Lincoln LS Angel Eye Group Buy

Youll be fine. :rolleyes:

1. Get yourself two flashlights
2. tape those badboys to your mirrors.
3. Drive like the wind.

LOL....i actually do have a flashlight that outputs 300 lumens.

I used it in iraq to make the detainees in the prsion when they didnt wanna go to sleep...shined it in their eyes lol.

They also make HID flashlights.
So did Bull or Mark.. There's even pics of it w/o lights somewhere on here

Lights are for pansies. Remove them. Drive fast, take chances

Now if we could only get some interest going for Rollins GB....anybody want some killerglass for a genII v8?
When are you planning on buying? If I have the money when the time comes to order ill be in as well.
Yeah but thats only gen I right??

Gen I or II .. No real difference besides stretching the larger ring out. Even if its grey sealed or black cutting them open then sealing is the way to go. Alax has a video of how to but if you guys dont want to mess with it, that's where I can help out. $100 +shipping there and back. If I get them late in the week like a thurs or friday they would be sent out monday morning for sure.
I got to school Tues and thurs all day, but I can get a pair of headlights done in a day no problem.
sweet! cant wait.

im gonna do them myself. I have to figure out a way to get a dremel tho, just for this job bc i wont need it after :confused:

Trust me, you'll use it more once you have it.I bought it just ot open my lights too, but have used it so much already. It's a good tool to have around if you like messing with your car. It may not be a big heavy duty tool, but there are little jobs that this tool will save you headaches in.

Rollin would need 5 of each engine type to order it. Alex is in, I'd be down...we would need 3 more genII v8's

Heck yeah I'm in, I was the only gen2 that was interested back then :(. I'll probably do the one off like rollin if we dont get 5 ppl.

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