Bob's LS Story


Active LVC Member
Mar 7, 2016
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San Diego
In the beginning... I totaled my 1997 Ford Escort wagon. I needed another economy car as my only other vehicle is a 2002 F550. I only buy American vehicles so the hunt was on. Once I discovered the LS I was sold. I spent the last two months looking for my car. Any 2003+ V8 in reasonable shape with as many goodies as possible for a reasonable price. Had a few promising leads but they all fizzled out until last Saturday. I bought a lien sale 2005 V8 with 140,000 miles, expired tags and a broken window for $1500. Cost me $600 to title and register in my name and $240 to fix the windows. It has been raining or I would do it myself cheaper. Anyway I have about $2500.00 in it at this point to own it. I need tires and today I am going to change all the fluids and filters. My scan tool cable broke and the new one wont be here till Thursday so I am a little blind right now. My main concern is the transmission. It shifts a little harsh and erratically sometimes (mostly when its cold) though it does not slip, have any leaks or make noise. I am hoping it just needs a top off and a fluid and filter change will cure it. The car has been sitting for two years in a garage. The engine ran great til this morning I could feel a miss and the CEL came on. It cleaned up quickly and I am guessing water got to a coil. Like I said its been raining. I will be giving it a thorough examination as I work on it. So the adventure begins... I will post my findings and questions as well as a cost total for my finished car. Any and all input is welcome. Please let me know what you would do in my situation. Talk to you all soon!

Welcome! Looking forward to your updates. Sounds like a good deal you found so far.
Bob,just remember on trans fluid level check you have to have the LS level preferably on a hoist and engine idling,with tranny fluid warm but not hot.. Do a search on this drain and fill or you won't get the fluid level right. Use only MERCON V. Nothing else. don-ohio :)^)
Bob,just remember on trans fluid level check you have to have the LS level preferably on a hoist and engine idling,with tranny fluid warm but not hot.. Do a search on this drain and fill or you won't get the fluid level right. Use only MERCON V. Nothing else. don-ohio :)^)

Thanks Don. Used ramps a jack and stands and a 24" level. Transmission pan 134 degrees F. About an ounce of dark (not black) fluid came out then sputtering so level is good. I took a sample for analysis. Does not smell burned. Needs changed but not terrible. Also 1/8th inch npt pipe fits the fill plug perfectly.
When I first did this according to my Haynes manual, I didn't have the Mustang idling(same tranny) and I underfilled it and the LS later by almost 3 quarts. Not good,but they ran.
Then these guys on the forum told me about having the car running................I was very thankful and surprised to find that out. don-ohio
When I first did this according to my Haynes manual, I didn't have the Mustang idling(same tranny) and I underfilled it and the LS later by almost 3 quarts. Not good,but they ran.
Then these guys on the forum told me about having the car running................I was very thankful and surprised to find that out. don-ohio

Every automatic that I have had required the engine to be running to correctly check the level (including all the ones with dipsticks).
So I spent the bulk of my day yesterday chasing down fluids and filters. I ended up buying all of it at my Ford dealership except the cabin filter which was not available and the engine oil which I decided on Mobil1. I changed the engine oil and filter as well as took a sample. I also checked the transmission fluid level which was correct but a bit discolored but not burnt and took a sample of that. I found a coolant leak on the driver side firewall area which is likely the de gas bottle. Is there a recommended manufacturer and Source for a replacement or just wherever I can find one?
... Is there a recommended manufacturer and Source for a replacement or just wherever I can find one?

1. The only one to buy is the Motorcraft one.
2. The Dorman one (also sold under other brands) is crap, the stock cap won't fit it, and you will be lucky to get it to work for a few months.
3. As soon as (if not before) you get the degas bottle replaced, one of the plastic cooling system parts at the front of the engine will reveal that it is leaking (probably has been for a while). When you go to change it, the part it attached to will break open. The thing is, they all fail at about the same time. Cheaper and simpler to replace them all at once.
4. You probably won't believe all (or maybe any) of this. Search this forum for lots of examples.
Oh I certainly do believe you. Great thread, thank you. As I am not 100% on this car yet I am going to start with the mandatory and once it proves to be a fruitful purchase I will make it 100% right.
Yeah,Joe,but you have to admit,a homeowner checking his fluid just may not WANT the car running over his head. At least with this wacky set-up,I didn't expect that. Matter of fact,I could make a case for just adding 2 qts. and 3/4 more qt. after it quits dripping with the engine OFF but at proper temp.. Both my Mustang and LS were short about that when I did it without engine running.
don-ohio :)^)
Every automatic that I have had required the engine to be running to correctly check the level (including all the ones with dipsticks).
Progress tonight after work. Changed the air and fuel filters. Blew out the cabin air filter ( I need a new one it was filthy). Attempted a/c recharge since port was exposed but no luck. Compressor never came on. ( I admit I didn't have much R134) but I don't think that is the problem I will check the fuses. Aired up the spare tire and secured it properly. Secured the battery properly. All I have left tonight is to fill out my oil sample paperwork and call it a day.
Sounds like a lot of progress,Bob! After work it ain't always easy to tackle a job. don-ohio :)^)
Sure enough. I am spent. I am having trouble with my code reader. The new cable arrived for it today but I still can't read any codes or monitors on this car. I know it must have codes because the check engine light has come on twice and gone off by itself with nothing done by me. My scanner is an Innova 3100 the old style. Any thoughts?
If it doesn't support CAN, then it isn't going to work at all.
Also, make sure your battery has a vent connection and it is connected to the external vent tube.
I wouldn't put that kind of stress on the torque converter either.
Hi. I just bought my 2nd LS last week, and came here to get some tips as well. Having owned a 2002 LSE (original owner) and now a 2001 LSC (sport version, I am 2nd owner) I can share that there is common must do on all Lincolns.

