Waiting Room

Fn drifting a big rig down hill ... man deserves a raise.

That's the trouble with those doubles, the lead trailer will do what it's told, the end trailer like a woman, don't listen and misbehaves at the worst of times.

I don't run tankers nor doubles. Not into that.
Fn drifting a big rig down hill ... man deserves a raise.

That's the trouble with those doubles, the lead trailer will do what it's told, the end trailer like a woman, don't listen and misbehaves at the worst of times.

I don't run tankers nor doubles. Not into that.

I don't think the video says, but on the news they said his brakes locked. I guess they froze???
Lost too much air, by working them too much on the downhill, governer and pump couldn't build up quick enough, continues to use them cuz he needs to brake results in air pressure getting so low the spring brake enables. Could have also lost all air to the last trailer by means of air line rupture. Unlikely but possible.

Freezing up the shoes to the drum is mostly from sitting in cold temps with moisture in the lines. Also unlikely in this scenario.

No doubt he overused them on the way down due to the icy conditions. Last trailer brakes slam shut first when pressure gets too low.

Could also be the sub tanks expansion valve blew out iced up and lost all air rapidly.

Couple of things could have gone wrong here but to me looks like he was trying to brake hard because he didn't want a run away on his hand down that ice hill and thereby used up too much air and the spring brakes slammed shut.

You gotta ride them downhills with big loads gently and use jake engine braking instead with some light pedal stabing. More you lean on the brakes the more air you expel from the system and the pump has to replenish. Use too much, pump can't keep up.

For only the last trailer to lock up like that it could also very well be a supply line value frozen or faulty as in leaking.
The story I read had this to say about it:
"When the driver had lost it at the top of the hill, he had broke the air lines to his rear trailer," posted California Highway Patrol -Truckee on Facebook. "This caused the brakes on the rear trailer to lock up."
10-4 air line rupture, will definitely result in immediate air loss and spring brakes slammed on. There is a tractor protection valve that then prevents air loss to the tractor itself. With a double trailer like that in the video, there would be another protection valve inline to prevent air loss to the first trailer. At the coupling of the two trailers there are glad hands that could have broken away or more common a line leak to the brake chambers. When all air is lost suddenly like that, there is no pressure to hold back the spring brake and when the pressure reaches below 25psi, the spring slams shut.

There are two components to an air brake set up.
Service and spring brake. The spring brake within the brake chamber requires air to push the spring back thus releasing the park/emergency brake.
When the red hand valve in the cab is pushed inwards it supplies air pressure to the trailers spring brake and releases the shoe from the drum via an S cam setup. When that air is lost, the spring can't be held back and slams shut.

The front portion of the brake chamber provides the service brake function. This works on using air to apply the brakes in increments to slow the vehicle, trailer or tractor. The service brake also uses the S cam to apply the shoes to the drums.

There are several air tanks underneath both the tractor and trailers used to store air for use when operating the service brake (foot pedal or spike).
This air in the tanks when some is used the governor controls when and how much it should put back in. It has blow off valves to protect the tanks from overcharging. The governor has cut in and cut out pressure settings , for when it commands the air pump to turn on and off. Not too much, not too little.

I probably could have explained it a bit better but I'd have to get my official air brake courseware out.

You can understand at least that that rear trailer in that video lost all its air to its brakes and the spring slammed shut thereby locking the shoes to the drums. The park/emergency brake was on, locking the rear wheels while the rest of the system still functioned as it should.

There is a yellow and a red hand valve inside the cab.
Yellow controls the tractor
Red controls the trailers.

We push them in, to charge the system as in putting air into spring brake to release them so the wheels can roll.

We pull them out to expel all the air to lock the brakes. The air is gone and the spring can't be held back and it locks the wheels.

While this system is charged and the springs pushed back, the front portion is able to use supplied air to control the diaphragm to operate the service (foot) brake.
Born in 1967, turned 50 today.
Someone shoot me already!
So last weeks trip was a blast ... on top of a clean level 3 MTO (DOT) inspection on route, I get to within 42kms of my weekly destination and this loaner (mine in the shop for loss of power, low manifold pressure, leaking turbo), decides the tank to tank sending unit needs to go bad and shuts down on me as one tank ran dry and sucked air. -34C had something to do with it also.

