G.W. Bush service documents

Alright Joey!!!!!!! LvC mafia :cool:

If we dont keep this civilized,
Our people will have a talk with your people . . . . . :shifty:

The LvC mafia is at your service . . . . . :bash:
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??? Have we put to bed the issue that the CBS documents that Dan Rather used to beschmirch President Bush were indeed fakes.

CBS has now been exposed as a tool of the left wing of the Democratic Party. Therefore, I believe the American people should and will put the blame squarely on the shoulders of John Kerry.

It is great to see Dan Rather go down in flames like this at the end of his career. I never liked the guy. Good riddance. He didn't give the Swift Boat Vets the time of day and then jumped all over this and ignored everybody that told him this was fishy. What goes around comes around. Bye, bye Danny boy. I won't have to look at your sour puss again.

In the words of Joey... you've been *owned* .

If you would like to see some proof, here you go....

[ 9/9/2004: Bush Guard Documents: Forged
I opened Microsoft Word, set the font to Microsoft’s Times New Roman, tabbed over to the default tab stop to enter the date “18 August 1973,” then typed the rest of the document purportedly from the personal records of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian.

And my Microsoft Word version, typed in 2004, is an exact match for the documents trumpeted by CBS News as “authentic.”

A screenshot of the “original” document as found at CBS:



A screenshot of my Microsoft Word document:



The spacing is not just similar—it is identical in every respect. Notice that the date lines up perfectly, all the line breaks are in the same places, all letters line up with the same letters above and below, and the kerning is exactly the same. And I did not change a single thing from Word’s defaults; margins, type size, tab stops, etc. are all using the default settings. The one difference (the “th” in “187th” is slightly lower) is probably due to a slight difference between the Mac and PC versions of the Times New Roman font, or it could be an artifact of whatever process was used to artificially “age” the document. (Update: I printed the document and the “th” matches perfectly in the printed version. It’s a difference between screen and printer fonts.)

There is absolutely no way that this document was typed on any machine that was available in 1973. ]
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Some of your facts are just false.

--Superscript definitely WAS available in that time era. If you do some homework, you'll see the SAME superscript on the National Guard documents the WHITE HOUSE RELEASED THEMSELVES!!! So did the White House use Word in the documents they released too?? Did the White House also "doctor" their documents too, since they have the superscript on them? What's good for the goose....

--The type-style is said to be New Times Roman. That typestyle has been available since 1931. This is according to the company that "owns" the rights to the typestyle.

--Robert Strong, and administrative officer with the ANG who knew the Colonel who wrote them and is familiar with the protocol of writing documents asserts they "are compatible with the way business was done at the time, they are compatible with the man I remember Jerry Killian being. I don't see anything in the documents that's discordant with what were the times, what were the situations and what were the people involved"

--And most important, thus far, the White House has NOT discredited the documents are being false. Can you show me the official rebutal from the White House, please?

There are more facts..but this will do for now..

Brian's turn...
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Ron, I hate to take my turn because I feel sorry for you having posted that. Look at my post above,
, ya, up der eh.

The left will pull out all the stops on this one and trot out all the experts and blah, blah, blah. Come up with explainations for these all I'll believe you.

The page centering feature
the proportional vs fixed type-face
the curly vs straight apostrophes
the 13 pt spacing

Better yet, find the typewriter from that era and duplicate these letters and then I'll believe you. Hopefully, people are already doing this on each and every model of typewriter so we can definitely say, BUNK. GAME ON!

It is so silly for people on the left to be defending this farce when the average Joe can sit at his computer and duplicate the exact same thing. Anybody with Microsoft can do it right now. And I am sure, 10's of thousands have.

This is by far and away the most laughable thing I have ever seen in all my years.

Even Terry McAweFul of the DNC has said he suspects it to have been created by Karl Rove. By Karl Rove. That guy must be the most brilliant man on the planet. He gets credit for everything.

The DNC has therefore admitting to it being a fake.
I believe 80% of the Democratic' arguments are intentional manipulations of the truth in order to stay in power. I really do. They are on the wrong side of so many arguments, so many times, it must be intentional. And they are so willing to stick to a story line and parrot it in the face of all evidence to the contrary as to be again be laughable.

