F*ck you walmart

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Nobody is forced to work at Walmart.
Employers before Obamacare are not required by law to provide healthcare.
It's a hiring incentive and obviously they can find workers without it.
These people are like those who buy a house near the airport and then complain about jet traffic noise. :p
If you don't want to be a Walmart serf :eek: then don't work there.

It's like the snake parable.
When asked why the snake bit him after promising not to the snake says "You knew what I was before we made our agreement"
But Wal-Mart does make health insurance available to it's employees.
I've met people who kept working their part-time because they were pregnant and wanted their health insurance and maternity leave.

And they do offer competitive wages.

F@(k those anti-capitalist, union thugs and propagandists who want to destroy Wal-Mart.

It's incredible and unfortunate to see low-income areas, areas that have no jobs or commerce, usually minority areas, get manipulated into opposing the Wal-Mart stores by those anti-capitalist, pro-union exploiters.

And for their opposition they get no jobs. No tax revenue. No traffic in the area that would enable other stores to open near it. And no convenient safe place to shop.

No business, or person, is a perfect. But Wal-Mart is an innovator in the retail industry. Personally, I don't like shopping at "Wal-Mart," though I do like the convenience of the larger, cleaner "Super Wal-Marts." And I can think of several occassions where I've been incredible thankful in an emergency to be able to get some tool or product in the middle of the night.

I had a trailer tire explode on me while on I-75 driving cross country at midnight on a Sunday. I typed "Super WalMart" into my GPS. It told me that there was one just 10 minutes away. I was able to run in, buy a new trailer tire in the middle of the night, replace the tire, and be on my way.
So you guys have no problems with the fact Malmart puts other jobs and communities out of work because they can't compete with the slave-labor prices? Oh and as for the healthcare you should watch the 3rd video I posted. Walmart health insurance is very expensive for how much they are paid and even then it doesn't cover much...you still have to pay in full for subscriptions of medication, high deductibles, etc.....most ppl can't afford that. You'll also see the fact that PPL from walmart being on government medical programs that it's costing us 1,577,000,000 in tax payers money per year.

How about the fact that WALMART is the only business that gets HUGE subsidies which were supposed to go to school, firedepartment, police, etc which then puts those jobs out of business, weakens them, or lay off workers.

Try watching the video then make your statements. It's very opening. I've never been to a walmart ever....and I don't plan on doing so. You get what you pay for..and what I would be paying for is f*cking America in the @ss
as for working for walmart. If you lived in an economy where walmart...king of retail was putting other's out of business...wouldn't you end up being forced to work for them just to have a job? but instead of 15 per hour with great heathcare you are stuck being paid 7 per hour and forced to work overtime and not get paid for it.
and you guys complain about illegals in the US, ALL if not MOST of the ppl that clean Walmart are hired illegals brought in from many countries.
So Pete, are you saying that some of those poor, poor people who worked there had absolutely no choice? If so, ultimately, who's fault is that? Like in one of those videos, you have the guy moaning about his job in the car servicing department, yet a little before that he was saying he dropped out of school. He could have gone back, or joined the forces or done a whole host of other things. Was HIS choice to work there.

Maybe it's just me being cynical in my old age?

The number one function of any company is to be profitable. Some do a better job than others.

There are always those who believe in the nanny state.

Ultimately, we are each responsible for ourselves. Everything comes at a cost of some sort.

The number one function of any company is to be profitable. Some do a better job than others.

There are always those who believe in the nanny state.

Ultimately, we are each responsible for ourselves. Everything comes at a cost of some sort.


so your saying we should have walmart put thousands of other jobs from government independent grociery stores or mom/pop shop just so you can have your stupid 5 dollar jacket?

then you my friend need a failstamp

As unemployment rises..take a look at the businesses putting others out of business just by exploiting others. I know this country is free market..but there needs to be laws in store so the system isn't abused.

think of this...you really want your tax dollars paying for the healthcare of someone who can't afford good medical because their business doesn't offer good coverage or good enough pay?
I say to anyone to watch the movie first as I did. I had no idea such stuff went on at Walmart. 80% of crimes have happened in a walmart parting lot or took place at walmart. How about the lynchings and racial/sexist things that go on at walmart. Even Lynching a black dude's bike in the store!
Pete, each of us individually have to look out for our own a$$es.
I for one shop at walmart for one reason only.
It saves me money.
I couldn't care less what the employees of walmart are doing, or not doing.
If they don't like walmart's policies all they have to do is leave.
If you or others don't like their policies,it's simple, then don't shop there.
Pissin and moaning about a company that is making huge profits on the backs of the less fortunate is American capatalism at it's best.(or worse,depending on your view)
It isn't going to stop,so my advice would be live with it and chill.
Pete, when I listen to the P I S S I N G and M O A N I N G going on in those videos, I think, "Qui Bono?" What's the motivation?