1. Change spark plugs around 90,000 (with all the wires, boots etc)
2. Same time, you should change the valve cover gaskets
- Your problem of the misfire is highly likely this. The gasket leaks, damaging the ignition coils which then also have to be replaced.
3. Around 100k the tranny will act up if it hasnt received love. -
- Ford tends to say that tranny is sealed and doesnt need maintenance, but time has proved them wrong. Do a google search on 55r5s tran problems and you will see. It sounds like you are early enough that you only will have to do the basic Flash the PCM, complete flush and replace with Mercon V, tighten shift cable, perhaps put the SK shift pack in. You might need to replace the solenoid pack too. If you do all that it will save the interior transmission and wont need a rebuild.

I got lucky with my buy. The owner provided ALL the doc from the years and they had done all the engine work needed at 90000 miles. I just turned it 100k and the tranny is signaling it needs love, and receipts show it never had any. So not to bad. On your high mileage engine, you are right at the beginning of the 2nd round of gasket/plug work and way beyond if it wasnt done the first time. Hope this helps getting you to prime operation, cuz these are sweet rides
Thanks Joe. Yeah I caught the battery vent when I secured the bracket. Thank you too Grizzly. I have no history on this car so I assume nothing has been done. Would the 2005 need transmission solenoid upgrades? I thought they had the latest version. What is the sk shift pack and how would I re flash my pcm?
Lincoln LS LSC ????

Ya, I s**t you not. I will get some pics up of it as soon as I can. I tried to 'net lsc version when I was looking at it, but didnt find one thing. Thinking on it when I was waiting to pay the guy (saw on weekend had to wait for banks) I remembered vaguely my Lincoln salesman mentioning that the LSE I bought replaced the LSC. That was in Vegas and a solo lincoln dealer, and the guy had been doing sales 20+ years there. So we talked ALOT about Ls lines, even after when I came in for service. :p
AFAIK, 2005 & 2006 solenoids were fine from the factory.
I guess that by "shift pack" he meant valve body, but that should be okay too.
No matter what you do, the servo bores will probably wear out eventually, but eventually could be over 200K miles.
Flashing is a dealer only thing. I see no reason to do that. 2005 would have all "bug fixes" already. Alternately, you can buy a tool and alter the parameters (tune).
Ya, I s**t you not. I will get some pics up of it as soon as I can. I tried to 'net lsc version when I was looking at it, but didnt find one thing. Thinking on it when I was waiting to pay the guy (saw on weekend had to wait for banks) I remembered vaguely my Lincoln salesman mentioning that the LSE I bought replaced the LSC. That was in Vegas and a solo lincoln dealer, and the guy had been doing sales 20+ years there. So we talked ALOT about Ls lines, even after when I came in for service. :p

There is no such thing as an LS LSC. If you have a badge saying that, then someone added it from a different Lincoln model!
(You can run your VIN if you don't believe me.)
Thanks Joe. Yeah I caught the battery vent when I secured the bracket. Thank you too Grizzly. I have no history on this car so I assume nothing has been done. Would the 2005 need transmission solenoid upgrades? I thought they had the latest version. What is the sk shift pack and how would I re flash my pcm?

Solenoid - interestingly enough, its the post 2003 S series tranny that talks about the solenoid issue invariably. I dont find much on the pre N series, but mine is behaving the same so I will likely change it to see. They are different part numbers though.

Shift pack - I got this tip from a Jag owner, but if you are in the tranny, it sure makes sense and at about ~$125 for new parts that are designed to improve (and the jag guy sweared by em) then why not.

Reflash as far as I know is done by the dealer only, but is a must if it hadnt been done. It corrected two problems one with the tranny, and the 2nd with the variable valve timing. If yours was done, dealer should be able to tell just what revision just like any computer - but of course the old standard about trusting a dealer. :confused:
...Reflash as far as I know is done by the dealer only, but is a must if it hadnt been done. It corrected two problems one with the tranny, and the 2nd with the variable valve timing. If yours was done, dealer should be able to tell just what revision just like any computer - but of course the old standard about trusting a dealer. :confused:

I assume that you have done this. What year LS?

Funny that my 04 and 06 do not suffer these problems.

(My 04 did need to have the solenoid assembly replaced, and came with bad fluid from the factory. However, this was corrected for 05 and 06.)
There is no such thing as an LS LSC. If you have a badge saying that, then someone added it from a different Lincoln model!
(You can run your VIN if you don't believe me.)

I hear what you are saying, and would really love more input, but my vague memory and the fact that it is FACTORY moulding for an LS makes methinks it IS super rare not non existant. What I believe my conversation in 2002 was is that the LSE 'replaced' the LSC. And as always, the VIN just brings up LS on any lincoln.

If anyone has a more comprehensive factual VIN search (carfax and others is commercial second source only) please share, I would love to track down history and update Wiki with my pics!

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