God is Only a Theory

I'm sorry you haven't. Maybe if you had a more open mind... you would. I pray that you do get that experience.
it'll never happen. just as that dinner will never happen nor my phone call to you. of that i'll stake my life.
Your little chart you borrowed from somewhere,,, has errors and omissions. But you wouldn't know that because you don't take the time to educate yourself.

Acting on instructions from Joey---you act like a dumbbell. (I just characterized your actions, and not your person.)

You chose your 'name'. How else would you pronounce it but, phonetically, 'hurm-worm'?
I use the diminutive 'worm' just to show that I really like you!

no, you use it to be derogative. and basically just a Kunt Stupid. see, that's how i phonetically pronounce KS.
how else would you pronounce it?
i use the diminutive Kunt to show i'm not insulting you. :rolleyes:
It's obvious from your comment above that you either don't know what phonetically means, or you're trying to act stupid. I make a point of the 'act' in deference to Joey. You chose the name by which you are known here. Mine was given to me by my Mother and Father, and I only use the initials for simplicity's sake. Your attempt at nastiness is actually aimed at my Mom and Dad. Shame on you.

(Actually, the word is 'derogatory'.)

Ken Sheffer
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still don't see what you are doing, do you. i thought my bluntness might point it out to you.
i'll revert back to ks from now on.
That's not bluntness. You're simply acting as a dullard. (...acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way...)

Russell was obviously VERY impressed with himself; not unlike yourself.

Or is that, perhaps, a picture of you?

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no, i'm acting like a preacher and spreading the word of the bible.

you're the one who vouches for it's truth. ;)
I have little doubt that you're not as stupid as you act. Since Deuteronomy came from Moses who lived more than three centuries ago, and the fifth book of the Torah was given as a guide for people who lived at that time, what makes you think...

Please see #843, above.

If I understand you properly, your liberal-progressive sensibilities would be completely all right if a pedophile rapist would have to pay a fine of about $380 before being set free.
Seems about what I'd expect from someone who obviously has his head on backwards.

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If I understand you properly, your liberal-progressive sensibilities would be completely all right if a pedophile rapist would have to pay a fine of about $380 before being set free.
Seems about what I'd expect from someone who obviously has his head on backwards.
no, your bible says that. i didn't think it up. don't put your shit on me. if you say a rape is worth $380, that's YOUR levy.
and then he gets to terrorize the poor victim for life. nice morals.
i think somebody who believes that is the asshole ks. wear the moniker with pride.

(3 centuries ago? do you know what day it is?)
Seems about what I'd expect from someone who obviously has his head on backwards.
sorry. i didn't exist 3 centuries(o_O) ago, so i didn't write it. but it's something i expect from somebody who has their head up their ass.
(maybe you mean millenium?):D
I put that in there so you'd have something to feel prideful about. Your yammering certainly doesn't give you any gold stars in the usual course of things.

As is true of any large group, there are those Christians who would prefer to take every word in The Bible as pertaining to them. I once asked one who offered that attitude which version of The Bible was to be taken so literally. His answer? "Why, King James, of course." With the massive ignorance that you display, I don't suppose you'll understand either the question or his answer. But it shows that not every one of us Christians has it just right. And, unfortunately, that plays into the hands of nits like you. Enjoy your victory---for what it is.

that pick and choose is the problem with the bible. if it doesn't apply, you should remove it and stop promoting hate with it.


and, yes, the middle east is the same problem. but the bible is no better than the quoran. they both have the parts that can be used the wrong way.
best thing is to remove all mythology and relegate it to the past, where it belongs with all the other forgotten gods.


and this is why my morals are higher. i don't have a passage in my morals to have slaves. i hate nobody unless they've done me wrong.
the bible imposes original sin on you by god, who then has a tantrum and drowns his children, save a few, which start the earth incestuously again, just to send down his son(himself) to be tortured and murdered so he can forgive you of the sin he imposed upon you.
sounds pretty effed up ks.
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