Heck of a deal on snowflakes

Are those brand new? If so that is a deal. I was quoted over $600 for replacing one of my directionals.
is that 338 for one????? i think thats for one not 4, i could be wrong but i dont think so.

1 $338.99 yup that sure is for one, thats a f-ing joke, $1,355.96 for 4 snowflakes holy dog s--t batman.
I notice a trend here-

People on here laugh/ridicule people about asking prices (or selling prices) for items for these cars, or for cars themselves. While I admit, junk is junk, these cars are, if in decent shape, worth a lot more than what most people get for them-and I think part of the problem is people here who 'lol' at others' efforts to sell. Your negative comments could actually drive down prices.

NADA prices are not so terrible for a well-kept Mark, any year, yet the opinion of many post-whores (you know who you are) is that a Mark is worth "$xxxx, tops"-I, for one, know that I'd have a difficult time getting another car anywhere near as nice, clean, fast, or beautiful for what I have spent, and I also know that any used car is worth WHAT A BUYER IS WILLING TO SPEND-period.

Bang for the buck, these cars are bargains-but ask yourselves, are you doing yourselves (or others on here) any service by posting examples of ads on here and offering your negative opinion about the worth of what might be sitting in your (or my) driveway?

I know what these are worth-and I also know they are worth more than what some posters on here would lead you to believe. I have a set of snowflakes in my garage-they are nice, but I hated them, hard to clean, and kind of boring for this car IMO. Because of the 4 1/4 spacing, it's applications are limited. But they are nicer than just plain 'steel' wheels, are relatively decent looking, and are 16's-yet, if you go on here, you'd think I should PAY someone to take them off my hands...you guys are supposed to be FANS of these cars, can't you talk them up, instead of badmouthing sellers who are trying to sell them?

If a guy has a Mark for sale on craigslist and it is a heep, and he asks $3000, I know better and wouldn't even bother, and neither would most of you-but does that mean you have to stifle the sale of that car? The 'noob' who buys it will probably end up here, get trashed by some self-appointed search Nazi, maybe still get it together with the wealth of knowledge here-or he might have YOUR future parts car.
Try to be nice. If someone sells a piece of sh1t Mark for more than it's worth, that is on the buyer (and seller) but it does not hurt YOU-if that buyer asked your opinion, he/she'd be lucky to have the benefit of your vast knowledge-but to make blanket statements on the value of something that your are not directly involved in buying is just hurting all Mark owners IMO. If these cars are ever to become collectibles, this practice would have to stop IMO. Especially on here.
WTF are you talking about, nice novel dude why dont you read better before you write all night. its a link to a company selling snowflake wheels refurbished, it has nothing to do with anyone who is asking too much or too little for their car. its a company trying to sell refurbished snowflakes for just shy of $1,400 bucks. thats a little rediculous no matter who you are. you can buy a whole mark VIII with nice snowflakes for $1,400. i dont think you even read or clicked the link to see what we were talking about.
WTF are you talking about, nice novel dude why dont you read better before you write all night. its a link to a company selling snowflake wheels refurbished, it has nothing to do with anyone who is asking too much or too little for their car. its a company trying to sell refurbished snowflakes for just shy of $1,400 bucks. thats a little rediculous no matter who you are. you can buy a whole mark VIII with nice snowflakes for $1,400. i dont think you even read or clicked the link to see what we were talking about.

Damn, I got ripped off cause mine cost $1500 with snowflakes. It would be a cold day in hell before I paid $338 for a snowflake rim, even if it was chrome and brand new from the dealership and I had money to just blow.
Your negative comments could actually drive down prices.

Drive down prices? Are you serious? These cars cost $40k new. I know for damn sure if someone wouldnt have already driven down the prices 90% of us wouldnt be here.

I wish they were worth nothing so I could have as many as I wanted.

I could give two *hits what you think they are worth and why we "lol" at other peoples posts. A car is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
the thing i dont understand is how did he turn this into a critisizing people for what they ask for their cars, this was a f-ing thread about these idiots at some company trying to sell snowflakes for $1,355 bucks? it has nothing to do with people talking thrash about someones car or what the car is worth, it WAS ABOUT WHEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd prolly buy some nice wheels from Brad for less... lol

Why is everyone around here turning into a sensitive bitch??
My car had those rims.....but despite my taking care of them they gradually went downhill.......NY weather/salt doesn't help....price is crazy high though...
For a minute there, I thought i was on Markviii.org... Had to check the window heading though.
Jamie, don't get all bent, I am making what I think is a valid observation-you do not agree, and that is not hard to understand-you buy and sell these things, whole or part, it is your LIVING.

Dissenting posts nonwithstanding, I am 'bitching' about how the same ones come on here with examples of what they perceive to be outrageous prices for PARTS (read my post, I referred to parts) and cars.

I am entitled to my opinion, and I do not resort specifically to name calling, which is also rampant on this board. If you have one, or one dozen Marks in your driveway, you should want the best attributes of the car to be known, and help members on here with issues-that is the point, I would suggest, of this site. Denigrating people for selling items for more that YOU think they are worth is hardly helpful.

This is just my opinion, but flame-on if you must, fact is I expect it since disagreeing with anyone here always seems to turn into a pissing contest anyway, and that is just a side effect of the vast amounts of negativity that comes out of here, almost always from the SAME prolific posters. It is a shame, it hurts an otherwise great site.

Sorry for the "novel", I am finished on the topic, thanks for reading though, and try to understand another point of view.
wonder what that company would give me for my octastars if i "refurbished" them first. LMAO
One problem mikemark8.

Your the one starting the pissing constest.
You call people post whores yet you fail to name any names, thats weak.

All of us know who your talking about with the pot shot " search Nazi."

Snowflakes....I gave a set away I don't even want them in my garage.

You name call....your just not man enough to admit it.
If you have a bit@h with someone.... call them out BY USER NAME.
You don't like it here go see Calvin Louie.
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Your the one starting the pissing constest.
You call people post whores yet you fail to name any names, thats weak.

You don't like it here go see Calvin Louie.

damn you beat me to the punchline.

I think someone might have even conveniently left him a link right in this thread..


Well first off I traded Debi my snowflakes for the nice set of chrome 10 spoke directionals.. Cool ...

So snowflakes suck unless you want them for racing ... they are lighter.

Anyway .. who the hell wants to pay more for a Mark VIII ... I'm sorry but a Mark VIII forum is not a place to try an sell a Mark VIII if you want to screw someone over on price.

We buy cheap and fix them up to be nice. I want the price to drop even more so the next one I purchase doesn't cost me much at all.

Also I have my opinion and will state it on any car posted for sale. I will not let someone try to unload a POS on this membership for more that I feel it's worth. Sorry ...
i noticed in the last couple of weeks that there has been a lot of newbies coming on here and btching because the forums is not the way "they" want it, anyone agree?
Hey Mespock your thunderbird eerrrrr I mean Mark VIII is a slow ugly pos and when it rains you can use it to clean your feet :D
Hey Mespock your thunderbird eerrrrr I mean Mark VIII is a slow ugly pos and when it rains you can use it to clean your feet :D

KK just wait shrink wrapped to a pole on main street with a diaper on or are you not coming to the Beach Party this coming July .. LOL ...

slow what do you mean I don't have a Gen II ... and well at least mine runs LOL and runs well ... How's your doing? Phuck it up lately? We might have to call you Abe Jr. LOL ... Love you Kid...

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