Hey Geno, I found a black widow.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 27, 2008
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Since Genos always posting pics of spiders he finds I thought I would post one I found.

So, I was by the lake ( in my yard ) with my kids looking around for some tree frogs and such since those guys like to come out more at the beginning and end of the warmer seasons and doing what kids do my son started picking up rocks to toss in the lake.

Well me being a parent and doing what they do I tried to break him of the habit and told him to put the rock down where he found it. Of course being 2 he told me no so I took the rock out of his hand and was going to do it myself till he said " no, spider " so I looked closer at what I thought from a standing point of view was a hole in the ground and realized it was indeed a spider. Upon a closer look I realized it was a flipping black widow!


So, since it was a female I decided to look around the house and found at least 3 more in the landscaping around my house. I called pest control which is coming out first thing tomorrow and they told me its no surprise. The east coast has been having very warm winters and the black widow really needs to hibernate so sightings where very few. This past winter in this area has been very cold so now they are making a huge come back.

As if Im not scared to piss of spiders enough now I have to worry about this, and my son loves playing with rocks.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a pick of the abdomen area where the hour glass is ( this thing was pissed!!! ) but it was there.




From the WWW for referencing.

I found a Southern Black Widow crawling up the hand rail in my garage, a few months back. Probably very similar to that Northern one you found, just glossier. Haven't seen one since. (BTW, the glass makes it look small, but it was a good size)

Im worried cause I do have a problem with other larger spiders like different types of wolfs that Black Widows love to eat.

When it comes to spiders I know more food means more spiders, in this case more Black Widows.
I don't know much about them, but I'm sure the pest controller will have sound advice.

Funny you said it was pissed - when I released that one I found, it was mad, also - it jumped at me... so I left the glass and ran away. :)
you dont even want to see some of the spiders in the back of our work, dark, wet, musty rooms that are nothing but storage now, spiders the size of a small childs hand, and those black widows are everywhere around the building inside and out. i do not like spiders at all, anytime i see a huge one at work i grab my lighter and a can of spray paint and fry the bastards.
Thats exactly the way I am with those big Wolf type spiders. I go out onto the front porch or in the garage and the things are everywhere. I pick up some flammables and torch the things. I cant get rid of them. I pulled out a bush and everything that they liked to live in but they wont go away.

Hopefully we dont have that cold of a winter around here this year. They say thats why they are all over the place this last summer. They had a chance to have a healthy reproductive season. If its warm and they cant hibernate they wont be so bad come next summer cause they will mostly all die and those that dont arent healthy enough to produce lots of offspring.

Unfortunately its not the same for your southern species.
I grew up in northern California and we used to have black widows all over the area where the siding met the foundation on the house. My dad would just get some WD-40 and spray them and after a little while they would die. I'm pretty sure it suffocates them. But hey it was cheaper than an exterminator!!
By the way guys Wolf spiders (while I wouldn't want one on me...) keep other worse pests away. And I am pretty sure the don't bite humans, I have a ton of pretty large ones on and around my property but I leave them be.
Bottom line I would rather see spiders that eat all the other pests that could be there.
Well, I want the exterminator to come cause I have kids and if it is a problem thats not cool. I live about 5 minutes from the beach and I live on a lake. The area is just notorious for bugs and pretty big ones so a infestation could be possible, not cool when you have very young kids. I was reading about a lady that actually lives in the development next to me. It was on a pest control web site and she counted 11 of them herself back in June. The exterminator, a entomologist specializing in arachnids expected to see one here and there but the place surprised him. He found them everywhere.

The wolfs that come around are pretty defensive, I had more than one come at me. I am sure those are known to be aggressive also.
Wow. The kid and black widow thing is a for sure issue but the wolfs around me will run away as quick as they can no matter how big. Are you sure they are wolfs? Can you get a pic of one?
I'll try. I hate the f*ckers so Im not sure how clear of a pic it would be but I am 100% positive. I have a few different types around my house also.

It all depends on how you come up on them.
I eat spiders for breakfast! And I'll rape your black widows with my mighty penor!

srry felt like ranting since bugs are pretty high and dry plain :p
YUUCCCHHHH!! I despise spiders, I don't know why I even read this thread. Now I am jumpy of everything that touches me...arrugh...:(
I have those all over the place out here. They dont bother me as much as the scorpions do. I hate those things.


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