...

I even recently replaced the engine in my 97 (with the transmission attached), and didn't pull the gas tank. Hmm....weird.

How I did it....
Unbolt the 4 bolts on the pinion flange
Unbolt the 4 bolts suspending the rear diff
Match-mark the flanges if you're reinstalling the same driveshaft
Separate the flange (may be stuck together)
Allow the rear diff to hang, being supported by the axle shafts going into the sides.
Now, with the diff hanging, slide the driveshaft out of the transmission toward the rear of the car up above the differential.
Voila, now you can drop the transmission...

You don't have to thank me now, since you already did it your way. You can thank me the next time you need to pull the transmission. ;)
Laser needs the engine out for at least three days so he can do his famous detail job on the engine compartment. I just know this engine bay will be clean enough to eat off when he is done. I know it is a real pain to pull the engine and the trans but in the end you will feel better casue you know it will be real pretty in there.

Looking awesome guys wish I was there to help in some way.
Well shes out pretty much.

Here is our day of crap work in this Texas heat.
Got the motor and all set to be unbolted.
Car goes up.


Car goes down.
Got the hoist hooked to the front with my new pretty purple lift strap. :D


Car goes up.


Sapperfire decided to take it for a test drive:

Car goes down.

And here we are making a mess cause sometimes ya just have to make a mess to feel better about the little things...... idunno, sounded good in my hear.

Yay! Parts everywhere!!! :wrench




Hmm...that is weird, since it IS extra stuff. My wife even knows this, since she's helped me do it a couple times. It's even weirder (more weird?) that I've never had my gas tank out even once on either of my cars. I've pulled the transmission on my 98 at least 3 times now (maybe 4), and haven't had to pull the gas tank...

I even recently replaced the engine in my 97 (with the transmission attached), and didn't pull the gas tank. Hmm....weird.

How I did it....
Unbolt the 4 bolts on the pinion flange
Unbolt the 4 bolts suspending the rear diff
Match-mark the flanges if you're reinstalling the same driveshaft
Separate the flange (may be stuck together)
Allow the rear diff to hang, being supported by the axle shafts going into the sides.
Now, with the diff hanging, slide the driveshaft out of the transmission toward the rear of the car up above the differential.
Voila, now you can drop the transmission...

You don't have to thank me now, since you already did it your way. You can thank me the next time you need to pull the transmission. ;)

Seriously though, this'll save you at least 30 minutes next time.
Lets see, took me all of 8 minutes to unscrew two hose clamps, dissconnect one breather line, remove 4 small bolts and unplug the harness.
Its the way I have done it to get to the driveshaft sevral times before and it works for me. Granted your way may have saved me 2 minutes. Thanks for the tip, I may try it next time I swap my motor.
Oh yeah, heres something funny! Sapperfire had all the k-member bolts out (which I hadn't noticed) and I was backing out the trans cross member bolts out. I had my face laying directly under the bolt I was working on (dumb) and as I turned my head to ask how many k-member bolts he had out the bolt came off its last thread causing the trans/engine assembly to swing down thus slamming the ratchet on to my cheek bone and pinning my head against the ground. I was dazed for a split second but managed to get my hand under it and push it off. Sapperfire was there in a flash expecting the worse cause all he saw was the trans laying on my head after he head the fall. He looked a bit freaked and kept asking if I was OK.... which I seemed to be. :lol: ..... well as well as I could be anyway..... :p

So that was the only injury of the day and it just feels like I got hit by a solid left hook but not bruised.

We did manage to yank the steering shaft out in the column. Got it back in but the steering angle sensor interrupter disc was bent and the sensors aluminum mount was broken as the sensor was torn off it. I also broke a ground strap I missed and pilled one wire out of a pin for the noise capacitor on the back of the passenger head.

It may or may not be minor as I have no idea what that ring could possibly be for? So if anyone knows what the ring is on the steering shaft behind the mount on the bearing .... kinda. Its a magnetic interruption ring but what purpose does it serve?
that ring works with the evo sensor in the p.s pump and the air ride/evo module . thats so when you are bookin down the highway and yank the wheel real hard it tightens up the steering so you dont yank the car off the road and go into a barrel roll. at least i think thats what its for, sounds good anyway lmfao. dude the picture of jeremy riding the motor made me laugh my ass off!! did you bend the actual steering shaft coming out of the firewall to the rack? cuz if you did i have one still on that 97. i might have some parts from a column i took apart before with that ring on it, i'll have to dig in the garage. are they getting the motor tuesday from me for sure? because if they are, i'm gonna have a couple guys from work help me put the crate in my work truck tomorrow and get it over to my work and put it on the forklift so its ready to go. good progress too, wasnt bad pulling it was it? its nothing for me now to yank one, i pulled derek's out, had the new one in, and new one back out all in 3 days time lol!
Yeah I will be paying them first thing tomorrow for the shipping on Tuesday. I waited to pull the money from Pay Pal to send you when we thought you were handling it. When we figured I would then I transfered the money to my account but it takes a few days.
Well it is the easiest time to swap now. Let me know if you have one and that sensor so I dont rig something up and then crash the car on the test drive..... which would be my level of luck. :mad:
hey word of advice too let the air out of the front struts asap they are twisting thats bad. just stick 12 volts to the solenoid and let them empty, they will fill back up after you put them back on.
I would go do it right now but I dont know which side is positive on the plug. DOnt wanna burn it out.
Jamie you pretty much got the point of that ring on the steering shaft, as I was telling Bill, I saw Lincolns preveiw movie for the Gen2s and it says that an added feature of the susspenstion was it's reaction into turns, that that sensor allows the car to bow into a turn

it did take us a while, but as we were outside with no fan, and no real rush...and it was major hot, and taking our time allowed us a bit of time to goof around and check everything a couple times before dropping the motor...that, and we did put most of the bolts back in their holes for the sake of not losing them

Doing all of this now...has me planning my blower install on the 93

...and Bills hard headed just like many times I gotta tell ya to deflate those bags
Time to start detailing the engine bay. Lucky People with your fancy garages! Looks like fun, wish I could tear into mine. More pictures, I’m board at work! ha-ha!
I told him he has to scrub down the engine bay and k-member..and maybe clean the trans up some...I don't wanna get dirty on the

all together it was pretty smooth, one little snag with the steering shaft, but hopefully the ring and sensor can be fixed easily..

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