First time on the hook ever for me. They put me up in a hotel for the day.


~ ship happens
Gone sledding for the rest of the afternoon.


... out hitting the trails.

Thing hits just a hair over 100Kmh on the straights.
Have already fallen off once so far. Gotta hold on more tightly. :eek:
Just trying out my new Dr. Ho Pain Therapy System .... yeah you'd wanna keep this device away from your Lincoln LS PCM, that's for sure.
Winnipeg MB to Hearst ON, CDN

1222kms = 758mi
12hrs, 37min
One 12 min break.
All highway, all night, foot in oil pan.

$$$$ LOL

Should really see a doctor about this problem of mine, just can't seem to stop.

5 days per week

Batman out of hours, goodnight!
Why did the deer cross the road ?

Apparently so I can fill out 7 pages of an incident report.

It's a numbers game, finally hit one. Big moose dancing around on same Hwy bout an hour later.

Needs right front bumper assy and cover plus new fog lamp. Little bugger ...
I managed to hit two deer in the same night a couple years ago.
Yeah I hit one in Utah about 10 years ago. Just grazed him as I tried to thread the needle between about a dozen of them crossin the road in single file just after dusk. I might have braked and stopped in time but there was an 18 wheeler right on my tail so I figured better to hit the deer.
Stupidest thing I did was to report it to the Utah highway patrol from my motel in the next town, Kanab if you're familiar. Turns out every deer in Utah is worth $700 to the gubmint. Glad i had good insurance or I would've had to pay that. I asked what would happen to this expensive piece of property. He said I dunno. It's probably dead already.
Kinda felt cheated on that one.

1) Little bugger came across, slowed down its pace then attempt last second to hurry it a bit more.
((As I begin to brake slightly (Heavy Load) thoughts that she'll just pass and clear))

2) Although only cruising around 85-90KMh and managing to slow a bit, I also had another Semi tailgating me.
This thought went through my mind as I began to brake. Conscious tells you not to brake too hard and have the tailgater slam into the back doors. (fun but too much paperwork and more loss of time)

All in all, I could have done better, that dashcam recording only shows a fraction of the full LED highbeam range I have, I seen that deer coming out the bush/ditch a few split seconds prior. I had already acknowledged nothing coming in the immediate opposing lane. I could have veered to the left aiming behind it, more and earlier.

I could have braked harder if it wasn't for being tailgated.

Sure would like a redo on this one. Cost me money and miles when the truck has to go for repairs. Missed my departure time on weekly big dedicated run. Put me closer to home on shorter runs for remainder of week. Less earnings, home early but more me time.

<shrugs> ... Can't have cake every day!

Last time it was an Audi that spun around in front of me during a snow storm.

Gotta stay clear of the White Money Maker. No hindering my forward progress. :mad: Costs me time 'n money.

Help! This is smog pump relay for Lincoln LS 2001 V6. Ford do not produce them anymore! Dealer dont have it too! I have a service light and cannot pass an inspection. Some junk yards have them but with different short numbers on the top and bottom. I dont know what do they mean, these numbers.

f80b-2c013-aa is the part number, the other numbers shouldn't be a factor. It looks like yours is missing the mounting ears/heatsink.
f80b-2c013-aa is the part number, the other numbers shouldn't be a factor. It looks like yours is missing the mounting ears/heatsink.
It was torn of in the accident. A lot of the same relays have the same number but different two others. That is make me scare to buy them and they do not have suggestion charts where they can be used beside stated. like, this is an ABS module but can be used also for...etc.

Finally got a chance to try out my new TORQ 10FX orbital.
Brought my '09 Chevyrado to a near mint perfect shine.

Pass 1. ~ Meguiars Ultimate Compound using Yellow HEX-Logic Heavy cutting pad.
Pass 2. ~ Collinite No. 845 Insulator Wax using Red HEX-Logic Ultra Finishing pad.
Pass 3. ~ Micro-towel using elbow grease.

Very happy with results, took out pretty near all light scratches, hard water stains and swirl marks.
Need to clean all glass in/out and touch up all molding using Mothers' Back-to-Black.

Sore lower back at end of evening though ... :( ... No pain, no gain.


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