Eibachs, 2nd Gen Hid Halos, Wheels Wheels Cai

They also look different on 02V8Sport's... Maybe it's the color of the cars thats making it look different.
And Pektel, I offered $1700 to 02V8Sport for those the summer before he got rid of them and he wouldn't sell them. Correct me if I am wrong, but he got nowhere near that for them from LSUNV2 right? I guess you have to be in the right place at the right time.
Yeah, I'm sure it was less. LsUnV2 and I got into a bidding war, and he won. Then I bought them from him a couple months later.
the OZs are ready to go, no tires, near perfect condition.. 675 shipped

pm meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
damn, those were some nice tires too. What happened? You didn't put 20K on those did you?
damn, those were some nice tires too. What happened? You didn't put 20K on those did you?

probably way more.. they were completely bald and i even drove on snow and ice.. i actually got stuck in a plowed parking lot lol.. buy these pete
these are great wheels .. no one will ever have gthese on a LS.. custom drilled... come get em
Hey man I forgot to go grab those pics for you Ill be right back and youll have an email from me.
And they are badasss. I just can't come up with the damn money or else they would be in my effing garage already.
I have the money, but like you said, still have to buy tires... I like them, but I like yours MORE lol.. so in the end I wouldn't be as happy.
going to efile taxes on tuesday... Let's see how much I get back :D
these are totally unique, no one else will ever have these custom drilled and machined wheels... OZ baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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