Suspension at the track


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
West Virginia
I've noticed this before but I found a pic from yesterday's track event that really shows it well.

Supposedly the IRS setup is not as prone to torque the chassis as much as a solid axle. I have subframe braces, front K-member braces, pinion brace, rear torsion brace, rear cover brace and a rear shock tower brace. New solid motor mounts were installed last year. Tire pressures are religiously checked at the track. Air suspension is shut off at park height.

What am I missing? :confused:

mini-web (1).jpg
take out the rear air bags and replace with coil springs, and then install one of them drag bags inside the coil. my buddy brian races an 85 mustang gt with a 1977 N code 429 big block and manual valve body c-6. when he stages his car, it actually sits cockeyed when parked or staged, but when the tree turns green the car stands up and yanks the front wheels off evenly, and the whole way down the track the car is dead level until he gets to the end and slows down, this might be way extreme for your mark but its what he had to do his car was flexing real bad before he did the airbag inside the pass side rear coil.
Coils will be more tuneable. But I tink it is more chassis then anything. It will always be a twisty car.

Springs will make it go but won't stop twist in the body. The harder you hook= more twist. You need to stop the twist and then solve the hook-up.

But if you give her a frame then she'll weigh more. I say deal with the twist and add 100hp.:rolleyes:
At one time I thought about using coil suspension. I even have a set of the rear coils and front coil-over struts. And if you did, the airbags in the coils can be used to equalize launching loads.

But I really like the air suspension. I like it even more with the ASHAM8 module. I like to be able to run lower when I want to and be able to raise the suspension if the roads are rough.

I wonder if anyone has ever done anything to the stock air suspension for the track?

Would moving the battery to the opposite rear make any significant difference?

I could fix the 100HP thing anytime I wanted. ;)
you can try moving the battery john it wont hurt anything but like said above i think you are stuck with some twist no matter what you do, after all, it is a unibody car, they twist when you put them on a lift so imagine what the car feels like when you stomp on it and it hooks!! you would twist too!!!
The battery moved to the rear would be a good move anyway because it will even the weight distribution.
He already has it back there he just wonders if it would help to put it on the other side
You know what messed up is , you're pulling right side wheel higher then the left side, it should have been other way around.
You know what messed up is , you're pulling right side wheel higher then the left side, it should have been other way around.

Correct. On a solid axle car, the body twists to the right side, which is why they jack up the right rear and put an air bag in the right rear spring.

The big question is, does the car launch straight? If it does, then don't worry about what it looks like.
He already has it back there he just wonders if it would help to put it on the other side

No, he still has the battery in the stock location. He was asking about putting it in the right rear. Which couldn't hurt, BTW.
Yes, the car launches straight and yes it still has the battery in the stock location.

Perhaps it's more the camera angle giving the illusion?
Yes, the car launches straight and yes it still has the battery in the stock location.

Perhaps it's more the camera angle giving the illusion?

Perhaps, and since it launches straight...

...don't fix it, if it ain't broke! ;)
Moving the battery probably isn't gonna help. A full cage and subframe braces will help stop the twist. I would just deal with it though. All fast cars have a little twist.
just leave it and enjoy it. btw john, i'm gonna have the rest of your stuff gathered in the next week or two, i didnt forget you dude! just busy and super hot down here and i have to drop the tank in the parking lot, the hubs are seized i cant roll the car lol never saw that happen!
I guess I'll leave it be. I can't find a definitive answer and like DLF says, if it ain't broke...

I've got plenty of other things to worry about anyways.

Jamie, I feel your pain. It's been hot up North here too, but I know the summers down there can be pretty oppressive at times.

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