racism controversy?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2008
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LOl I think not

YouTube- Seattle Cop Punches Girl in Face - Jaywalking Stop 6-15-10

many other news media and public are saying this is racist. Last time I checked resisting arrest and assaulting an officer (the one in pink is the Jaywalker's friend who tried clawing at the officer and pushing him off her friend)

When will people..and all the black ppl that seem to say "omg this is racist" if you RESIST THE POPO that's a MOTHA F*CKIN NO NO! Why is it as well that chicks seem to resist cops the most just like in this video for things so stupid? Honestly...you jaywalked...cooperate and you might just get fined...woopie do...that's what you get for NOT USING A DAMN CROSSWALK which Seattle has them EVERYWHERE.

Seriously? How stupid is the public that if this was racist it woulda been the cop shooting them, or using extreme force.

If the chick was any other color and did the same things happen...no one woulda cared but just because she's African American we gotta pull the race card? Seriously? Seriously?

I wish I can revoke someone's race card and then they can just be motha f*ckin GREY!....or an outline :p
obviously these bimbos haven't watched enough COPS. I was looking at the comments on this vid. on CNN and Fox News, and it seemed like a majority of people on both sites were in support of the cop
Resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. Fawk em' both, he needed back up the way I see it.
He shouldn't have punched her, but the dump b1tch had it coming. oh, and yea, not a race thing at all.
as wild c said, he was trained for stuff like that, pepper spray, tazer, club.... and fist i guess, all in all its gonna turn out that "she reached for my weapon" but all in all im suprised that cop didnt get killed or seriously beaten AS SOON as he did that
There's a simple lesson to be learned here:

Don't break the law, and you won't have any problems.
this pisses me off so much I could fill up 10 pages of how much this is wrong
I feel bad for that cop
ever notice that every time its a white cop its racist
Each of the girls has a criminal record. The one he punched has been charged with robbery and car theft in the past. It was two on one, and the one he punched was bigger than him.
He needs retraining, not for the punch but on how to use appropriate chemical agents to get a situation under control more quickly and he needed to get backup there. With all the thugs milling around it could have gotten very bad very quickly. You don't let someone continue to fight, you end the threat A.S.A.P.
i wish i had soft cops like that out here, he must be a rookie, the girl in pink shouldnt have thought it was ok to put her hands on a cop while he is making a arrest, thanks to all the wonderful videos im sure the cop will be found out numbered and did what he could to control the situation, if you dont want to respect cops, dont involve yourself with them....

to the NAACP.... as angry as that human being was, if he didnt have control he would have kept punching that hood rat in the face, so glad to see another one of your home videos that makes headlines
People always gotta make a cops job harder.....

WTF do people expect. One girl is resisting arrest, another girl assaults an officer to aid a girl in resisting arrest. Camera phones should be banned. Everybody wants to think they're friggen Rodney King these days. I'm just surprised the stuff from before the cop punched the girl survived. Most douchebags would have edited that out just to make their story sound more credible.

That officer should have maced and tazed the whole lot of em. People should learn to back the f off and give cops room to do their jobs. Maybe then there wouldn't be so many stories of police violence.
I think he should of used the club on her face. This matter is very delicate in my perspective. The :q:q:q:qed up :q:q:q:q is that they think that just b/c in the past they were slaves that now they deserve everything. They blame everything on racism, what type of :q:q:q:q is that????? I saw the video a few times and you can see that the girl with the pink shirt jumps in to try to defend the one thats getting arrested and she pushes the officer. These jungle bunnies have to learn to respect I mean they dont even respect their parents how are they going to respect an officer. In my book you do the crime you pay the time. And by the way if you want to hear racism? Here it comes, and I quote!!! "They should of been kept slaves" and another thing "In the history of the United States there has never been a black president" :q:q:q:q them!!!
It's amusing how the news showed a clip that made it look like it was the cops fault. After watching the full video I feel bad for the cop. That guy was in definite danger and took appropriate action. I hate the media...they basically victimized this cop and purposely tried to sway peoples thoughts against him. What a shame!
I think he should of used the club on her face. This matter is very delicate in my perspective. The :q:q:q:qed up :q:q:q:q is that they think that just b/c in the past they were slaves that now they deserve everything. They blame everything on racism, what type of :q:q:q:q is that????? I saw the video a few times and you can see that the girl with the pink shirt jumps in to try to defend the one thats getting arrested and she pushes the officer. These jungle bunnies have to learn to respect I mean they dont even respect their parents how are they going to respect an officer. In my book you do the crime you pay the time. And by the way if you want to hear racism? Here it comes, and I quote!!! "They should of been kept slaves" and another thing "In the history of the United States there has never been a black president" :q:q:q:q them!!!

You are completely out of line, slavery was wrong on every level, I am black, and I have never dissrespected my parents, and I am positive I have done more for this country than you have ever dreamed of doing, so I quote " Get your racist A S S out of MY country"


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