Has anyone been paying much attention to this?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Listen to everything, think logical and pause when needed to read everything when needed. I believe it really happened but, some don't.

I was already watching the news before it was ever mentioned and I seen for myself how the day played out. I agree, some things were misinformed but later fixed when the truth came out. I don't know, you'll have to watch it for yourself to decide but like I said, I believe it happened.
I didn't think anything about this until later. There have been almost no shootings since Fast and Furious, but two weeks after the election Sandy Hook happens, then there are a dozen separate shootings within a week. Three days after Sandy Hook, Barbara Feinstein said that she had just finished legislation that she'd been working on for over a year to address tragedies like Sandy Hook. Since that week of shootings, when the furor starts to die down we get reports of another mass shooting, although, aside from the Sandy Hook and the second Aurora CO shooting I don't think anyone's actually been killed.

I'm not going to say that Sandy Hook was fake, but I will wonder if the current nutjob gun control freaks didn't decide that since there was no interest in extending the 1994 gun ban, and since Fast and Furious was found to be the real source of the Mexican drug lords getting guns (remember they were starting the spin cycle on that when it came out that the guns used were actually provided by the Feds, which killed it before it could get started) they decided that they needed to sacrifice a few bodies to the cause. The big problem with the crazy liberal nutjobs is they have a firm belief that the ends justifies the means. I fully believe that if the insane anti-gun liberals thought that the only way to get guns banned was to shoot up a school that they would convince some sucker to martyr himself to their cause. The shooter went in, shot a bunch of people, then killed himself to avoid capture. Was he just an insane person, or was he sacrificing himself to further a goal? People have killed themselves for causes before.

I dunno, I'd have written Sandy Hook off as a lone nutjob if not for the spate of shootings combined with the timing being practically right after the election and the anti-gunners having a large piece of legislation that just happened to be ready to go. One of the tenants of the crackpots of liberalism is "Never let a crisis go to waste." I think they've added a new one, "When a crisis is needed, create one."
The movie Arlington Road comes to mind. FEMA was doing live shooter drills at the school that day. Seems fishy. I saw a clip of a aunt of a victim speaking and the website had a clip of the same woman in a commercial. Another woman was talking about her niece and said she was a inspiration to her older sisters, but this little girl only had younger siblings.
The FEMA drill / "classes" were being held 20 minutes away from the school from what I mapped out. Address and times for all classes are in the link and they are in pdf. Looking on mapquest, it shows 36 mins / 19.45 miles :confused:


Classes /Drills were held here.
2800 Main Street Bridgeport, CT 06606 <--nice zip code btw. :shifty:

School address

12 Dickinson Dr., Sandy Hook, CT. 06482 According to:

Look on the right hand side of the header picture and the address is in there, on the bottom of that pic.

Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 60 miles outside of New York City. Violent crime had been rare in the town of 28,000 residents; there was only one homicide in the town in the ten years prior to the school shooting.

At approximately 10:00 a.m., Danbury Hospital scrambled extra medical personnel in expectation of having to treat numerous victims. Three wounded patients were evacuated to the hospital, where two children were later declared dead. The other was an unidentified adult. As many people that were shot, seems like there would have been more than 3 injuries.

The New York City medical examiner dispatched a portable morgue to assist the authorities.The victims bodies were removed from the school and "formally identified during the night after the shooting".

A nurse who had been with the school for 15 years, told CBS News' Scott Pelley that no one knows Nancy Lanza and that she was not a staff teacher, after earlier reports said Nancy Lanza worked at the school. The nurse said its conceivable that Nancy Lanza was a substitute that she never met, but very unlikely. No other staff member the nurse has talked to has ever heard of Nancy Lanza. The nurse also knows of no connection between the shooter and the school.

"Video of actual nurse of the school"

Sandy Hook Nurse Hid Steps Away From Gunman - YouTube

But, look at this. I'm assuming the media took words from her mouth that she never said? 1:17 of this video below. Again, 1:52

Sandy Hook Media Lie: Reporter: "School Nurse said, Lanza Great Kindegarten teacher" - YouTube

Now look at 0:42 seconds and you'll see the couple that had a daughter that was shot to death but in this particular video the woman is showing you, the parents don't even know yet that "their daughter" is dead. Let me also say that I have 40 minutes recorded on my DVR from the day the shooting happened and it is of Fox News, not the same station this woman is showing. I also see that same couple (The McDonnell's) in a different location, twice. Once was where you see them standing there and the other was at the door of the firehouse and a cop was with them. Here is a pic of the man, directly from my own TV. I took this last night because I recognized them from an interview they done with CNN.

