Let the games begin....

Thought I would add this to the games list.
I've been following a thread just like most of you probably have been.


He mentioned a leak into the passenger compartment. I also have this leak so I thought I would see what was going on.
This is what I found. Not sure what that patch is for??
Cleaned everything and with the help of probably too much ATV. I'm sure there is no more leak! (alarm would go off when it rained).

I also put the (Anti Theft Module) back in for the 1st time in 10 years. Owners manual say's when you close and lock the doors the light on the dash is suppose to stay on for 30 seconds and then go off and it's armed. It also says to make sure everything is closed.
The light never went off! I checked both doors, the trunk, and the hood. Everything seems to be closed. I took the module back out for now, until I figure out what's wrong.

Does anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong? It worked perfectly years ago! With the exception of going off when it rained.
I know the module isn't worth much and should leave it in the trunk but I would like to get it working again!!

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Leak (3).jpg
seat repair

I'll be doing the same job on my 95. Do you think the trans fluid will stain saddle tan leather? I picked up some HD nylon thread, about $2. Fixed one rip 5 years ago and thread holding up well. Finally a use for the 6 qts of Mercon III thats been on the shelf for years. Thanks for the tip
I'll be doing the same job on my 95. Do you think the trans fluid will stain saddle tan leather? I picked up some HD nylon thread, about $2. Fixed one rip 5 years ago and thread holding up well. Finally a use for the 6 qts of Mercon III thats been on the shelf for years. Thanks for the tip

If your talking about the seats, you better talk to (Diesel Dan). I never had the gut's to try trans fluid on the seats. I always thought it would stain the thread, but I dunno!
Thought I would add this to the game's list since this isn't my DD, just playing with this car....

Anyone broke this?

All four tab's and two of the plastic screwy thing's are broke.
This is my fix....did it years ago and just did it again for a tighter fit.

I used an old aluminum license plate and cut a piece about 3/8" wide and drilled two holes, cut a slit (for a bend) because the mount is offset and molded it to the cover, made bend's in the end for a hook type method to hold it on. Used stock hardware where I could and a screw where I couldn't.

Now, this thing just snap's in place and I can remove it anytime I want!

I've seen this glued on, screwed on and not on at all! There's no sense in that! This work's and is removable if you so desire! And fit's perfectly!

Pic's are apparently in no order anymore with the new format!!!!

Steering cowel fix (1).jpg

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Steering cowel fix (5).jpg

Steering cowel fix (6).jpg

Steering cowel fix (7).jpg

Steering cowel fix (8).jpg

Steering cowel fix (9).jpg

Steering cowel fix (10).jpg
I've had a dozen of these cars and never had this piece broken. Guess i'm lucky....:cool:
Was going to replace it with a piece of spring steel but it's holding good and tight....think I'll just leave it alone! :) And move onto other fixes.
Thought I would add to my games list again.
Just received a 95 blue hvac unit in the mail yesterday from dnsherrill with perfect buttons to replace the old crusty 94 broken button one that is in the car now. 95 one need's cleaned up a little. I wounder if I could just swap the face plates instead of pulling the whole unit? I may have to look into this (this weekend's project).

Oh yeah....in case anyone is wondering, it's been 14 months since I repaired the rear seat in post #1 and it still looks just like it did after I repaired it. :)
If I'm not mistaken, you will have to pull the unit to replace the faceplate because the bolts that hold it on go through tabs molded into the faceplate. I've only had mine out once to check the bulbs but I think that's how it's made.
Ok....the new used hvac unit is in. It's not dark yet but are the button's on the 95 unit suppose to light up? I don't think these do. My 94 button's lit up, to good! Had to put tape over the button's to keep from getting blinded at night.
The 95 had some problems with the blue housing (had to do some work on it).
The face plates are not interchangeable. The 94 blue housing is about 1" longer and a little different shape so I couldn't switch housing's either (tried). Anyway It's in and everything works with the exception of the button light's....I think! Will have to check again when it get's dark.

Edit: I can now tell the lights work very dimly in the thumb wheel, max ac and vent but not in anything else. There is 3 or 5 bulbs for the buttons. Anyone know which wires I can hook up to 12v so I can work on this on my work bench to get everything working before I put it back in a second time?

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HVAC (6).jpg
Off topic but a couple of Armour all cleaning wipes will make that shifter handle look like new!

