speedstars or bullets??


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
Fairfax Co
YES, My wheels are on backwards.... :( i know.
well i have a tan Mk Viii, and i was just wondering witch do you all think looks better on a TAN mark?

My Mk,


black bullets?

chrome bullets?

silver bullets?
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Your wheels are on backwards...

EDIT Just looked at the bold words... lol

I personally like Speedstars.
yea im really looking at them. but i also like the look that the bullets give them,

anyone have any photos of a tan mark with speedstars or bullets? ive only seen them on black and white marks.
i vote silver speedstars or silver bullets if you're going aftermarket.
but really, i'm a big fan of the silver 10 spokes myself.

anyone know where i can find the chrome for the sides, front and bumper?
keystone, or a similar aftermarket company. Local body shop or custom shop should be able to order you a roll of it that you can cut to length.
i think im going to go with chrome. the car needs a little more chrome on her. but black and tan would look good. if you matched the trim with it.

ill photo shop both rims on it and post them up.

Do the hub change and use mustang bullets.Nothing too flashy which is why I like them.I have mustang bullets color coded to my car(96)silver and I think it looks killer.Of course I'm an old GIT so your taste may vary.I'm not a big fan of chrome.

One of the reasons for going mustang hubs is that in the future you may want to go to larger rear brakes(cobra) and you will already have the hubs then.I just went through all that and I got to say I noticed better braking for sure.
Get whatever YOU want, your the one that has to live with it, not us. I know what I want, and its not because these retards told me what to get.

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