When the truth comes out (OK, I'm dreaming) that this was created by a Democratic operative of the DNC, handed over to the Kerry campaign, and then forwarded to their media center, the Communist Broadcast System, better known as CBS, Kerry will shrink more than a pecker in 30 degree water.

Its all over. Kerry's swift boat has taken mine hits on port and starboard and is taking on water fast.

P.S. Ron, I think you wrote that to get my goat.
But i love when you post because then I get to see your wife's rack.:eek2:
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RRocket said:
--And most important, thus far, the White House has NOT discredited the documents are being false. Can you show me the official rebutal from the White House, please?
Almost forgot. Why would the White House say anything. They are too busy laughing their asses off to bother. This is another 3 point bump for them. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Why engage? Let the Dems and the MSM wiggle and squirm. Can't wait for the Sunday shows and then Dan RatherNot at 6:30 EST on Monday.

This is getting way better than Clinton. Speaking of Clinton, Vince Foster's suicide note was proven to be a forgery. No surprise there bubba.

Ooops, gotta run, but this was the best explaination I have ever seen as posted by CBS. That they used handwriting analysts to review the documents. Handwriting analysts for typewritten documents. COME ON. THIS IS HYSTERICAL. YOU HAVE TO ADMIT!
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MonsterMark said:
Almost forgot. Why would the White House say anything. They are too busy laughing their asses off to bother. This is another 3 point bump for them. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Why engage? Let the Dems and the MSM wiggle and squirm. Can't wait for the Sunday shows and then Dan RatherNot at 6:30 EST on Monday.

This is getting way better than Clinton. Speaking of Clinton, Vince Foster's suicide note was proven to be a forgery. No surprise there bubba.

Ooops, gotta run, but this was the best explaination I have ever seen as posted by CBS. That they used handwriting analysts to review the documents. Handwriting analysts for typewritten documents. COME ON. THIS IS HYSTERICAL. YOU HAVE TO ADMIT!
He who laughs last...laughs best. :bow:
We'll, I've been out of town a couple days, but heard all about this fiasco. I JUST completed a simple test. I TYPED the posted memo with the SAME EXACT formating results in Micosoft Word.

Now, I'm just a dumb a$$ driller, no forensic document analyst, but I do not believe in coincidence. argue2

And I certainly don't believe they(CBS) were duped either. But I could be wrong on that one. :rolleyes:

Well I'm not overly impressed that you could duplicate ANY document on a PC. The fact that you can use a modern PC to replicate a document supposedly made 30 years ago makes me yawn. I mean, I could Photoshop you ramming Bush doggy style, but that wouldn't neccessarily make it real, would it? I guess we'll have to see where all this BS ends up.

On a different note, are you Americans getting tired that neither candidate has REALLY said what they are going to do to make America a better place?? All they have been doing is throwing darts at each other. Bush gave his speech that Republicans have been giving for decades (lower taxes, balanced budget, line item veto powers, etc..). I don't think America has become a "better" place since Bush stepped in, and I don't see what he's going to do to improve it. I also haven't heard anything interesting from Kerry with regards to America's future. Are Americans as a whole getting tired of the lack of REAL campaigning on either side?
RRocket said:
Brian, Well I'm not overly impressed that you could duplicate ANY document on a PC. The fact that you can use a modern PC to replicate a document supposedly made 30 years ago makes me yawn.
Twisted, isn't it. But you ignore the obvious.

This Killian guy knew all about the future of the typewriter. He therefore knew how to make a '60's era typewriter before at the level of a '90's computer system. Pretty impressive feat.

Put me out of my misery. Admit somebody got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and the Dems, Kerry, Edwards, McCauliffe and CBS look like a bunch of idiots.


And on your second question, NO, I am not tired about not talking about the issues because Kerry is still running for President. Until that time that he either withdraws from the race or gets beat on November 2nd, there is no need to talk about the issues. The only focus is the re-election of George Bush. Anything less puts my family and friends in harms way and that is just not going to happen on my watch.
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It just keeps getting better and better.

