F*ck you walmart

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Never correlated the entire 20% unemployment to Walmart.
No you didn't.
And no one said you did.

I'm saying business' such as Walmart and many others like it put honest retailers out of business due to poor practices in business

And that implies that "honest retailers" always treat their employees better, and that Walmart isn "honest."

The gift shop on the corner of small town Main St and Central Avenues in an idealized small town with 5 employees usually don't offer health insurance and 401K plans.
The Walmart issue isn't economic or ethical. It's been made political and you are being manipulated, Pete.
???? When have I been abused?

Eas enough skills go farther than education that has been redeemed by highschool/college that was used for a specific jobfield in which you'd have to go back to school just as long to change your career (if you can even get one in the first place)

This thread is absolutely ridiculous and there's no saving it.
I'm going to put it out of it's misery, it's toxic.

Pete, if you want to discuss Walmart's business practices, start over, but without the gay demotivation posters, and put a little energy into sentence structure and logic.

In defense of Pete- F=ck Walmart II

Since the last thread decayed into lowest common denominator insult slingin', I'm back to support 'Ol Pete. He's in his 20's, has time to make better career decisions, improve his debate skills, etc. Now I'm another story!
Shag, Calabrio, Bob- we disagree on this topic.
How many of you have seen "The high cost of low prices" all the way through?
I have and Walmart's practices are despicable- treatment of employees, manipulation of local governments and tax bases, abuse of foreign companies' enmployees, abuse of suppliers, use of hit teams to keep employees from unionizing and more.
You guys sound like you're hard line, republican, conservative, 2%er income, stock portfolio greed heads that would protect Hitler if he was making them a profit by keeping the ovens stoked.
I thought mostly we(this group-LVC'ers) were more of a live and let live type of group, working for a living, getting grease under our nails, hot rodding, racing and runnin', backbone of the USA bunch.
I admire anyone who has the strength of conviction to stand up to a bully and tyrant by keeping their dollars out of the hands of those that commit all of the abuses Walmart does. I keep my dollars out of there by going to local merchants.
As far as Pete not backing his arguments with citable sources, I haven't seen you guys do so either.
Now, I'd rather be talking about my Mark than any of this bull, so why don't we just close all the political threads arbitrarily and do away with them like the Walmart thread that was just closed. None of it has any place on a gearhead's site.
Pete, make sure you support your arguments with backstopped sources and you'll be able to win your point without the gay remarks. Although, some of the reactions to your trash talkin' seems a little too hysterical- maybe you're on the money! OOOH honey, don't make me slap you 'round and call you Soosie!
So... is this a defense of Petey, or an attack on those of us who disagree with him and you?
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