God I hate illegals!

ripped camel

Dedicated LVC Member
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Sunny Florida
Woman blew a stop sign to cut me off and be first out of the plaza. So of course there can be a 20 bus length break in traffic and she doesn't go. Finally when there are no more cars she hesitates, then gets in the left lane (YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!) so I pull out and get in the right lane and zip by her giving her the finger.

So I pull into my neighborhood and she follows me. When I get out she asks why I flip her off, as I calmly begin to tell her, she starts flapping at the mouth and tells me I'm a hick! HAHAHA! If any of you knew me I'm far from a hick. I don't have a country accent and I dress preppy so that's far from hick.

She tells me I have bad road rage, so I said "I have road rage? Did I follow you or did you follow me? She looked at me stupid and said well I live in this neighborhood too. I said ok, so did I follow you to your house to start crap or was it you that followed me? She just called me a hick again and pulled off.

F'n illegal immigrant! I love how these people come to our country illegally, live off our system, then have the nerve to lecture us when they do something stupid. Un-freaking-believable!


Unleash the 'hammer of fury'! Hahahaha...

Then, assuming she really was an illegal, tell her to :q:q:q:q off back to her own country.
how did you know she was illegal? did she tell you she was? or did you automatically assume she was cuz she wasnt white?
....Why are you calling her an illegal?
And why is anyone applauding him acting like a :q:q:q:q:q:q:q in a parking lot?

I question the judgment confronting a guy like that, but the only one acting "stupid" on the road in that situation was you and your overly aggressive, immature, driving.
should have started yelling MIGRA MIGRA MIGRA!!!!!!!!! assuming she is of Spanish decent

I love that video! INS! La magra, la magra! HAHAHA!

how did you know she was illegal? did she tell you she was? or did you automatically assume she was cuz she wasnt white?

It's a known fact that my area is filled with illegals. When you work with them (illegals) for years you learn to be able to differentiate those that are from those that aren't. Sounds impossible, but honestly it's not.

....Why are you calling her an illegal?
And why is anyone applauding him acting like a :q:q:q:q:q:q:q in a parking lot?

I question the judgment confronting a guy like that, but the only one acting "stupid" on the road in that situation was you and your overly aggressive, immature, driving.

:rolleyes: So I'm a dick acting aggressive in the parking lot? I'm guessing comprehension isn't your strong point then, because I already stated she BLEW THE STOP SIGN TO CUT IN FRONT OF ME, AND THEN NOT GO WHEN THERE WAS PLENTY OF TIME! So because she blew the stop sign I acted like a dick in the parking lot?

I never even beeped at her, yelled at her, or did anything in the parking lot. I stayed behind here and talked under my breathe to myself, what is immature about that?

Then when she finally went she gets in the left lane to go half a mile per hour, rather than get in the right lane where she belonged. I made the right turn after she did and stayed in the right lane. Speed limit was 55mph, I zipped by her because she was driving slower than molasses and gave her the finger. I didn't beep, I didn't cut her off, I didn't do anything else. I stayed in my lane.

So how again was I being aggressive and immature? So now freedom of speech or expression is synonymous with aggressiveness? I was pissed because she was in a rush to cut me off, so she can take her sweet time leaving the parking lot.

Then she follows me to my house and opens her mouth. Sorry but she was the aggressive one here.
She followed you, wtf, thats crazy no matter what her citizenship status is. I use to get angry while driving,swearing and yelling, blood boiling over in traffic,weaving in and out of lanes to get someplace faster,passing on the right because the idiot in front of me in the left lane is doing 55 in a 65 and traffic is doing 80, then tapping the brake so the brake lights come on as soon as I was in front of him or her ,all the while flipping the bird.....not anymore its just not worth it ,life is too short to get pissed behind the wheel over minor bull:q:q:q:q,guess I am getting mellow in my old age.Also Your lucky she didnt pull a gun on you !!!!!!
Seriously, how do you know she was illegal? I hate generalizations. Most women drive like total chit anyway. :D

I cant hardly tell an illegal from a legitimate. If shes driving and speaks English then how do you know? I could see if it was a dude in a denim jacket and straw cowboy hat pushing a lawn mower and don't speak a lick of English, sure I may jump to the illegal thought but not everyone of Spanish decent will I automatically think they are here illegally.

As for the actions, well it sounds like she was a chit driver and I would have prolly responded the same way. Cut me off, sure I get a little peeved. Cut me off then make me wait cause you dont know how to pull in traffic? Yeah I will start swearing to myself and glare at you. Cut me off, make me wait then slow me down cause your stupid slow ass is doing under the limit in the fast lane...... well thats where I have enough and make it a point to piss that person off.

I was just with Sapperfire at lunch and coming back I had to get on the highway but was in the right lane. I could have punched it and dove in front of this truck but I was being nice and slowed down to get behind him..... problem was this ass hat kept slowing down more and more and I was becoming a traffic issue. :mad: so I beraked harder to get behind him. Well a bish in a Lexus SUV comes flying up and is in my blind spot so I am almost merged over and she blares her horn. I had my signal on for a long time and she was really far back, she wanted to cut me off. I remained calm cause really I cut her off. I didnt swear or make any gestures.
Well the guy in the GT500 behind her was upset about me being the cause of him slowing down so he shot past us in the left lane. Well I was still stuck behind this slow ass truck driver that caused my merging issue so I nailed the throttle and went to the left lane too. At the same time he puts on his left signal and tries to merge in front of me. I accelerated harder and locked him out. He did it to me, it was only fair.
Well this ass hat is swearing at us in his truck and he gets to the left turn lane and slows down right next to me and tries t stare me down. At this point me and Sapperfire are yelling "What mother f'r? What ya gonna do?" :lol:
Fuggin people.

