Worst/Best car owned.

Dave 88 LSC

Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 25, 2004
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I was wondering what was the worst car you ever owned?

I think my first car, 87 Sable Wagon LS has to take the prize. Tranny was very weak. 3.0 Motor was just pure garbage and very weak.

Also bought a 2000 passat Turbo 1.8 to flip, didnt know about their oil sludge problems. Dues to oil starvation turbo broke the impeller and it tried making it to the motor. Smoke everywhere, loss of power. Learned never buy a used Turbo car ever, and never to buy a German used car ever again without a proper factory warranty. My 94MB S500 solidified those beliefs soon after.

Best. Well my new GS430. but previous 98 LS400 has to take the lead. Was fast and very reliable, nice audio system and not one problem from 90k miles all the way to 140k miles.
96 Mustang GT Convertible also was a good one, built like a tank, beat the crap out of it and it never complained, not once. Miss it dearly.

Cars owned.

87 Sable - dads car
88 LSC
91 LSC
94 Mark 8
96 Stang GT Vert 5-speed
94 MB S500
98 Lexus LS400

Still own
92 LSC
98 LSC
07 Lexus GS430
Best car I ever owned.....

1987 LSC, that car was awesome. I bought it with 152k, sold it with over 300k, for more than my initial investment. Never once left me stranded, I loved that car. Still miss it dearly.....




Worst car....

1994 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP - the whole car was just :q:q:q:q. Loved the look, loved the interior, but it left me stranded for 12 hrs 2 months after I bought it. First (and only) GM product I've ever bought, then I remembered why I like Fords so much.
Best vehicle I've had was my 93 GMC Sierra 1500 4.3..bought brand new by my father, I sold it in 04 with 85,000 miles never had a SINGLE issue with it, did brakes, exhaust, plugs and wires and that was it..sold it to a guy I used to work with and he had it till just over 130k miles and was still running flawlessly..these trucks are bullet proof..part of the reason why you still see plenty of them on the road with probably well over 200k miles on them.
worst 89 conti 2 transmissions and 2 sets of head gaskets before i was even 17

best, man that is a hard one my 93 gmc sle ext cab 1500 4x4, or my 86 bmw 325es

93 gmc had 460,000 miles 2nd motor and trans. dad bought it new when i was 11 or 12 and it went by by @ 27 i road it HARD while i had it. and it has lots of memories.

the 86 bimmer was beat down by me my older brothe my dad and an archetect freind of ours. i mean i BEAT THE SH!T out of that car, with no failure. and i still have it put up. it has 475,000 kms on it hence the 325 on the back of my initals.
Worst car is a toss up between an old Ford EXP that was gold. Forgot the year. It ties with my 84 Ferrari Modal8. Total POS slug garbage uncomfertable crap engineered ..... ugh. Hated that car.

Best car. I would have tohonestly say its my BMW. Ive had faster cars, better handling cars, better riding cars but the total package with this car is near perfection.

Not gonna list all the cars I have owned but its near 100.
Worst....93 lumina Z34....best...Yukon Denali....not one problem....didn't even get the standard GM oil leak lol
Hmmm this is a tough one. Not sure I've ever owned a bad car really. I had over 30 cars with every one of them being a Ford except a couple. My wife's first car was a total lemon. It was a 1991 Mustang LX 2.3L, had like 40K miles on it and the stupidest stuff would go bad on it. I found this weird since I owned many 4 banger Stangs and they were great cars.

Best car ever, my first car, 1989 Ford Probe GT turbo. Liked it so much I've owned 3 and want to buy another. It was SUPER practical, awesome in the snow, very fun to drive, and got 34+ MPG highway.
Best car I ever owned.....

1987 LSC, that car was awesome. I bought it with 152k, sold it with over 300k, for more than my initial investment. Never once left me stranded, I loved that car. Still miss it dearly.....




Worst car....

1994 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP - the whole car was just :q:q:q:q. Loved the look, loved the interior, but it left me stranded for 12 hrs 2 months after I bought it. First (and only) GM product I've ever bought, then I remembered why I like Fords so much.

Nice. Thank god not too many people love them. I have my 92 and I will never sell it. Mark VIII I couldnt care less about, but 7 I will keep forever.
Hmm worst car was probably my 98 f250 light duty, I dove it with a misfire for 6 months :lol: best would have to be my 2001 gmc jimmy. I loved that thing to death, I miss it =[
Worst car is a toss up between an old Ford EXP that was gold. Forgot the year. It ties with my 84 Ferrari Modal8. Total POS slug garbage uncomfertable crap engineered ..... ugh. Hated that car.

Best car. I would have tohonestly say its my BMW. Ive had faster cars, better handling cars, better riding cars but the total package with this car is near perfection.

Not gonna list all the cars I have owned but its near 100.

As I said before, one of my all time favorite elgant/fast/classy cars of all times.

Give me a 750IL and a cross country trip, say NYC to LA trip and the only car from 90s would be a 7 series BMW. Its hard to explain. 282 HP might not sound like much, in in BMW terms its different. After spending a day behind the wheel of of those cars, one starts wondering how is it possible to own anything else, or why??

Again, If I could afford , new 750i sport would be my car, till then Lexus will do (reliable).
Best car so far has to be my 01 F-150 Lariat. That thing performs well with whatever I throw at it. I've had it in puddles up to the doors and pulled numerous vehicles behind it. close second has to be my 1984 Olds Toronado. The only car I truly regret selling.

