New Mark VIII spoiler!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
West Virginia

Well, maybe not. :N

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I have plenty of comments! But I shal refrain from expressing my first thoughts

Maybe its yellow so the guy can find it in the snow? The front looks like a plow........Here are the other pics.

MonsterMark said:
Yellow snowflakes. The whole car, no comment.

lin (Small).jpg

lincoln3 (Small).jpg
Oh my god there are more pics!!!?? I thought, no I hoped it was a photo shop job, but someone actually built that car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One word, WOW
it looks like a old audi rally car from the front with an eclipse ostrich spoiler.
i just had to replace my keyboard after puking all over it. that is almost as bad as the markimino i saw a while back.
ralph said:
i just had to replace my keyboard after puking all over it. that is almost as bad as the markimino i saw a while back.

Sorry Ralph I should post a warning on this thread. :)

Get a wireless KB to replace it. Mine works GREAT!

There not any Lincoln wheel. What they are I have no idea but they are not Lincoln wheels.

it looks like BBS wheels painted yellow..ick, ( 88 to 89 lsc's)
no matter looks like sh*t. i wouldn't want to be caught dead in that :L thorry!
Ok I like the tinted headlights, but I bet he cant see at night, and about the car.... no comment
MarkOfDeath said:
Ok I like the tinted headlights, but I bet he cant see at night, and about the car.... no comment

Well, with those 4 rally stile driving lights, he better be able to see!!!
Sorta looks like a Nissan Skyline from the side. Yellow and snow: not funny unless I'm writing my name. It's sad, just sad.
No way is that real! No one could be that stupid or high lol :nos: maybe he's been inhalin it instead of sprayin it?
Hey Geno didnt you say you were thinkin of redoin the TerminViiitor???
give 'em credit

It's different, never seen any Marks like that before, and hopefully never will again...........
I do like the hood actually. But I like this better.

"Yellow and snow: not funny unless I'm writing my name." LMAO
Sorry dude, to euro for me. Two thumbs up for thinking outside the box though. I'd really do something about those hood scoops, they look like they belong on a Pontiac Aztec.
just when i finally forgot about this ... this... thing...

its back !!!

the hideousness of that car will haunt my dreams forever

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