This is "one" of the times I saw them being pictured like they were looking for their child. This was LIVE! I seen them twice. Why were they singled out and shown so much and then to boot, interviewed by CNN? 0:42 seconds!


Now this is a pic of the same couple on youtube and you can even see the name of the video.


1:44 of this video too!

Sandy Hook Kindergarten Teacher's Son Is MAIG's Michael Bloombergs' Event Director - YouTube

Please watch this video because they act like they are talking about someone they don't even know and was only told about. It's like a script for them. Keep in mind, their daughter had been dead for 2 days and neither of these parents look like they have lost a wink of sleep and neither one have red eyes and don't shed one tear. I'm really starting to wonder now about all of this.

Go back up and look at her earrings. Seems like a woman that was having an interview with CNN and has lost a child 2 days prior would have changed earrings by the time this interview was done. It's possible she wore the same pair I guess...
Grace McDonnell's Parents 2 Days After Sandy Hook Shooting - YouTube

3:00 into this video. This is the father of Emilie Parker that was shot and killed. Boy is he smiling before he makes his statement.

Robbie Parker gives interview, Full UNCUT Watch ar 3:12 in video - YouTube

About the little girl and her father.

Sandy Hook - Is Emilie Parker sitting on the presidents lap? Plus Other Oddities! - YouTube

“You can’t legislate stupidity or insanity”, there’s nothing you can do, there’s no laws you can pass that can control those things, it’s all part of living in a free society. Now, if the government wants to come down with this massive gun control on us, I think they should have to first set the example themselves, and that is, we are without a doubt the largest arms sales country in the world, we sell arms to everybody. All those arms we sell, what is the fatality rate in the end, all those third-world weapons that we send throughout the world from the United States?

Here is what the outcome was in Australia when they banned nearly all firearms.

Armed robberies are up 69%
Assault with guns up 28%
Gun murders up 19%
Home invasions up 21%

Now, here in the US are average deaths for different reasons.

Yearly Average Deaths!

443,000 from smoking.
106,000 from prescription drug side effects.
115,000 from bedsores.
98,000 from medical error.
88,000 from infections.
32,000 from surgery.
37,000 from unnecessary medical procedures.

36,000 from homicidal shootings!

No matter what, we're about to lose our guns, especially if it holds 10 or more, forget it. You keep them and get caught... prison time!

Does anyone on here know of any family members or anything about one of their children being shot? I bet not. I was all for this in the beginning but after really doing some digging and seeing how parents were acting after their own child's death. All the smiling and not looking like they have had restless nights, no red eyes, etc...

Check out this couple. Supposed to be Nick and Laura Phelps of Sandy Hook but they apparently live in Florida.

Nick and Laura Phelps Greenberg Sandy Hook Actors Exposed - Shooting FRAUD HOAX FALSE FLAG - YouTube

Besides the annoying noise, this video shows that something just isn't right.

Raw Helicopter Footage Before (Fake?) 'Sandy Hook Shooting' Started! Crisis Actors in a Bad Drill? - YouTube

And why would FEMA do a live shooter drill for a school shooting not a school? All of the other ones they have done were at schools. Including one shortly after Sandy Hook in Texas.

I'm surprised there wasn't a big school shooting in Texas that day. There was one guy that brought the shotgun to a school in California a couple of weeks ago. I think he shot one and a pellet from the shell hit someone else. I think they have enough now to go ahead and take the guns away or fine you for having them and then limiting how many a clip can hold in a pistol.
Totally fake, set up whatever you want to call it. The screw ups in this are even worse than 911. I don't want to sound like a nut job, but people in this country need to wake up to the fact that there are some really f@cked up powerful wealthy people that have lost their minds. I mean if you look at the evidence here it's totally obvious that none of this adds up. No parent, and I mean none would act like the people in the videos after losing a child. We listen to Alex Jones everyday at work because my boss's son is huge into this stuff. I used to try to play it off and tell him he was full of it, but there's way too much info out there that doesn't add up. People wake up to the fact that are government is completely full of ****. It's sad but true. It's a slap in the face to all the great people who have died for freedom and this country.

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