ABS Pump problems


Active LVC Member
May 5, 2013
Reaction score
London, Ontario
So I just bought a 98 Mark Viii and the guy says he blew something off the abs pump. He has it pulled out so I'll post pictures later. If possible would like to save a bit of cash and fix rather then go through the hassle of buying another one. Hopefully you guys have some ideas.
I know they have a full pump at my local junk yard but I was hoping to see if I could fix for cheaper then that. My plan was to post pictures today to show the problem but when I went to boost the car this morning (needs a new battery) the good wouldn't open so neither would the trunk (where I have left the pump) hopefully be able to open later to show the problem

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Here are some pictures of my abs pump unit. Not sure what to look for here as I've never done work on this part before. Any suggestions welcome. If possible would like to fix this part but if not possible will buy another one.

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Welcome from another Ontario Mark owner. Your ABS pump I believe is a one year only part so you will need one of another 98. You have a local yard in London with a Mark?? Tell me more please as I need some parts in the future.
Welcome from another Ontario Mark owner. Your ABS pump I believe is a one year only part so you will need one of another 98. You have a local yard in London with a Mark?? Tell me more please as I need some parts in the future.

Thanks for the welcome, if it is 98 specific I will have to purchase from my local yard yes, if a 97 will work then I may have a friend with a spare I can snag. As for having marks in my local yard, yes there are some here. The one yard has 3currently I believe as I was there about 2-3 weeks ago taking the front seats out of one for a friend. One has been almost completely striped, the one I have been taking parts from is starting to get bare and the third wasn't in very good condition. As for the other couple yards in london I'm not too certain if they have any marks but I'm sure I will find out in my travels some day lol.

Luckily I have 3 friends who also own 97-98 marks and many have collected parts just in case so I can just convince them to give me parts occasionally. :p

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So we pulled my friend's whole abs pump and module out to try and take some parts. The 98 parts seem to be replaceable where the 97 do not. For now I'm gonna just pump the whole part from the 97 in so I can drive it until I can get the part off a 98 to put in. Hopefully complete this tomorrow morning so I will post if this works!

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Put in the pump off the 97 into my 98 and it works beautifully. Bled the brakes and drove around a bit after. Wonderful day

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Put in the pump off the 97 into my 98 and it works beautifully. Bled the brakes and drove around a bit after. Wonderful day

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abs is functioning correctly? no lights no codes? cause if so that's great news...as I had to replace my abs unit on my 98 and found 98 was all by itself
There is traction control light on but that was happening on previous car aswell due to some corrosion. Seems to work fine other then that. Just a temporary fix untill I can go buy a 98 pump

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Well here's the update! Took my working module from my 98, and the working pump portion from a 97 and put them together.

Here is the pump from the 97. With the module removed.
Here is the module from the 98. Put this on the pump and as the one piece doesn't come off the 97 pump had to change the wires to be able to connect to the 98 module. Here is our wire work:
The plug that's not attached is the original out of the 97 the one that we spliced in is the 98 wire and connector.

Put this in. Bled the brakes and everything works beautifully. Traction control the speedo and odometer, abs, everything works perfectly. Have no lights on the dash or anything so happy.



I know you said you bled the brakes, but did you bleed the hydraulic control unit with a scan tool or the adapter from Ford? If not, don't be surprised after a couple of times after the ABS has had to work, the brakes get mushy.

Not trying to rain on your parade, just stating a fact and to let you know you can borrow the correct tool for this if you need it.

hyd bleed-2.jpg

hyd bleed.jpg

hyd bleed-2.jpg

hyd bleed.jpg
Thanks got the heads up and as I said before when I took it in to the shop they did do this for me. I only did the quick one to clean up the rotors abit and to drive to the garage.

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