Its my farging road! Get the frack off it! :mad:
i live in yuma az 20 miles from the mexico border you cant tell an illegal from one who is here legally
In high school Spanish class they had us watch a movie about Mexicans in the U.S. and these kids would run around town yelling MIGRA MIGRA, and watch them scatter
HAHAHA! Awesome posts. Yeah Laser I could be wrong, but usually I'm spot on about it. I used to work in construction in D.C. working on government sites and 80% were illegal. How do I know? Because the foreman would tell me they all used the same social. 40 guys with the same social is a dead giveaway. The government awards the job to companies with the most minorities (it's supposed to help black people get jobs) but instead they hire a bunch of illegal mexicans. Sad part is they were making like $20-$40 an hour, meanwhile american citizens that I know in the same field were making like $10-$15 doing the same thing because they weren't able to get into the government construction sites since they were white. I only got in because of a connection. Anyway I learned how to spot the americanized ones versus illegals. It's just a way they present themselves. Hard to explain, it's just a sense I guess.

I actually kept my calm. Even when she followed me and said stuff to me I kept my cool. The old me would have snapped, but I'm trying to learn to chill out. The mail lady was putting the mail in all of the slots during this and when the lady drove off, the mail woman shook her head and said "what classless people". HAHAHA! Then asked me what happened. After I told her she said "she was probably an illegal...they tend to think they own America." Funny thing was the mail woman was spanish. HAHAHA!

Laser I'm glad you finally got to get in front of johnny douche shoe and his hay mobile, I think I would of had an aneurysm at that point! ;)

That vid is funny. MIGRA MIGRA! HAHAHA
I so didn't want to click in this thread thinking he'd wrecked the car right after getting the new motor in.

Glad it was just road rage.

HAHAHAHA! Zombie attacks! HAHAHAHAHA! I would pay to see that on a highway sign!

No Latino's, no tacos? WOW! As if people aren't capable of making tacos. The best tacos you can get are from a chain called Mighty Taco in Buffalo, NY. Amazingly the owner, nor the workers are latino. GASP!

Nobody said we don't want latino's here, the problem is the illegal immigrants. By all means if they want to come here legally fine, but if they are here illegally they have no rights, and no business being here. They need to pack up all of these illegals and get them the f out!
I so didn't want to click in this thread thinking he'd wrecked the car right after getting the new motor in.

Glad it was just road rage.

HAHA! Yeah that would have sucked....I think the rest of the car would have met the hammer if that was the case :D
I'm Cuban & I can spot a f**kin illegal immigrant a mile away. Just the way they look at you tells you if they are or not. in January I started dating a Venezuelan girl, she was sweet but there was something wrong with her that I just couldn't put my finger on it. She was here on a student visa, it expired & she was looking to get married with a citizen like me to get her papers! BIATCH thought she could get around me!
Yeah, I have no problem with legal imigrants at all. They did it the right way then I wish them all the best of luck. But illegals that pay no taxes and send all their money back home really pisses me off. :mad: This country is having a hard enough time without thousands upon thousands of illegals making it worse.

Also, I thought tacos were an American invention?
I'm Cuban & I can spot a f**kin illegal immigrant a mile away. Just the way they look at you tells you if they are or not. in January I started dating a Venezuelan girl, she was sweet but there was something wrong with her that I just couldn't put my finger on it. She was here on a student visa, it expired & she was looking to get married with a citizen like me to get her papers! BIATCH thought she could get around me!

Exactly, you can tell by their demeanor.

Yeah, I have no problem with legal imigrants at all. They did it the right way then I wish them all the best of luck. But illegals that pay no taxes and send all their money back home really pisses me off. :mad: This country is having a hard enough time without thousands upon thousands of illegals making it worse.

Also, I thought tacos were an American invention?


Illegals I can't stand, legal immigrants I have respect for. My neighbor I work out with and hang out with is Columbian, one of my best friends is Puerto Rican, I dated some spanish girls. My wifes parents are legal immigrants from Canada. I have no problem with anyone if they are legal.

Illegals are bankrupting this country, clogging our roads, killing americans, and are not contributing a damn thing!

Here's a perfect example why they don't belong here...

Cliffs notes on the link: A man legally migrated here from Mexico, became a Tampa officer and in his off time was a body guard for the mayor. A Drunk illegal immigrant blew a red light and T-boned the officer killing him. Then the illegal fled on foot, but was later caught.

To top it off in complete irony a legal mexican immigrant was killed by an illegal mexican immigrant. That's just not right. So a guy that did the right thing loses his life because of someone that didn't do the right thing. BS!

So now a family is without their husband/father because of some scumbag piece of trash that not only didn't belong in this country, but was drunk on top of it. Had the government taken proper precautions at the border this officer would still be alive, and the family would still have their loved one.

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