Halfway done with the eibachs


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 16, 2010
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well i started the eibachs today, i only got to do the back since it was starting to look like rain and my brother had to leave (he was helping me) for work but hopefully the front will be done tomorrow here are a few pics plus you can also see the color matching rear surround i got





haha sorry i though it would be in a different pic but here you go :D

Edit: i also just noticed i put the same pic in there twice

the rear looks great! the drop...well i really don't see it. maybe after putting the fronts and them settling in you will be able to better see the drop. do you have side by side before and after pics?
Yea I am not seeing a difference in the photos...

But the surround looks good
yea the more i look at it it doesnt look like it dropped, i bought the springs off ebay from jwerner for like $100 some i'm thinking he screwed me but i guess looking at it on the positive side it wasn't full retail for them
well i was talking to Alax07 about it and they had the paint scratched of on it and the areas where it was scratched off was were the eibach symbol should be
Curious that right where the stamp should be is ground off. :shifty:

From what I understand this jwerner is a shady SOB. Hopefully you didn't get screwed!!!
yea i know right, of course is scratched in that exact spot, but i figured it was only 100 dollars and it could have been worse, but i'm almost 100% positive he screwed me and i just order the springs from tirerack.com and they will be here in the middle of the week, so hopefully i can do it on friday
So none of them have anything on it? No name or number? Can you tell the stock shocks apart from the eibacs physically? Is one shorter than the other or any differences that are obvious? I haven't done mine so I can't tell.

lol. It's just half a spring. I'm just glad I didn't get screwed, I think it was a good deal, 200 shipped.
yea it didnt have anything on it like that and the new ones weren't shorter than the stock one really, but since i didnt take before and after shots it looked like to me that it was lower but after looking after older pics its clearly not
I just saw NYC LS8's lowered ls with stock wheels, 17's, and it does look lower than yours. I really hope you didn't get screwed man, that would suck bad.

So you order eibachs off of tire rack?
yea i bought them off tire rack, they were like 246, and after shipping i got them for 268, i figured it would be the cheapest since they are in south bend, in with is only like an hour and a half away so 2 day shipping was only like 23 dollars

i also just found out there is a group for LVC on facebook lol
i gotta say i think you have the best looking ls on the forum as far as the color combo and rims go, but clean the car
i gotta say i think you have the best looking ls on the forum as far as the color combo and rims go, but clean the car

thanks, and i would clean it but its been raining all week basically and is supposed to be until tuesday (they say just scattered thunderstroms but i never believe the weather lol)
Compare the ones you ordered from Tirerack to the ones you got from JWerner. That should give you a definite answer on whether or not they are the same.
So you think he sent you stock springs?

Could be a mistake on his part.
what pricing did you guys get the eibachs i;m still looking for some!! and i like the sorround i need to do that to mine ;D
yea i bought them off tire rack, they were like 246, and after shipping i got them for 268,

Compare the ones you ordered from Tirerack to the ones you got from JWerner. That should give you a definite answer on whether or not they are the same.

Yeah I was going to say that too

So you think he sent you stock springs?

Could be a mistake on his part.

That would suck. Didn't seem like he would do that.
well i just sent him a message on ebay so we'll see what happens there with my luck he wont answer

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