Differences between LS and LSE

I'm a member of 6 other forums so I've heard it all! Especially the "search button" comment and that's the only one that bugs me! Thanks for the welcome man:Beer Sick car BTW!

I am a member of several car forums too. Some are moderated with a "iron fist". Not here. :) We are all adults and give a good ribbing to everyone. "Newbie", OG, everyone is open for some good "hazing".:) Read up and enjoy. Again welcome and introduce yourself. Lots of info and members are more then willing to help those that can help themselves.:)
Hey I'm a newbie too,
should I just bend over and take it like a prison b*tch?
Do you use lube or sand???

Gotta laugh wpd lifes too short!!!
Luxury Sport Edition

It actually doesn't stand for anything. Just like LS doesn't stand for anything. They were supposed to be LS6 and LS8 but Toyota got their panties in a wad because of the LS400. That, after Ford got their panties in a wad over Toyota's T100 truck.
All I got out of this so far is prison bitch....haha where's the toss salad man.

I prefer syrup.
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LS=Luxury Sport

LSE=Limited Special Edition

LSE is actually a packaged trim Level of the LS. When the package is applied, the badges just showed "LSE" because "Lincoln LS LSE" would have been excessive.
LS=Luxury Sport

LSE=Limited Special Edition

LSE is actually a packaged trim Level of the LS. When the package is applied, the badges just showed "LSE" because "Lincoln LS LSE" would have been excessive.

Call it what you want, but to Lincoln LS doesn't mean anything other than a model. Just like the the LS and GS have no meaning other than model designation on the old Sable.
Call it what you want, but to Lincoln LS doesn't mean anything other than a model. Just like the the LS and GS have no meaning other than model designation on the old Sable.

I got that info from my cousin that used to be a manager at the plant.

2006 Lincoln LS in Cashmere Tri-Coat Metallic.
LS turned into an LSE hybrid(conversion)......priceless.
I got that info from my cousin that used to be a manager at the plant.

2006 Lincoln LS in Cashmere Tri-Coat Metallic.

I got mine from Jim Rogers, VP marketing, in January 2001.
For some odd reason, it doesn't work for LSE or LS for that matter.

Off topic, but related to one direction this thread has gone...

Betting that the forum uses a MySQL Database, one very irritation aspect of this database format is that it ignores search query's under four characters long.

Give it a try...

Searching for "Coil" across the entire forum I get 500 results (upper end results limit in admin panel?)
Then give "COP" a try, we all know that term has appeared all over this forum, but it come up with no results.

This is one of the reasons people have problems finding things on forums, I have found many users have no idea the limitation exists and they try searching for very common terms that are simply too short (COP, UCA, LCA, LSD, BJ... etc.)

And then there are those who are simply lazy or cannot be bothered with doing something for themselves :rolleyes:
Man, that explains everything!

2006 Lincoln LS in Cashmere Tri-Coat Metallic.
Haha yeah, "Search" the bane of all internet forums :D

In a perfect world my man... :cool:
had he stuck around... and not been such a douche. I would have explained using:

site:lincolnvscadillac.com in google, he would have found his answer a lot faster then even posting a new thread...

Lets try shall we


OH MY GOD whats the first link!!!!!

Damn it! I wasn't too far off of most of that stuff I posted. I wish I had known about this before. I pulled all of my stuff from memory and my head still hurts.

2006 Lincoln LS in Cashmere Tri-Coat Metallic.
If he stuck around... and not been such a douche. I would have explained using:

site:lincolnvscadillac.com in google, he would have found his answer a lot faster then even posting a new thread...

Lets try shall we


OH MY GOD whats the first link!!!!!

Yes exactly, but lots of people don't know about that. (even though you've been able to do that on Google Search for years.) Some people just don't get into the internet enough to know.

More frequent reminders about that to new members (and longer) can help get the word out. I'm not saying stop giving crap, I get it... Hell, I'm a newb to this forum just as much as the OP lol. But I also understand that sometimes it can be taken to the extreme and ends up hurting the community more than the fun it's worth.

Or perhaps a hook/app add-in to change the search features function to utilize Google's search engine...

Now none of this is meant to irritate or piss off anyone, just observations based on my experience with other forms... None of which are perfect BTW ;)
Yes we were a little hard on him to start, But refusing to search for something right off the bat is just ignorant, If every member did that this place would be useless... You will come to see that THIS forum ( i am a member of quite a few others also) there is a level of information and knowledge you cannot find in other forums. We are able to keep it that way due to the quality and etiquette of its members. The amount of information stored here is unbelievable, but it gets lost with people who refuse to help with problem that plague so many other forums....Useless information.

Not to mention HOW OLD IT GETS answering the same GD questions over and over again. Its amazing Joe and the others are even still around. I dont even think JOE types anything new anymore, just copies and pastes :D ...I understand the search button does not result in quality results. But Hell, had he read any of the sticky's, not only would he have probably found his answer to the question (he would have), he also would have learned how to search, AND learned something else he will have a question on later (amazing how research does that). If he's not going to put in the effort to support this forum like the rest of us do (on a daily bases), then I am not going to worry about showing him the way things work!... I feel like a "thats the problem with this generation" needs to go on the end of this...LOL but im not old enough yet.

I hear ya BLk... Things just run a little different around here, I assure you its for the better.

..oh, and welcome!
Trust me I get it, I am on other forums as well and not just as a member ;)

And thanks for the welcome, glad to be here! :cool:
Yes exactly, but lots of people don't know about that. (even though you've been able to do that on Google Search for years.) Some people just don't get into the internet enough to know.

More frequent reminders about that to new members (and longer) can help get the word out. I'm not saying stop giving crap, I get it... Hell, I'm a newb to this forum just as much as the OP lol. But I also understand that sometimes it can be taken to the extreme and ends up hurting the community more than the fun it's worth.

Or perhaps a hook/app add-in to change the search features function to utilize Google's search engine...

Now none of this is meant to irritate or piss off anyone, just observations based on my experience with other forms... None of which are perfect BTW ;)

Bingo. +1

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