Tell your worst abuse story -


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Here is the question.........

What was the worse story of where someone abused your beloved car.... i.e. cig burn in the seat, muddy shoes, etc.........

Oh, and what did you do about it?
I was at a local car show/cruise. I had JUST finished washin/waxin/detailin my car. It was SHINY & CLEAN. When no sooner did I get finished detailin the WHOLE car, did some damned lil kid, prolly no more than 5 or 6, come by and touch the car. Now, such a simple thing as touchin would normally not earn the response that this one got, but the kid had some half melted icecream on his hands.....ALL OVER his hands (and face mind you). And not only did he touch the car, but he ran his hands ALL down the side of the car. Now, his parents were RIGHT there watchin what this damned kid was doing, and not saying a word. So, I walked (well....more like sprinted) over to the kid and commenced to YELL at him to get his hands off my car. Now, the father (in his infinite hillbilly mentality) told me to not speak to his kid like that. WELL......I very kindly (YEAH.....anyone that knows me, knows that in this kind of instance there wer most likely NO kind words comin out of my mouth) told his father that if his kid did NOT remove his sticky icecream soaked hands from my car that not only would he (the father) would be recleaning my car, but I would be whoopin his kids arse at the same time....since OBVIOUSLY he did not know how to himself.
OH....I have another one. It was a few winters ago, my brother was visiting with his g/f at the time. And we had JUST gotten like 2 feet of snow over night. We decided to go out for dinner (all the roads were was like 6PM, and the snow had stopped). We go to get into the car, and my brothers g/f decided to just climb into the car with like a foot of snow on both her shoes......and not knock them together when she got into the car. My brother yelled at her (because I really did not notice), and her response was "It's only a car." MAN, I just about kicked her out of the car and told here that she could walk. I was fit to be tied at that point. Needless to say, she got out and shook her shoes off, but the damage had already been done. The floor mats WERE brand new looking (I had only had them for a few months before they should have looked new), but after that incident, she had to purchase me some new rear floor mats......she was NOT happy about it. I think she learned her lesson with other ppls cars....maybe next time she will show a lil more respect.
I have the Grey interior so dirt shows pretty well. At 3am one night i needed to give a few of my buddies a ride. All went well until we all got out of the car when i noticed that the nutcase in the backseat managed to find some dirtyass puddle somewhere and smear dirt all over the back of the front seat, the rear floormat and the entire rear carpeting was now covered in dark brown mud!!!! :Bang :Bang I was this close to just kicking the guys ass, too bad he was my friend. Man that interior was a $%@%^ to clean.
Oh man... I hate having new people in my car... Whenever I have my friends along I always remind them noy yo slam the doors because it will close very lightly... I hate having someone in my car that when they get out or enter my vehicle they slam the door... I always yell at them to be gentle... And yes I've gotten the "it's just a car" response... Which always works with a "well you can just walk then" response... I had to teach my girlfriend how to shut the doors as well as the trunk... I remember the first day she tried shutting the trunk, she kept trying to slam it down three or four times before I came running to my car's rescue... Had to show her how it closed by itself... Also, some of the hotel and airport personnel need to be shown how to close the trunk... It's a never ending battle that will rage on until I teach EVERYONE how to close my vehicle's doors and trunk...

P.S. - when I first bought my car, my gf hated it with a passion, but now we take my car EVERYWHERE... She only drives her car to work, every other time we end up taking mine, I can't even get her to think about taking her car, she gets upset when we can't take mine... :cool:
MY GOD I HATE THAT> its mom and you cant yell at mom, but :q figure it out. she had a continental once with the power trunk. I swear to god everyone except my gf, BANG whats wrong with your trunk dude :mad: BANG dude this lincoln kinda sucks the trunk is messed up :mad: :mad:


Oh dude cool its motorized it does it by itself i didnt know it did that. But you dont have to be a dick about it.

