how much is gas there? yes super

If I had to fill up on a weekly basis i'd be pretty pissed. Luckily a tank will last me a little over 2 week's, just in time for payday :)

I do have to fill up weekly:( My round trip to work and back is 80 miles. I spend about $50 - $70 a week on gas. It won't be that bad when I get my Exploder back again I can rotate between the Mark and the Ex. I can run 87 in the Ex and save 30 - 40 cents a gallon.

Wow!... and to think I got ticked off yesterday when I had to pay $3.99 for 93.

One thing I don't understand is: When I first got my Mark (March last year) 93 was .20 more than 87 most everywhere, now it's .30 higher. :confused:

It used to be that most gas stations priced their gas in increments of 10 cents. If 87 was $3.00/gal, then 89 would be $3.10 and 93 would be $3.20/gal. These days it seems there's no rhyme or reason to the pricing. Yesterday I saw 87 for $3.78 but 89 was $4.04 and 93 was $4.17:confused: It makes no sense anymore.
I don't look at gas prices, but I just checked and the cheapest for 93 around me is 4.03! I can't wait to fill my Mercedes' tank up for the first time... 25 gal, gonna be almost 100 dollars.
I filled up last night at $3.83
like keVIIIn I also use the gast buddy on my phone I love the map view.
Paid $3.66 for e85 this morning, vs. $4.20 for 93
I hate the fuel prices!
If I had to fill up on a weekly basis i'd be pretty pissed. Luckily a tank will last me a little over 2 week's, just in time for payday :)

Converted to the imperial system premium costs 5.07 a gallon here in western Canada. 40 gallon tank on truck = 200 to fill. Cry me a river people!

Good god that's absurd!

I don't know about premium now, since I don't drive the Jaguar much at all lately, but for regular 87 gas I put in the F-150, it was $3.75/gal tonight. The last time I stopped for Shell gas, I noticed their premium V-Power was $4.50/gal (about $0.75 more than their regular, but then again V-Power is about the only gas around town that's supposed to be ethanol-free).

i only run the non ethanol stuff in my ATV. starts so much better after sitting extended periods. which it does often. never noticed any difference with ethanol vs non ethanol premium in my car.

2 weeks a tank, what do you live a block from work?i dont even drive much i get 17-18mpg according to sensor and 19.5 on hwy and itsall i can do to stretch a week!

i'll never use ethenol in anything as long as i can help it. it may not seem like it in some cars but in as little as a year dad's sl 500 was having issues when he brought it in they asked him what gas its also a "premium recommended" car actually it says "use premium only" had to have the whole fuel system flushed and some other stuff. he saidb he didnt really notice any performance problems until it started sputtering and acting sluggish, but then he probably never goes above 80 or the pedal has NEVER seen the floor maybe half the way he drives! he was actually gonna put hand controls in it and give me the car while i was in the hospital last year, but he wanted me to stop putting money in the lsc or get rid of it entirely, i didnt now im on my 3rd motor it does run great now and the "how much have you spent on your mark thread" has been done already and im over 10g now not counting the 3g i spent on it. hes gonna get a new one this year and ill get it probably this summer anyways:D
gotta have the top down in fla!
2 weeks a tank, what do you live a block from work?i dont even drive much i get 17-18mpg according to sensor and 19.5 on hwy and itsall i can do to stretch a week!

i'll never use ethenol in anything as long as i can help it. it may not seem like it in some cars but in as little as a year dad's sl 500 was having issues when he brought it in they asked him what gas its also a "premium recommended" car actually it says "use premium only" had to have the whole fuel system flushed and some other stuff. he saidb he didnt really notice any performance problems until it started sputtering and acting sluggish, but then he probably never goes above 80 or the pedal has NEVER seen the floor maybe half the way he drives! he was actually gonna put hand controls in it and give me the car while i was in the hospital last year, but he wanted me to stop putting money in the lsc or get rid of it entirely, i didnt now im on my 3rd motor it does run great now and the "how much have you spent on your mark thread" has been done already and im over 10g now not counting the 3g i spent on it. hes gonna get a new one this year and ill get it probably this summer anyways:D
gotta have the top down in fla!

I'll assume you're talking to me. I drive 11~ miles each way for work 5 day's a week. Prob rack up another 15-30 miles on the weekends. That varies depending on what's going on. My car's slow so I drive like an old lady most of the time.
4.25-4.40 here in Queens NY.

