am i able to sue a shop that didnt burp my coolant

young mark 8 lover

Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 29, 2013
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i had the adapter gasket done mos ago and they didnt burp it and it over heated about a few miles from the shop making me have to burp it on the side of the road ever since them my coolant been on the brownish side but theres no water in the oil
Probably would've been a lot easier to just tell them what they did wrong and to flush it. Had you overheated and crisped to motor then you'd have something to work with.
i tried they wouldnt do it and they said if it was crisped id have to pay because the new guy was the one that did all the work who wasnt on the insurance yet so i was like forget ir
i tried they wouldnt do it and they said if it was crisped id have to pay because the new guy was the one that did all the work who wasnt on the insurance yet so i was like forget ir

You're young so they just bs'd you. New or not they would be responsible. Don't use that shop again.
ik and i didnt want to argue so i let it go but that shop is hiring me all i need to do is take a resume and i got the job

...wait a min here. So the shop you were just asking if you could sue, you're gonna take a job there?
This actually really made me laugh out loud. I was thinking the exact same thing.

So, how long until it blows up and he sells it?

selling it what does that mean? i love my mark ill keep it no matter how much a repair is even if it gets wrecked if its fixable im keeping it
This actually really made me laugh out loud. I was thinking the exact same thing.

So, how long until it blows up and he sells it?

man, i dunno if he'll last a month here, or if he'll even have the car that long.
man, i dunno if he'll last a month here, or if he'll even have the car that long.

ive had the car since feb 16th the tags it came with expired a month and day before my 18th birthday


suckshavingtoreadpostwithoutthese >? I ,I. ?-! .? I. , ?

suckshavingtoreadpostwithoutthese >? I ,I. ?-! .? I. , ?

to take a aprentaceship type deal to get ase certified quicker
Just a friendly suggestion, this is a forum, not your texting buddies. We'd prefer you write sentences and use proper grammar instead of text slang. Most will just skim over your posts if they are cryptic and won't waste time attempting to decipher them.

Just a friendly suggestion, this is a forum, not your texting buddies. We'd prefer you write sentences and use proper grammar instead of text slang. Most will just skim over your posts if they are cryptic and won't waste time attempting to decipher them.



It's like K-fan, or lincolnboy all over again.

Instead of helping, it just makes me want to make fun of you. Your cryptic slang and poor grammar, coupled with what's transpired in this thread is making it very hard not to...

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