If you had a nickel... (Pics)


Active LVC Member
Apr 1, 2010
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For everytime you saw a horrible female driver...how much money would you have???

More importantly...would it be enough to get this fixed???


Pass Front.jpg

Driver Front.jpg

Pass Headlight 2.jpg

Rear Bumper.jpg

Pass Rear Bumper.jpg

Pass Rear Bumper2.jpg

I will explain the story of as to what happened. It snowed literally 4 inches over this past weekend. The temp never got hot enough for everything to melt. Last night it snowed (starting at about 7[ish]) then early this morning it turned to ice. Everything was coated with about 1/4 inch of ice on it.

She had asked what i thought about her driving back home where we used to live (about 2 hours away) I told her that i didn't think it was such a great idea and to just stay. So long about 11:30 today my mother calls and says she is excited to see my son later today. So i immediately call my wife and ask "WTF do you think you are doing..???" <blah blah blah> Told her that the same rules apply to the car as they do a candystore (You break it, You buy it). Aboust 12:30 my mother calls again and says my wife was wrecked the car.

She apparently hit a small patch of ice, underneath an overpass, the car fish tailed, she over-corrected and hit a concrete wall on just about every corner of the car. As you can tell from the pics, i have a few parts to replace, some body lines to fix, and the possibility of a new paint job.

So, just from looking at the damage that has been done from the impact here is a list of parts i am looking to replace:

Front Bumper (Gonna try for an LSE bumper)
New Side Marker Lenses (If no LSE bumper)
New Pass Headlight (possibly both)
New Driver / Passenger Front Quarter Panels
New Rear Bumper
New Pass Side Tails (Inner / Outer)

*the trunk is offset, as you can tell in the pics. Im hoping that maybe the bumper has it that way, so that i dont have to have the passenger rear quarter replaced.

FYI: If you ever look at a woman and think, "Dammit i would love to get with that!" Just remember, some man...some where...is tired of her Sh!t :mad:
In raw parts alone i estimate $1500.

Throw in paint and this is gonna be a good $2500 to fix. How much is your deductible??
HATE to see the car wrecked, but if the wife and kid are ok you gotta call it a win bro. For real.
Looks like you can change the passenger headlight bulb with no trouble at all now. See she did you a favor. WOW that's a lotta damage, good that the family is ok.
In raw parts alone i estimate $1500.

Throw in paint and this is gonna be a good $2500 to fix. How much is your deductible??

Not exactly sure on the deductible to be honest. I had rough estimated about 3K on everything depending on the paint and labor.

full coverage?

Yep, cant let a woman drive a car that isn't fully covered :)

HATE to see the car wrecked, but if the wife and kid are ok you gotta call it a win bro. For real.

COMPLETELY AGREE. That's about the only thing im actually not upset about. As far as the car goes...its just nuts / bolts / degas bottle :)

+1 on being safe..plus in the end you might get the full LSE swap!!!

Yeah...when i saw the car, that's almost immediately where my mind went...after the intial "Son of a b*tch...WTF ! "
Mine had some slight body damage when i bought it which is prolly why i got it for such a good price but nothing like that.

Just a deep gash in the front bumper and some scratches which i fixed up already.
I would take my losses and get an 06. Take the insurance check for repairs, and sell the car to a yard wrecked. Then put money towards at least a gen2. It will be worth it!
I got hit and only my rear bumper was damage. The shop gave the insurance about a 2000 dollar bill. I know they jack up the price but I say you're looking at more than 1500, 3000+ is more like it.
I would take my losses and get an 06. Take the insurance check for repairs, and sell the car to a yard wrecked. Then put money towards at least a gen2. It will be worth it!

Andrizzle, i have thought about that once or twice today. The only problem is that there isn't many Ls' around here to be bought. I found one the other day. It was a Red color with Tan interior (PUKE). Oddly enough, one of the things that i love about my car, other than its an LS, is the color. Its not one of the "norms" that you see a dime a dozen of. I believe i have saw one maybe two on here, and one running around where i currently live. Im gonna attempt to have everything price with OEM equipment on it from the manufacturer (so that the price is a bit higher) then get the body guys to search there "inventory" lists for other than OEM equip.

Everything is still dependent on what the "Gekko" decides to do :)
Those must be cali prices cause a rear bumper collision runs nowhere near that much here.
I got hit and only my rear bumper was damage. The shop gave the insurance about a 2000 dollar bill. I know they jack up the price but I say you're looking at more than 1500, 3000+ is more like it.

Yeah those bastards are bad for :q:q:q:q like that. But hey, what can you do. I was really good friends with an awesome body shop guy back home...but since i have moved, i have lost most of my contacts...gonna search around to see what i can come up with.

FYI: to those keeping up with the thread...when i start asking for Part #'s i have already searched...just wanted to go ahead and put that out there. Gonna be looking for some of the LSE #'s. Still weighing options though...once again...depending on the "gekko"
Well let's put it this way... When I wrecked my LS I got a check for over 6 grand...
Well let's put it this way... When I wrecked my LS I got a check for over 6 grand...

Bah, i still owe roughly $5,500 on the car. Hoping that it doesn't get totalled out...but IF so then it does. Then i finally get to do the ONLY type of shopping i truly enjoy...AUTO SHOPPING :)
Yea I was surprised @ the amount. But I got some sweet wheels out of the deal :D

Sometimes I wonder where I would be at if I had taken the check and not repaired the car, and just sold it...

But I love my LS too much :D
Those must be cali prices cause a rear bumper collision runs nowhere near that much here.

Well they added more than just a rear bumper. They added new sensors, new ones were blac instead of silver, I think they also said some other stuff in the bumper area was damaged, I dont remember the exact details. The guy's insurance paid for it so I didn't care what they charged the insurance company.
They will most likely total that car out ,i can almost guarantee it...I would say over $5000 in damage.I know it doesnt look like that but it will be.I bought a wrecked 02 lse and it was total out and it had half the damage of that...Heres some pics of the car when i got it...It had $7200 worth of damage.


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