Tried Armour all. Thats not dirt....lol It's worn out leather, beyond repair. Been looking for a black one with a black button, not much luck yet. My button is also broke and missing the spring. It's just sitting in there, been like that for awhile now.
Ooh. My 93 had that ugly buildup on it and i kept wiping it with the cleaning wipes and it came back to life. Next time I go to the junkyard, I will keep an eye out for one. I have a blue one but I think it's a lighter shade of blue
I had a thought...test the bulbs and not the unit.
94 unit has 4 out of 5 bulbs that work. 95 unit has 1 out of 5 bulbs that work. I'll just switch the bulbs out of the 94 into the 95 right? Wrong!
94 unit bulbs have longer bases and a slightly bigger bulb and seem to be a little brighter.
Ok move to plan "B".
Try switching bulbs with the sockets. First let me put on 2 pairs of reading glasses and warm up the soldering iron as I will have to solder the 94 bulbs into the 95 sockets. I'm having troubles holding onto these little guys!
This took a little time but seems to have worked perfectly! All lights seem to be lit. I'll take some night shots tonight.

On the down side I broke the latch to the console by leaning on it....F@$%! Fixing this now.

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HVAC (11).jpg
Everything is working including all the lights....YAY! I just realized while taking this pic that the rear window defroster button and lighter isn't lit up....hhmmm.
Took the lighter and defrost switch back out and replaced lighter bulb but I'll have to order the defrost switch bulb.

HVAC (13).jpg
I was board so instead of ordering a light for the defrost switch and waiting for days, I had an extra 5-smd 194 that I thought I would take apart and make a 2-smd T4. Learned this from the guy on the LS site.
The original bulb was blue so I went with a blue led. Had to grind down the housing and the led's just a little, added the resistor and.....
WOW that switch is BLUE now! That looks unbelievable! I'm gonna have to order some more blues to replace all the whites.
I seen pics that others have done in blue but the pics don't do any justice. It looks ever better in real life!
Will add a pic of the switch tonight.

Home Made LED (1).jpg

Home Made LED (2).jpg

Home Made LED (3).jpg

Home Made LED (4).jpg

Home Made LED (5).jpg
looks really good; did you reuse the teal blue outer housing from your car with the eatc I sent?
those little eatc bulbs are also available in led's..I have some, yet to put them in
looks really good; did you reuse the teal blue outer housing from your car with the eatc I sent?
those little eatc bulbs are also available in led's..I have some, yet to put them in

Had to stick with the blue housing that came with the one you sent. Mine was about 1" longer and a different shape around the face plate area. Had to do a lot of work just to transfer the bulbs, but everything's working now. Haven't forgot about ya!
Blue T4 led's for eatc, defrost switch and the one for the message center are on order. The 7 for the warning lights in the message center are T5's I believe. Haven't made up my mind on them yet. Saving the headlight switch area and gauge cluster area for last.
How does the switch housing for the head lights come out? Don't want to break anything if I don't have to.
does that broken blue housing seem secure? i got in a hurry pulling it out from the donor (mosquitoes were all over the place)
headlight switch? just pull the round switch, start removing bolts...
Pull the round switch?? I was wondering how to pull the housing, black plastic cover that's covered in the rubber like material, face plate maybe.
Anyway here's a couple pics of the blue defrost switch, pics aren't that good, will take more when I put the rest in.

Defrost Button (1).jpg

Defrost Button (2).jpg
sorry, I guess I'm confused on what you're trying to remove and get access to; if you're trying to remove the instrument cluster, pull off the 3 position rotary headlamp switch next to the panel dim and auto lamp pots, then a bolt behind the 3 position sw... eventually pull the bezzle that goes all the way across to the pass side air bag, then 4 bolts for the instument cluster, then wrestle the cluster out and unplug it
You had to use the word wrestle didn't you? I've noticed when you wrestle with things that are 19 years old something gets broke!
That's what I'm trying to remove....the head light panel switch housing, not sure what it's called. The head light switches are behind it....lol
Black plastic, rubberized coated housing, face plate that goes over head light switches. Does it just snap on? With clips just like everything else?
Can't believe I have 400 pics of this car and don't have one of the head light switch area!
I love these self-help threads. The repair would stand every "normal" car driver's scrutiny, only the freaks would notice it wasn't perfect. The transmission fluid idea is off-the-charts crazy, but water in the intake for carbon build up seemed nuts, too. I'm sorry, but mink oil and saddle soap and Danner boot renew will continue to be the only things I apply to my seats until ATF proven to be superior. Seeing this car still performing with a little regular guy maintenance for so many miles gives me great confidence. I lost the faith for a while and sold the '95 when confronted with what seemed to be an overwhelming problem. The guy who bought it and figured it out honks everytime he drives by. This '98 LSC is probably a better cruiser for a guy my age and the upgrades in materials and design are really appreciated, even though I like the nose of GenI much better. Anyway, Spree, you've got a fellow traveler watching with great interest. Thanks
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