(All the while shaking as to not hit the friend slamming my power trunk)

That reminds me of my first tc: It was velour interior and i had to get ketchup off of the interior. Never again. I dont let anyone eat in the car anymore. And it was always just the one loudmouth "its just an old mans car" and for some reason that kid is always driving a tempo or an escort or something . . . . so he could not believe what he is saying. Well to make a long story short that guy lost lincoln privledges.
That friend that ran his mouth met me at mcdonalds drive through, i had to fix my power window and i was grabbing a bite before i started. I dont know if you ever had to do the open door trick at the drive in but it looks a bit strange. Well he was ridiculing me in public, that was cool i didnt care. But then he started throwin change at my car, oooh no when you attack the paint job its over dude. (i dont know what motivates ubnoxious buddys) Well he pulled in front of me and tried to throw something away or somethin. You know that little spot by the door that they have people wait for fries. Almost at the exit. I pulled up behind his tempo and (a 89 tc with chrome bumpers and a 5.0) pushed his ride in the street and left. By the time he turned around his tempo was in the street and i was gone.
Mine is a simple case of abuse.

Parked it at the shops away from everyone else bit in sight of where I was going. Watched a car park right next to it and the idiot lady inside slam her door into mine. I ran out and confronted her and asked why she did it and will she pay for the damage. She just looked at me and told me to piss off, she didnt do it. Well, the paint on my car was the same as her car, there wasnt another car even close to mine and I SAW HER DO IT!!! She just ignored me and walked off.

Wonder how she felt to come out to a car with every headlight and tail light in smashed pieces on the ground! Stupid cow, hope she had to explain to hubby how it happened.

Needless to say, I only take the wagon to the shops now.
OOOOH YEEEEEEEEAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nice mental image.

Oh man that would feel good to walk around and take out every bit of aggression on every brittle plastic piece on her car. $#@$ you old @#$%ing dumb @#$%#. I didnt do it, right you @#$%ing stupid @#$%.

I love it, made my day. I recently had my car broke into and they smash and bent anything they could get their hands on. I dont want the radio back, i want to get a hold of something that means a lot to them and SMASH THE #$%^ out of it. On that note i will now head out to the family barb b que.

Good day guys.

Big Joe
$#@$ you old @#$%ing dumb @#$%#. I didnt do it, right you @#$%ing stupid @#$%.

Were you watching me? Thats pretty close to what I said but add a few more $#@$'s to it.

Its amazing how quick a wheel nut lever can destroy a tail light.
Bro you should have recorded that. I would pay to see that. I know no one drives around with a camcorder in the trunk but, it would be sweet. I told the uncles about that one and they loved it.

Big Joe
92 Arizona Towncar said:
Oh man... I hate having new people in my car... Whenever I have my friends along I always remind them noy yo slam the doors because it will close very lightly... I hate having someone in my car that when they get out or enter my vehicle they slam the door... I always yell at them to be gentle... And yes I've gotten the "it's just a car" response... Which always works with a "well you can just walk then" response... I had to teach my girlfriend how to shut the doors as well as the trunk... I remember the first day she tried shutting the trunk, she kept trying to slam it down three or four times before I came running to my car's rescue... Had to show her how it closed by itself... Also, some of the hotel and airport personnel need to be shown how to close the trunk... It's a never ending battle that will rage on until I teach EVERYONE how to close my vehicle's doors and trunk...

P.S. - when I first bought my car, my gf hated it with a passion, but now we take my car EVERYWHERE... She only drives her car to work, every other time we end up taking mine, I can't even get her to think about taking her car, she gets upset when we can't take mine... :cool:

