Waiting Room

I'm back. Sold the house, and we just had internet put in today.

I test drove a Marauder a few years back, very impressive for such a large, heavy car.
I would love to have a one. I used to have a white 1998 Crown Vic LX. Top trim level, leather, wood, everything. I swapped in a 2002 Crown Vic Police Interceptor engine, transmission, rear end, oil cooler, computer, and driveshaft. That really woke the car up. It was awesome up until its end RIP Hurricane Wilma 2005. The Maurader is an even more awesome version.
LS isn't sold yet, it's in the dead of winter, I'm going through a quarter-life crisis and trying to trade or sell my Exploder. Thanks Chris for bringing up the Marauder topic lol.
Within 250 miles of me, five of them. I had the bug back in August-September and posted about it here.
Weird beasts. You can have almost 70k in mileage difference and not pay any more or less, never seen anything like it. I mainly want one because it's badass, big, and if I wanted too, I could have it until I die.
if only I could do this to my LS..


Hey, what's up with this site and the page backs? When I read a thread and want to go back to the threadlist, I usually use the back key. When I do, it normally takes 2-3 clicks to go back. If I right click on the button to see why, it shows http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/page, sometimes 2-3 times between the current thread and the main LS page. No other site I go to has this problem. What is it, and is there a way to get rid of it? Does this site have some sort of virus on it?
Hey, what's up with this site and the page backs? When I read a thread and want to go back to the threadlist, I usually use the back key. When I do, it normally takes 2-3 clicks to go back. If I right click on the button to see why, it shows http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/page, sometimes 2-3 times between the current thread and the main LS page. No other site I go to has this problem. What is it, and is there a way to get rid of it? Does this site have some sort of virus on it?

No issues here, but I am using adblock.
No issues here, but I am using adblock.

That's the weird thing about it. I'm not actually getting ad pages, it just takes 2-3 backspaces to get back to the main thread page and that's what shows on the right click backspace. It only happens on LVC too.

^ Telco, perhaps try this instead.

When reading the very bottom last post in any thread, scroll down and click the "Top" (of thread) link,


which then shoots you directly to the very top nav menu,


and then click on "Lincoln LS" thread to take you back to the main LS page.

Works for me ...

- - - - - NEWS FLASH - - - - - :waving:

:: CANADA celebrates GOLD medals in BOTH mens and womens HOCKEY at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games ::


- - - - - MORE NEWS - - - - - :drunk:

:: Most of CANADA drunk by 10:00AM on Sunday, February 23, 2014 ::



Work work work, nothing but work these days. Doing four 12s on the overnight shift now, this week I have class on my three days off. Bad for me, will be working 11 days straight (just came off shift, in fact) but I can't wait to see that paycheck! Not complaining mind, after coming off a 4 month period of no work at all but man it's been a LOOONG time since I worked a mid shift! Not to mention that as soon as I started I had to come down with the crud that's going around and have felt like Death's dinner when Death was done with it. Oh well...

^ take two of these and call me in the morning!


^ I don't care how fast it goes, there is no cup holder .... where's my Captains' going now?

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