An order obtained by The Dallas Morning News shows that Col. Walter "Buck" Staudt was honorably discharged March 1, 1972. CBS News reported this week that a memo in which Staudt was described as interfering with officers' negative evaluations of the future president's service was dated Aug. 18, 1973.

As CBS continues to tighten its own noose.
A CBS staffer stood by the story, suggesting Staudt could have continued to exert influence over Guard officials. But a former high-ranking Guard official disputed that, saying retirement would have left Staudt powerless.

RRocket said:
On a different note, are you Americans getting tired that neither candidate has REALLY said what they are going to do to make America a better place?? All they have been doing is throwing darts at each other. Bush gave his speech that Republicans have been giving for decades (lower taxes, balanced budget, line item veto powers, etc..). I don't think America has become a "better" place since Bush stepped in, and I don't see what he's going to do to improve it. I also haven't heard anything interesting from Kerry with regards to America's future. Are Americans as a whole getting tired of the lack of REAL campaigning on either side?

If you're asking if I, as an American, would like the election to happen ASAP so we can move on, I would say yes. This has become a very partisan time in our nation and I'm ready for an end to political positioning on every issue and every rumor.

It could be argued that your friends and families were already put in harm's way. 9/11 happened on Bush's watch (remember..on Aug. 8th, Bush was issued a document which stated Bin Laden was going to attack America, and he did nothing), in addition , 1000's of military personnel have died directly because of Bush. The US doesn't sound like a terribly safe place with, or without him....

I'm just curious about how you think the US will be dangerous if Kerry gets in? If a terrorist attack occurs should he become President, how would it be any different than what happened on Bush's watch on 9/11?? Bush clearly ignored a large document on August 8th saying Bin Laden was going to attack the USA (this according to the 9/11 Commission finding. Condi Rice also agreed that she and Bush saw the same document). Perhpaps you've said if before and I've missed it, but why is Kerry endangering your family. Surely he would not deliberately allow Americans to be killed. Or does Kerry just have it in for your family??

Oh..and I'm no document expert, but I'd have to believe the document you used for your tests is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy which was then scanned and put on the Net by who only knows. And unlike Bush and the Swifties, there is no evidence to support he had any hand directly or indirectly with these documents. The same can't be said for Bush's people and their "relationship" with the Swifties..
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Bush supporters seem to think as long as he is in office and doin pre emptive strikes on other countries we are goin to be safe. Gee im sure we arent pissing anyone off by doin it lol.... Maybe making more people want to join terrorists.
Saturday's issue of the Boston Globe reports that one document expert, Phillip Broussard, who had expressed suspicions about the documents, said "he now believes the documents could have been prepared on an IBM Selectric Composer typewriter available at the time."

In a separate development, the Boston Globe this week reported that Mr. Bush promised to sign up with a Boston-area unit when he left his Texas unit in 1973 to attend Harvard Business School. Mr. Bush never signed up with a Boston unit.
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Punisher said:
In a separate development, the Boston Globe this week reported that Mr. Bush promised to sign up with a Boston-area unit when he left his Texas unit in 1973 to attend Harvard Business School. Mr. Bush never signed up with a Boston unit.
Who cares? It is not like he went in front of the Unites States Congress and committed an act of treason like Kerry did, casuing the loss of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people.

How come all the lefty sympathizers don't sympathize with that fact?

Or the fact that Kerry will let the United Nations dictate our foreign policy and when, where and how we will be able to defend ourselves.
Punisher said:
Bush supporters seem to think as long as he is in office and doin pre emptive strikes on other countries we are goin to be safe. Gee im sure we arent pissing anyone off by doin it lol.... Maybe making more people want to join terrorists.
No, that is not it. We just feel it is better and safer to control our own destiny and we have a moral obligation to be the policemen of the world.
MonsterMark said:
No, that is not it. We just feel it is better and safer to control our own destiny and we have a moral obligation to be the policemen of the world.
How can we be policemen of the world when we cannot police our country. Look at all the crime that needs attention inour own country. And if we are going to be policemen of the world, why are we just policing oil producing countries. Why aren't we stopping the injustices thats done to people in Africa and other places. What a hypocrite!
Lincolnman said:
How can we be policemen of the world when we cannot police our country. Look at all the crime that needs attention inour own country. And if we are going to be policemen of the world, why are we just policing oil producing countries. Why aren't we stopping the injustices thats done to people in Africa and other places. What a hypocrite!
Crime: Get rid of the drugs, change our public schools so kids actually get an education, those are 2 things we can do to address the crime in this country.