In my life, I suppose I might have spent as much as $20 total in Walmart.

As has been said, "God must love poor people, because he made so many of them!"
In essence, you must either prepare yourself, or be resigned to all the results of low pay.
Pete watches propaganda videos with the blind faith of a child.
Then he repeats the dishonest talking points with the passion of a true believer.
Wal-Mart is out to enslave us, Geroge Bush bombed the twin towers, and I'm sure we shall soon see posts trying to prove the Iranian clarics belife that clevage causes earth quakes
F**K Walmart!

OK, time to wade in!
Walmart does whatever it wants to YOUR community- when you can't get a part for your Mark cause they ran the independent parts store out, when you have to buy :q:q:q:qty food products cause they ran the IGA out, when you have to dress in Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian junk and look like the lowest life form in the U.S. cause nobody makes clothes in our country, when you don't have a job as a cop, fire fighter, city-county-state worker cause the taxes went to giving Ball-mart tax concessions OR you can't get these services cause they stole those resources, when your manufacturing job goes to a 15 year old chinese kid and you can't get your bills paid, when all the companies that supply Blo-mart cut your pay 15% per year to meet their cost controls, THEN you join the ranks of AMERICANS that have been f**ked by Walmart- trickle down economics really means that the trickle you felt running over your head is the greedheads at Ball-mart pissing on YOU!
How many of us here are the 2% that are getting rich off our stock portfolios?
Not me, I'm a small biz owner whose customers have to bend over and grab their ankles every time Ball-mart gets a hard on and wants to save $.10 per unit on some piece of :q:q:q:q they want to sell 5 million of?
When these F**KS have run every other biz out of your community, will you be so dismissive of their employees when you are competing for one of their :q:q:q:q jobs?
Cool, you think that market economies will make all this right? Wait till they steam roller your little ass! Capitalism at its best- bullsh*it- we fought monopolies and anti-trust issues with companies like this 100 years ago- Carnegie, the railroads, J.P. Morgan, etc- including the giant Wall St. assh*oles we just bailed out!
Keep on letting Ball-mart ball ya! Eventually you'll be their victim! Hang on to your ankles!
Cool, you think that market economies will make all this right? Wait till they steam roller your little ass! Capitalism at its best- bullsh*it- we fought monopolies and anti-trust issues with companies like this 100 years ago- Carnegie, the railroads, J.P. Morgan, etc- including the giant Wall St. assh*oles we just bailed out!

So...Wal-Mart is a monopoly now?

All sanctimonious outrage aside, maybe you should learn a little about market economies (including what is and is not a monopoly) before you dismiss it. ;)
April 12, 2004, 8:52 a.m.
Hating Wal-Mart
Wallets vs. rhetoric.

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, died in 1992. Little did he know he would be remembered in certain quarters as a kind of corporate criminal. His offense? Starting a business that has brought convenience and low prices to the countless millions of Americans who roam Wal-Mart's deliriously overstuffed aisles.

If that seems innocuous enough, you aren't familiar with the political, economic, and cultural fault line of post-millennium America. Wal-Mart, an unabashedly capitalist and bourgeois "red state" institution, is on the wrong side of that divide for self-styled progressives. Wal-Mart might as well have been Halliburton during the Democratic primaries. It was the target for potshots by John Kerry, John Edwards, Howard Dean, and, yes, Dennis Kucinich.

The latest front in the Wal-Mart wars was in the Los Angeles suburb of Inglewood. Activists screamed about a Wal-Mart proposal to build one of its superstores on 60 barren acres. Replacing barren acres with almost anything short of smut shops or crack houses would seem to be a good thing by definition, but not by the twisted logic that obtains when Wal-Mart is involved. The City Council, then voters in an April 6 referendum, stiffed the store. In response to Wal-Mart's broader plan to build 40 new supercenters in California, opponents are mobilizing a coalition that includes the Nation of Islam and the once-grand civil-rights group the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. How everyday low prices violate civil rights is a mystery.