I only drive on weekends so I doesnt hurt as much. But I wouldnt bet or financial recovery of this country if the gas prices keep going up. People forget how much relies on trucking. Prices of goods will keep going up and up, ever notice how much less your dollar buys?
Prices of goods will keep going up and up, ever notice how much less your dollar buys?

I noticed it and just for an example, at walmart, chicken noodle soup went up $0.22 per can within 2 days. I usually buy it by the case or two and that additional 22 cents adds up. $10.56 more if two cases are bought. So yeah, it's not just gas that is climbing.
i'll never use ethenol in anything as long as i can help it. it may not seem like it in some cars but in as little as a year dad's sl 500 was having issues when he brought it in they asked him what gas its also a "premium recommended" car actually it says "use premium only" had to have the whole fuel system flushed and some other stuff. he saidb he didnt really notice any performance problems until it started sputtering and acting sluggish, but then he probably never goes above 80 or the pedal has NEVER seen the floor maybe half the way he drives!

A foreign car mechanic I took my Jaguar to told me to try to only put ethanol-free premium gas in my car and said at that particular time he had 2 V8 Jaguars he was having to do engine swaps on (one only had 60k on it) and he claimed it was because they had run ethanol gas through it for extended periods of time. According to him, it was something to do with the fact that most European cars are built to run on the gas they have over there, which is higher octane fuel to begin with, then the ethanol in our gas makes it even worse. I guess it could kind of make sense, but then again, I would think Jaguars would have spark knock sensors on them to retard the timing so it wouldn't damage the engine.
gas with ethanol in it has a higher octane than comparable gas without...
fewer BTUs, so you make less power, (unless you run richer, which is why your gas mileage will decrease,) but has a higher octane rating.
$3.80 on regular for the mountaineer. 21 gallon tank and 200 miles to the tank. yea alot of fun. lol.

$4.10 for premium, and i never drive my 95 mark anymore.
gas with ethanol in it has a higher octane than comparable gas without...
fewer BTUs, so you make less power, (unless you run richer, which is why your gas mileage will decrease,) but has a higher octane rating.

Hm. Well I did not know that. It is possible the guy didn't know what he was talking about, considering I did have to go back and re-do everything he did from that one time I took it to him, plus when you factor in that the first few years of the V8 Jags are known for having issues anyway (which is why I got one of the last I6 models), it might not have had anything to do with the ethanol.
jaguars had the nikasil lined cylinders so low quality gas has high sulfur content and will eat the nikasil over time.
3.99 at Hess tonight after work for super. Was $4.05 five days ago. When I got my license it was .93 a gallon for regular. $10 bucks filled the tank in my dodge omni and lasted 2 weeks driving back and fourth to high school
Been paying anywhere from 4 to 4.30 for the good stuff. What kills me is the fact that none of the gas stations are competitive with premium prices - they vary so much from store to store.
When I got my license it was .93 a gallon for regular. $10 bucks filled the tank in my dodge omni and lasted 2 weeks driving back and fourth to high school

I remember when gas, milk, bread, and cigarettes were all less than 25 cents. I can remember buying a dollar's worth of gas to get back and forth to school for the week.

93 Octane is $3.929 here.
damn, at this rate a fill up will be a car payment in the not too distant future.

we will all oneday have a 60 mpg hybrid for DD and a beautiful classic Mark 8 in the garage for sunday drives.
All this talk about gas prices (and DLF's comment mentioning milk) reminds me of something my old Civics teacher from highschool told us years ago. I guess it was around 2004 because it was my senior year, and, being a Civics class and talking about supply and demand, the topic of gas prices came up and we were having a class discussion where alot of the class were complaining about high gas prices (us being highschool kids, whatever it was back then was high to us. Little did we know we didn't know what high gas prices were back then), and the teacher said "Just be glad cars don't run on milk" and went on to talk about how expensive a gallon of milk was as compared to a gallon of gas (at the time). Now it's getting to where a gallon of milk and a gallon of gas are about the same price, and at the rate things are going, soon we'll be wishing our cars DID run on milk. :(
Well, everyone wanted big V8s in their cars to go to work and back so cannt complain now.
There should be more 4 cyl cars, more diesel cars, all government cars should be 4 cyl. Taxis all 4 cyl or hybrid.

This is why I was glad when NYC taxi's started going from those stupid Crown Vics to something smaller. Now they have ALtimas, Camrys, Fusions, Most Hybrid. Even Ford Escape is doing its job.

But the main problem is that USA has no energy plan. And don't think its not on purpose either. And its not because they can not decide on one particular plan.

Like late Carlin once said and I agree, This country was sold and paid for LONG time ago. And they are milking it for all its worth.

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