2001 LS v8 power steering leak

Yeah that's my issue its really tight. I can move it quite a bit I thought you had to be able to pull it down and let it kinda hang maybe wrap a wire around it. I can probably move it enough to get the 2 lower steering pump bolts but how would I remove it? And yeah I'm trying everything possible to avoid losing factory a/c charge. I did remove the steering line bracket. It was a little forward of the a/c pump, it really didn't help much. So when I gave up I lowered the car followed the line bottom of radiator left side there is a clamp on the steering hose you can pull off which I did. I'm hoping this works to get the pump out or else I have some work ahead of me. I saw all the fluid was going to leak out so I put a container down and walked away. Worst part of it all is the LS is all muddy underneath because of all the rain and my eyes have a magnetic attraction to dirt.
There's no much room , you just have to move the ac compressor back and forth to access the lower pump bolts.
Remove the pressure fitting first because one bolt is behind.

I used
*joint socket adapter
*2 extentions
*a rachet
***safety glasses

*patience [emoji12]
Well what a day, got the pump off finally got it out. Started putting on the new one, put the pressure line on first from the top of the car, tightened it up. Luckily I noticed the pump was spinning and the line wasn't moving. After some research I see I made a stupid mistake. Teflon seal was shredded on the old one. The new one I put on didn't have one. So tomorrow I'll be heading to NAPA to pick up such a tiny piece that ends the day.
Forgot to say I finished the job. Works real nice again. Never had any noises even right after I started bleeding it. If anyone ever needs any help message me, there are definetley ways of making it easier, like special tools. Starting to wonder on this car though, just got done doing all the suspension then a power steering pump goes out, then the next day my right window falls inside the door so that's today's project lucky me. Oh and a new belt squeak!
FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily.
Such is life.
Haha, thanks. And thanks for all the help guys. Ive always drove Chevy, I think I'm starting to see why people rag on fords ;) but hey it's all expierence I guess. Got that regulator in tonight and wow what a mess to fix. It wasn't just broken clips, the cable was broken right off and both plastic connectors to the glass were busted. Pretty much just disconnected the wire for the motor and pulled it out lol.
F-O-R-D means Fastest On Race Day..............Cheap,Half-Engineered Vehicle Runs Only Little Each Time? That's Chevrolet.LOL!
LSes though, are more demanding since they were OVER-Engineered and therefore repairs are more difficult than your simpler Taurus or Impala( which really is a good car).
I like driving the LSes since just about everywhere you go,it's the best-looking car on the lot.Happened today with a full parking lot up at Ash Cave near Logan. Got out of the car(04 LS V6) with my wife and there wasn't another vehicle there that could approach its good looks and style.
don-ohio :)^)
you can blame most of the problems with this car on Jaguar, not ford... British cars are known for their reliability after all! lol

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