Oil: Because we are still in a fossil-fuel economy and without stability in the Middle East, I'll let you answer that one yourself. Necessary evil.

Africa: We are in Africa, in places like the Sudan, etc. We do more than the rest of the world combined. Just look at the aids effort. Look it up. We put more money into research and treatment than the rest of the world combined.

So I suggest you run around with hat in hand and get the rest of the world to lift a finger. Whenever there is a problem in the world, guess whose phone rings?
Whilst in office, what exactly has Bush done to "get rid of drugs" and change public schools?

Oil? So you think it's a neccessary evil to invade countries on a lie, and put men and women's lives in danger, just so you can have oil?

The US has done NOTHING to curb the genocide in Africa. NOTHING. Mailing over a few bags of spoiled wheat won't do much there...of course if they had vast oil stores, something might happen...

And yes, the US can't even win the wars at home. So far, you are losing the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, the War on Illiteracy, etc....

What exactly has Bush said he'd do to fix those things? He hasn't said anything about it, so I don't know why you're so optimistic....
Its cute, but after the first nuke goes off, we'll see how funny it is.

I'll get back to you on your other points.
Lincolnman said:
How can we be policemen of the world when we cannot police our country. Look at all the crime that needs attention inour own country. And if we are going to be policemen of the world, why are we just policing oil producing countries. Why aren't we stopping the injustices thats done to people in Africa and other places. What a hypocrite!

I hate to admit it, but I'm sorta like Kerry on the whole "policeman of the world" thing. Sometimes I'm for it and sometimes I'm against it depending on the situation. So I'm not countering that point (YYAAAAYYYYY!!!!) But crime in our country is down and continues to decline, so that's really not an issue this election. Though I'm sure there are some out there who would like it to be (no offense to anyone there).
RRocket said:
Whilst in office, what exactly has Bush done to "get rid of drugs" and change public schools?
Answer: increased funding for anti-drug efforts (which is working) and No Child Left Behind.
RRocket said:
Oil? So you think it's a neccessary evil to invade countries on a lie, and put men and women's lives in danger, just so you can have oil?
Answer: No, so I'm glad there was no lie (as has been proven) and it's not all about oil.
RRocket said:
The US has done NOTHING to curb the genocide in Africa. NOTHING. Mailing over a few bags of spoiled wheat won't do much there...of course if they had vast oil stores, something might happen...
Answer, one word to totally debunk your viscious lying puke that makes me sick when I read your ignorant, thoughtless, incendiary posts: SOMALIA. (harshness for effect, just like you Ron ;) And what's happening in Sudan is being addressed by the administration. It's still in the early stages.
RRocket said:
And yes, the US can't even win the wars at home. So far, you are losing the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, the War on Illiteracy, etc....
I'm not sure of the answer to those as I'm not even sure if we are "losing" them, but I do know for sure that we're winning the War on Crime and undoubtedly several others if I took the time to research them.
RRocket said:
What exactly has Bush said he'd do to fix those things? He hasn't said anything about it, so I don't know why you're so optimistic....
I've answered this question already, so instead I'll ask you a question. If you're so concerned with these things, why don't you urge your own government to do more in the war on drugs and in the atrocities in Africa, etc.? Because I know that you aren't concerned with them. You just want the US to shrivel up, be a push-over, and become nothing more than a consumer of the worlds' goods. You hope we lose in Iraq. You hope we never catch Osama bin Laden (at least not while Bush is president). Even Sting and Annie Lennox had the ethical fortitude to decline with getting involved with the US political process. As soon as Kerry decides to run for office in Canada I'll give him your number to be his campaign manager.

Somalia? I'm not sure how to interpret your answer. You did go to Somalia, you didn't stop the carnage. And after the "Black Hawk Down" fiasco, you packed up and left. I'm not sure about your answer.

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