In the latest issue of National Review, writer Jay Nordlinger undertakes a spirited defense of Wal-Mart, which is the nation's first politically incorrect discount retailer. As Nordlinger writes, Wal-Mart is a standing affront to the Left, partly because it is so "gloriously, unabashedly, star-spangledly American." He knocks down the canards on which the anti-Wal-Mart case is built, most importantly that the store is a ruthlessly exploitative employer.

More than 90 percent of Wal-Mart employees have health insurance. Half of those get their insurance through the company, and the rest through other means, whether their parents, or spouse, or Medicare. Many Wal-Mart employees are young people or semi-retired, and thus aren't supporting families. Employment there can be an escalator to success. Two-thirds of the stores' managers are former hourly employees.

Meanwhile, the competition howls about Wal-Mart for good reason — because it almost invariably gets out-hustled, out-discounted and altogether out-retailed. FAO Schwarz, the pretentious toy seller, has nearly been bludgeoned out of business by Walton's creation. Such is the cost of selling overpriced toys in the age of Wal-Mart. Yes, the killer store snuffs out charming local retailers, but most consumers simply value convenience and low prices more than charm.

All across America, shoppers have voted with their cash and charge cards. Almost a third of all disposable diapers and hair products are purchased at Wal-Mart. No other store sells more groceries, toys, or furniture. This is a boon for lower-income Americans who spend a disproportionate amount of their income on retail goods. As a Federal Reserve economist has said, "Wal-Mart is the greatest thing that ever happened to low-income Americans."

The store is also part of the wondrously flexible and various American job market. "The Europeans sniff at our job creation," CATO Institute economist Brink Lindsey tells Nordlinger, "while their job market is stagnant. They say, 'Oh, America just has Wal-Mart-type jobs.' Actually, the percentage of managerial and professional jobs in our country has climbed steadily. Yes, we have a lot of low-end jobs, but we have a lot of young people and older people in our work force, unlike Europe. There, they don't let people get hired, they don't let industries move fast, they don't create jobs."

If Wal-Mart seems unstoppable, there is one force that will be its undoing, and it's not angry protests. Instead, it is the market. Eventually, some retailer will be more nimble and cunning than even Wal-Mart, and it will get — as all businesses in America do — its own capitalist comeuppance.

— Rich Lowry
Maybe I missed it but has anyone else noticed that walmart is often more expensive them most places now? It's cheaper for me to shop at target them walmart. I pretty much go to walmart when i can't find it anywhere else.
"Activists screamed about a Wal-Mart proposal to build one of its superstores on 60 barren acres. Replacing barren acres with almost anything short of smut shops or crack houses would seem to be a good thing by definition, but not by the twisted logic that obtains when Wal-Mart is involved."

these ass holes would complain if you hung them with an old rope. why replace poverty and squaller with job opportunities, decent employment, higher property values, more taxes for the community. they would rather sit back in their :q:q:q:q hole government homes sucking the tit of the government welfare. we had a similar problem here one of the big Michigan grocery chains that wanted to build a new store on an existing little league park. the store had planned to rebuild a bigger better ball feild down the road, and people were screaming bloddy murder. we have a Sam's Club and a Walmart on the same street, and yet all of the stores in the area are doing good, there are no stores going out of buisness, if people don't like the products or the prices they go to a different store that's how a free market works.
why replace poverty and squaller with job opportunities, decent employment, higher property values, more taxes for the community.

As I mentioned, this happened around here too.
They wanted to build a Super Wal-Mart near MLK Blvd. But the community organizers effectively prevented it. Wal-Mart eventually said, "screw it" and went elsewhere.

The war on Wal-Mart is 90% political. The attacks or mostly dishonest.
It's because Wal-Mart traditionally didn't donate a lot of money to politicians, and because it's been (Wisely) ANTI-Union.
those videos talk about the Inglewood issue. More that Calabrio's stupid article quotes
PBS did a pretty good show on Walmart, however it has more to do with the effect Walmart has had on pushing global economy, and creating an atmosphere where the retailer is the defining factor, creating an imbalance between on and off shore manufacturing and directly contributing to huge trade imbalances.

For people believing that Walmart is an American Enterprise Dream you might want to watch and see what the price is to Americans when we off shore our 'Dream'.

Unlike Lowery's quote... "gloriously, unabashedly, star-spangledly American." Underneath all that 'red white and blue' is a field of red with 5 golden stars...
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