How about this one for everyone. I have a power trunk as well.( 1986 Trans Am) and one day I was taking a family friend to get his car from the body shop. Well his things out of his car where in my trunk or hatch what ever you want to call that tiny ass space. So when he went to close it he didn’t only slam it but he broke a plate that holds the motor. So it won’t go down all the way and the best kicker is he slammed it with such force when it broke the plate and the hatch slammed into the car itself……… He shattered my hatch. :Bang :Bang :mad: I was pissed to say the least since I had to drive an hour home down 355(Chicago people know) Did I mention that it was drizzling out the whole time as well. So when I got back to his house I put my car in his garage since I had a motor laying in parts on my garage floor. Then I made him go to the bone yard that day with me and made him get the new one out of a car and pay for it. Then I didn’t trust him to put it back in so I called up my buddy with an 89 Formula and had him help me put the new glass in. The Day for bloody H*ll!!!!!!!!
brought my car camping n met all whole bunch of buddies at the site
ended up getting kicked out the campground
drove around till we found a private beach
one thing led to another and we had my car on the beach stuck in the sand.
ended up sleepin on the beach
when i got home i think half the beach was in my car.
Pepsi2185 said:
That friend that ran his mouth met me at mcdonalds drive through, i had to fix my power window and i was grabbing a bite before i started. I dont know if you ever had to do the open door trick at the drive in but it looks a bit strange. Well he was ridiculing me in public, that was cool i didnt care. But then he started throwin change at my car, oooh no when you attack the paint job its over dude. (i dont know what motivates ubnoxious buddys) Well he pulled in front of me and tried to throw something away or somethin. You know that little spot by the door that they have people wait for fries. Almost at the exit. I pulled up behind his tempo and (a 89 tc with chrome bumpers and a 5.0) pushed his ride in the street and left. By the time he turned around his tempo was in the street and i was gone.

That's hella funny!!! GAWD!
1) Beautiful 2 tone 87 T-Bird. My first car I purchased after joining the military. My cousin needs a ride somewhere and has her kid with her. I told her no food will be consumed in my car. She said her kid goes nowhere without food. I caved and allowed it. The whole trip the kid did fine. But 2 miles short of getting her to where she needed to go, my cousin dumped her 32 oz. tea on my front floorboard. To top things off, she has a carseat for the kid with the buckle that latches in the crotch. So the buckle has to go over the head to get it off. She unbuckles the kid and flings the belt buckle over the kids' head..........hitting the new tint job on the back window, peeling a 1" strip off the tint right through a defroster strip. I said she had to pay for it and she said the couldn't and wouldn't...."it's just a car". She had to wait for the bus to get home because I was damned if she would get a ride again.

2) I know it's rice but I was proud to have it at the time. 93 Honda Accord. Lowered 2", 17" chrome Diablo Racing 7 spokes, custom tint, Clifford G4 alarm with all bells and whistles, custom stereo, lights, exhaust, intake. All that was left was to redo the birdcrap burned paint. Took it to a shop to have it redone completely. They did the best job $2500 could buy. They just did the same burgundy red metallic that originally came on it, but a couple shades darker. Color sanded so beautifully! Anyway-.-.-.-.-didn't have the new paint three weeks and parked at the mall. came back about an hour later and there were three "X"'s etched clear down to the metal spanning the depth and width of the trunk lid and a line down the passenger side of the car. I got the insurance to fix that ($250 deductible) and then about a week after that I was driving down the freeway and a trucker ran over tire fodder that still had radial belting in it from a past blowout. It jumped up and barely cleared the passenger side headlight and skimmed up the hood and whacked the window. That survived but I had 6 or 7 scratches running the length of the hood. I gave up and sold it.
Pepsi2185 said:
Bro you should have recorded that. I would pay to see that. I know no one drives around with a camcorder in the trunk but, it would be sweet. I told the uncles about that one and they loved it.

Big Joe

Yeah, would have been amusing to record except:
a) dont have a camcorder
b) was kind of in a you could imagine
c) wasnt really thinking about it
d) had my hands full swinging the lug nut iron
e) not something I would want to fall into the hands of Mr Officer.

But the memory is sweet and the feeling of satisfaction lingers to this day. :Beer
Well, I guess it must be me, but anyone who knows me, knows how I am about my car. they know that if they should "abuse" anything on it, I would simply snap. I have left friends and family on the side of the road, without giving it a second thought. Byt the time they walked home, they were usually too tired to consider trying to set themselves up for a can of whoop-ass.

the latst attempts to de-face the Black ice, was once at the car wash/detailer. i rarely let someone else wash it, but this time, I let them. The little "illegal" decided to use spray on wheel cleaner on my hood, as the car was entering the auto-roll wash. When the car(and I-I always ride along) exited the otherside, I saw the hood was 'stained" like bleach was sprayed on it. 1/2 hour later, the hood, and the rest of the car had a fresh coat of hand-wax, shiny tires, and spotless chrome wheels. its amazing what running a Limo company can do when the local car wash that does 14 of our cars a day(at $15.00 a pop) pisses off the fleet manager.

