Working Neon

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Active LVC Member
Feb 20, 2011
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I have a working gen 2 working neon. it has good white lsc trim still on it. its off a 98 collectors edition.


and you posted this for???? is it for sale, if it is a price might help, are you just letting the whole forum know you have a neon light? this post is missing lots of info.
I'd take it for the right price if it has a ballast. It would have to be a great deal though. Also, I'm broke until the beginning of December or my van sells, whichever comes first.
There is always interest. The amount of intrest in it is directly related to the amount you put on the part.
how about we make rules like other forums and if you list something in the for sale section it must have a price or the post gets deleted. simple solution to those who wants to play the bidding game. if high bids are what you want, list it on ebay. there is always interest in parts for our cars, the price is what determines who is really interested and who isnt.
Jamie, that is a good idea. The Grand Prix Forum I am on does that. The poster is given about 24 hours to edit, if they don't then it is a complete delete.

Say what you want and want what you say.
i got the idea from lod, if you post something in the for sale section, put a price on it, or go elsewhere no one feels like playing the upbid wars there are sites for that. what do you want for your item, are you firm, is there room to negotiate, its real simple, start off with the price you think is fair then let people work on that price.
Y'all need to back off, i did not have a price in mind. I have found what i wanted. I am sorry that some of the people on this form just have no life.(You know who you are) I am also sorry that my love of my car and my fellow car lovers are as rude as this. i hate some of the members on this form. and i do mean hate, despise and wish i had never had to read any of there filthy minded posts.
I need a working one since no price is listed take $50.00?
Yes, and you have stormed out 5 or 6 times right? you talk :q:q:q:q and act like an ass but when someone talks back to you you get all bent out of shape. i am sorry that you have to deal with that the rest of you crotchety old man life.
lmao why are you sorry you dont know me, you shouldnt be sorry for anything that happens to my life. you are just pissed off because you didnt put a price and got :q:q:q:q for it. i have left here you are right, because so many people have wrecked this site so now i come back to do the same thing all you guys have done, wreck the site. seems thats the thing to do around here now. so i like to come back and give back some medicine. just doing what all you guys do so good here! just trying to fit in.
so if you ladies are done measuring dicks is the neon sold or what?
Lsc just list a :q:q:q:qng pric bro so wed all know of ur bull:q:q:q:qtin or its sold fas as wretch the site jamie is one of the nicest guys i know. And willin to hekp a mark viii junkie but. You piss him off ur on ur own. But seriously just list a mf price.
thanks but i am not nice i am a piece of :q:q:q:q like so many on here think of me so now its time to act the part. i dont care who likes me or who i offend anymore!
It's simple if you don't want to be hassled don't do retarded things like put an item in the for sale section without a price. If you can't take a good hassling go find a Disney forum to put your half posts on.
Y'all need to back off, i did not have a price in mind. I have found what i wanted. I am sorry that some of the people on this form just have no life.(You know who you are) I am also sorry that my love of my car and my fellow car lovers are as rude as this. i hate some of the members on this form. and i do mean hate, despise and wish i had never had to read any of there filthy minded posts.

Then stop reading and go somewhere else, quite simple really.

You got called on something and then turn it into a " I hate people here" grow up. People here have done nothing but give you good advice and tried to help you out. Have some self respect and keep your personal opinions about others to yourself.
WTF does that mean?

it means he thought he had it sold, but he was full of :q:q:q:q, and now he is trying to say he thinks he has it sold again to someone else but is still full of :q:q:q:q, and now his pride is hurt so much that he wont put a price on it here on lvc.
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