Worst is a toss-up between a 1995 camaro V6 and a 1972 Maverick. Probably the crappy camaro. Both left me stranded at some point.

I've had 40+ cars at this point. Not listing them all here, but 10 of them were/are Mark VIII's :D
Don't know if it was the best, but my 66 SS 396 Chevelle sure was the most memorable. It was my 2nd car and man I loved that car. Just what every 17 year old needs. :D
As I said before, one of my all time favorite elgant/fast/classy cars of all times.

Give me a 750IL and a cross country trip, say NYC to LA trip and the only car from 90s would be a 7 series BMW. Its hard to explain. 282 HP might not sound like much, in in BMW terms its different. After spending a day behind the wheel of of those cars, one starts wondering how is it possible to own anything else, or why??

Again, If I could afford , new 750i sport would be my car, till then Lexus will do (reliable).
Yeah, hard to explain why they are so fast considering their HP rating. Also the 750iL is 322hp/361tq.
If they made a 750i Sport I would have gotten one but the V12 was only available in the long wheelbase cars here. :(
Best is the wife's navigator rides like butter and has all the pulling power I need. Worst would have to be the 89 trooper what a pile of crap. Most fun was my 87 4runner. Removable top lifted on 33's it was the best go anywhere vehicle Ive had.
Interesting question! I had to think about all the cars we've owned in the 30+ years my wife and I have been together.

Here's the list:

1976 Chevy Vega
1980 Chevy Citation
1986 Chevy Cavalier RS
1989 GMC Safari
1991 Ford Econoline
1990 Taurus
1992 Olds Cutlass
1995 Taurus
1995 Dodge Grand Caravan SE
1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE
1997 Mark VIII
1993 Mark VIII
1993 Mark VIII
2010 Ford Escape

Looking at the list, you would think the Vega was the worst, but it wasn't. Not by a long shot. It was my "college" car, and it ran like a top. Sure, the doors were rusted out at the bottom, just like all Vega's, but other than that, it was a great car.

The 1980 Citation would appear to be another candidate for worst, but again, it wasn't. It always got 30mpg, and we drove it all over when we first got married. It had room enough to haul us and two babies all over the place. We only got rid of it when the 3rd came along and we needed a van.

The 1990 Taurus ended up being a total POS. We bought it used, had it for about 2 months, and traded it in. Fuel leaks, transmission issues. It's the only time my wife has ever put her foot down about a vehicle. She wanted it gone!

As for the best, I'd have to say it's been the 1997 Voyager. We bought it used with 30,000 miles on it. It now has 226,000 miles on it, and we haven't had any major issues with it. It was my wife's DD for years, and now our youngest has it with her at school.

The Mark VIII's are the most fun to drive, and are my favorites!

The key, as always, is proper maintenance. We've done our best to stay on top of regular oil changes, etc. When we haven't, it's bit us in the butt. The 95 Taurus and the 93 Caravan both had to have their transmissions replaced. They were the cars we had when our family life was at its busiest, and maintenance suffered because of that.

Thanks for the ride down memory lane!
I couldn't begin to list all the cars I owned its well near 100

Worst car I owned is a tie...1996 grand am 2.4l and a 1993 Intrepid drove both cars for less then 6 months and had nothing but issues with both of them....

Best cars...any of the tbirds and cougars 1994 and up with the 4.6...my old 94 Tbird which I had a whopping $1400 invested including a $400 flow master catback is still on the road I sold it to my brother inlaw over a year ago and he's only put brakes, wheel bearings and ball joints I got it with about 130,000miles sold it to him with well over 230,000 miles and it's gotta be nearing 300,000 now initial cost of this car was $150
I tried to list all the cars i have ever owned a couple weeks ago and i got to around 80 and lost track.

Its hard to pick which was the worse, I have a few bad ones.

best car- 06 impala ss
Most fun car - 04 SRT4
favorite car - 96 mark viii LSC
2nd favorite car - 06 Mustang gt
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worst vehicle

83 or so s10 - bought it new - was in the shop 3 months the first year - transmissions <<< many,,,, and window tracks - the 2.8 was killer but that was it - paint falling off i at 7800 miles so it had to go.
new 2000 zr4 blazer - couldn't keep it on the road is steered so bad - 17 mpg 4.3 - good motor bad mileage - traded it off at 12,500 squeaked like a milk truck - seats and rear gate - dust in it like a fog of the gravel roads - it sucked.
Best vehicles were 86 xr7 turbo coupe - 310,000 miles a deer took it out - decided to take the money and update.
76 f1504x4 - loved that truck - put a 73 lincoln 460 in it 38.5s 4.11s - bad to the bone 9 mpg back in the 80s ...

car pic 024.jpg
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Worst car: a '94 Mercury Mystique. So bad I don't even want to talk about it.
Worst car I ever had was a 1980 Mustang 2.3 auto coupe. Monumental POS! Didn't have enough power to get out of its own way and barely got 20mpg. But that was back when gas was less than a dollar a gallon! Best car was probably my '88 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe. I can't express how much I loved that car!
best vehicles i've owned were lincolns and trucks

worst car i ever owned was a 96 mazda mx6

he!!, my geo storm was better then that piece of sh!t
My worst would be a toss up between a 1975 Mustang Mach 1 (302 auto) and a 1984 custom made Z-28 Convertible. Many best 1969 Cougar Eliminator, 1971 Mustang Mach 1, 1979 Firebird Trans'am, Several Mark VIII's, and a 2003 Cobra Mustang. Hard to pick one.

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