Well-Known LVC Member
im gettin my oil changed tomorrow..and i wanted to kno what you guys on here used...i used valvoline my last oil change..what u think is best?
The first four years after I bought the car I used Royal Purple. Switched to Amsoil last year. Just got my order of Amsoil Signature series oil in the mail two days ago.
royal purple is waaaaaaay to expensive to be putting in these cars
royal purple is waaaaaaay to expensive to be putting in these cars
royal purple is so much more expensive than most synthetics, and scince regular oil isnt going to destroy the motor nor make it run worse than it should, royal purple it way more that i am going to spend on a daily driver sedan, remember its not a racecar like some think
i use royal purple. seriously you cant cough up the extra 20 bucks once every 3 months to get royal purple at about 8 dollars a quart? stop being a j*w!!!
I can change my own oil, but I would rather pay $50 and have it done and done quickly without messing with anything.
Damn! dude isnt $50 alot for a oil change?...when i used to take it to the dealer for a oil change they would only charge about $38. Assuming your not using synthetic...
royal purple is waaaaaaay to expensive to be putting in these cars
what u think is best?
it's not worth my time to try to dispose of the old oil.
so wut do u mean....cuz 38 for synthetic at a dealer is unheard of unless you got a coupon or a hookup or sunthin. i used to go to my old job at sears and pay for reg oil and watch my boy put in synth all the time. now i just do it in the driveway of some abandoned house on my block...nice nieghborhood...![]()
Huh?....I never said $38 for synthetic at a dealer. I said $38 for a regular oil change at the dealer is what i used to get...& i said $50 for a regular oil change anywhere sounds like a lil too much.
I use Mobile1 extended performance, and i change the oil about every 11000-12000 miles
just so we r on the same page.....will this one work for my car??