Got an old man that needs to be dealt with!


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 7, 2007
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Well there is this old guy that works at the shop with me and he has been around. He's got me with the water on the top of the door:mad: . Then he tried the old KICK ME sign on my uniform shirt. So I greased the handles on his box and he greased the handle on my impact [didn't get me that time haha]. But then he called a truse. And now his confidence came back and he's at it again. I've been planning on gorrila gluein his chair to the floor facing the wall or sprayin the old flamin carb cleaner under the bathroom door while he's on the pot:eek: . Just thought I'd see if any of you had any good ideas let me know and thanks in advance.:cool:
Knowing this dirty old bastard that would work to my disadvatage.:rolleyes:
Shoot him then rape his wife while the kids watch. That will get him good.

You guys crack me up. :lol:

Ex-Lax instead of choclate chips in the cookies you are going to make him is always a favorite.

Find a way to sneak talcum powder or something into his air inlet (wtf is it called, a cowl?) for his car heater. This time of year, he'll definitely lean in and turn it on.
how bigs his toolbox...if its tiny hide it somewhere high up...put a grease fitting on the side of his box and fill it with grease...if he uses gloves spray the inside with white lithium...put a sign that says "Im Gay" over his rear lisence plate...
Get a pic of him and photchop it onto an arian or KKK background and make it a x-mas card then send it to all his friends and family. :)
from - A lot of great ideas, get some theft prevention strips or the ones they use on clothes and sow them into his clothes, do every article of clothing you can get your hands on, that way the torture doesent end when he finds one. OR this one:
"In the mid '70s, just before it was overrun by fanatic Dungeons \& Dragons (tm) players, the UCLA Computer Club was host to a long series of "glitter traps." Example: joke subject sits at a desk, pulls out a drawer. A string runs from the back of the drawer, up the wall, into the false ceiling, over to a spot directly over the subject's head, where it triggers the trap: a mousetrap whose action snaps a card away from its position covering a funnel, releasing a handful of glitter, which flows down the funnel, through its spout, through a hole in the ceiling acoustic tile, onto the subject. It was wonderful to watch: a muffled snapping noise, a quiet "chuff," and the slow, glittery descent of a cloud of brightly colored dust, to settle over the head and shoulders of a club member who by now has assumed an expression of appreciative resignation. "
Take a valve stem remover and only loosen the rears enough so that he has a slow leak all the time.

Not sure what type of place you work at but when I was supervisor with Michelin (MRT), I took a forklift and picked up a guys GEO Metro and put it on top of the dumpster. That was because he had unplugged a brander I was using for bad tire casings and it takes 45 min for it to heat up. He was 45 min late getting home. :)
Get an old car horn and some scotch lock connectors. Wire the horn up to his brake lights...
this only works on red wine drinkers, but it.s a good joke:

pour a bunch of red food coloring into a glass of red wine. you can.t tell the difference in look or taste. it will pass straight through his system, and when he takes a leak, he'll think he's pissing blood. watch him freak out for weeks as he goes to the doctor for testing.
stick a big @ss potato in his exhaust :-D

or pour salt in his engine oil cap :-D

or Take a long, narrow potato (one that will fit well into an exhaust pipe) and drill a hole in it long ways. Then rig a whistle in one end or find one of those long, thin whistles and stick it in the potato hole. Potato goes in the tailpipe. When the victim gets in the car and starts it up they'll wonder where the hell that noise is coming from!

When you know that your victim is going to enter their car pretty soon about five minutes before they enter their car heat up the metal door handle with a lighter, then hide.

Three way call
Program your victim on speed dial, then the number of a unsuspecting second person. Pick up the phone dial the victims on speed dial, then quikly press flash and speed dial the second person then hangup. The two people have no idea who called who, each trying to blame the other.

Glow Stix
Take one of those glow rod things, break it so that it starts to glow. Cut it open and pour the crap inside on something and throw it at someone. Do it at night, it is funny.

Put cooking oil on toilet seats, it will be impossible to stay on. Listen for thuds as people look like klutzes.

Put a couple of drops of visine in someones cereal and they crap like crazy

You can stick popcorn kernals in somebodys muffler and after they drive around for a little bit they will probably be smelling popcorn! If you know of any other good pranks to play then email me using the link at the bottom of the page.
Those are all great, I came up with another one put like six ounces of wheel weights on the left front inside.
If the vehicle has hubcaps, get a LB of shrimp from the market and put it inside his hubcab.
it'll wreak to HIGH HEAVEN and will be very hard to find.

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