Second attempt a abusing the Black car was at the entrence to the drag strip. they did a "trunk check" at the gate, and proceeded to SLAM my trunk. Well, Mr. rent-a-cop got an earful of me, blocking the entrance for a few minutes, tying up traffic, until the track manager came out to see what the fuss was all about. I showed him the filthy hand prints across my trunk hump, and let him know about Mr. rent-a-cop's practice of abuse on customer's rides due to his lack of concern for other people's property. I reminded him that MOST of the cars that enter the track are pretty damn valuable, and I would be the least of his worries.

Go figure, I runner'd up that night, and I havent seen mr. rent-a-cop working the gate since.

other than that, I guess my mark(s) have lived an abuse-fre life.

if Workoutman ever decides to visit this site, I'm sure he will post in this titile about the day I modded his 95, and took it out for a test drive. ass-swinging that gen 1 around a corner at full song, just to see how well the new rear sway bar handles wasnt his idea of "test drive". I figured, if something wasnt right, better to find out now, than after he leaves my shop.

...oh, nothing was wrong... it handled the abuse quite well.
Does this count?.....

Don't know if this counts, But when I was in Saudi during the first Gulf War, my buddy and I were patroling the Main Supply Routes and we decided to go dune hopping in the HMMWV. My driver convinced me he went off roading all the time back home and knew what he was doing. You know how silly a couple of MPs look hanging off a sand dune with the right front tire spinning over the downside of the dune and the left rear trie spinning on the back side of the dune in space? Not to mention trying to explain to both the First Sgt and the Platoon Sgt why I, as a Staff Sgt and squad leader allowed a specialist to talk me into going off roading? I just told them we saw some unusual activity off the MSR and thought we'd investigate. They didn't buy it. I think we spent about a week doing KP.
One day, about 6 months after the Towncar was painted, I was on the couch watching TV while my 2 boys were outside.I heard a peculiar banging noise, and upon investigation, saw my 19 month old banging on the front of my car with a metal pipe.With each hit, the pipe would chip the paint and then rake a scratch down the fender about 3 inches.I guess, since it hit on the corner, it at least didn't dent the car.The scratches and chips are still there.I did alot of screaming and yelling that day.About 1 month later I go outside only to find lovely crayon pictures all over the car and the antenna broken off.That was the 4 year olds doing, and his ass was warm for a few hours.I now park on the street.

The reason my M7 ended up in a junk yard was someone destroyed the interior! Holes were punched into the dash. The gauges, CD player, tripminder, HVAC controls, and switches were all smashed. Door panels were destroyed and much of the miscellaneous trim was destroyed.

After they were finished, the seats and the headliner were slashed.

What did I do about it? I BOUGHT the car and fixed it! :wrench
Brought the new monte, "new", to the firehouse to wash it up and shiz...and one of the guys offered to park it for me. Well, we can say that about 10 nbombs and powerbreaks were seen. When he got back, i riped him out of the car and threw him on the was fun.
Yeah that trunk one will get you every time. People just don't get it.

Anyway My abuse story was with my 90' Fleetwood. This car was so mint it was ridiculous. I bought it in 98 for $4000. It had 60k on the clock. Very nice car. So then I met my current wife and her three kids.

So wouldn't you know that one of the girls, probably 11 at the time, gets in the back and starts poking the headliner. Then she say 'hey this is cool, when I do this the marks just stay there.'

I wanted to kill her but instead I went to the dealer and traded the car on my current 93 Brougham. I couldn't drive the car after that. It bugged me so much I had to get rid of it.
i took my mom shopping and she slammed the trunk down on my thunderbird so hard that it cracked one of the led panels. i was extrememly pissed. mom's not with us anymore since then lol

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