12-Year-Old Stuns Pro-Choice Teacher and School with Pro-Life Presentation

I don't find this that odd. I was also schooled in Canada at a Catholic religious school. And even though our teaching's were pro-life (obviously), the teachers that taught me also talked about the pro-choice arguments and abortion, since it was legal in Canada to have abortions. It was pretty open considering it was a catholic school. We had great teachers too.

I would assume this girl is doing the same sort of project we had to do. A public speaking project. The best projects went on to regional, and then national speaking contest. When I was her age (grade 7/8) I did my speech on AIDS. Clearly this is something that you didn't often talk about in a Catholic school..for obvious reasons. However, I was allowed to do my project and present my speech to classmates. However...I don't think they expected me to make it as far as I did. I won the gold medal for my area...which meant going on to the nationals. However...at this point, someone stepped in and I was NOT allowed to present my speech and represent our school. I was disappointed....but tried to understand the decision. My parents even came to bat for me..but it wasn't going to happen we were told. I remember my dad telling me "sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose some" type of thing. I also remember the guy they replaced me with was the silver medalist...his speech on "Television". :)

I'm Pro Choice....but would never throw someone under the bus for being Pro Life.
You know I would argue those items with you foss - it isn't a dodge -I am not afraid of you...
You've mischaracterized what she's doing and what her parents have done. They haven't 'exposed' her. That's a pejorative. They've given her an opportunity to get published. Any budding writer should be given breaks when necessary. If she was a singer trying to get her music noticed, you wouldn't have any gripes.
I don't think I have - her mother even said... 'No, I'm on the other end, trying to make her pick another topic!' And yet she is obviously OK with this posting on youtube with a subject that is controversial and very volatile. Singers aren't political usually, especially 12 year old ones, 12 year old writers either. And yes it is the parent's pejorative to allow their pre teenaged daughter to be exposed like this on youtube. Usually as a parent you err on the side of being too cautious. Cautious as in not having your daughter exposed to the hate and potential danger that this will produce.

Why would you think she would be in danger? After all, the left, which disagrees with her, is tolerant right? :rolleyes:

You know as well as I do that on both sides there are extremists Foss, doctors have been killed - if this were a 12 year old espousing the idea that abortions are good, and her identity could be found out, there would be protesters at her home and her school waving pictures of aborted fetuses... And yes, I do think she could be in danger - people get wacky over this subject and irrational. Plus, she is a little girl - do you have little girls? My gosh foss, you do everything you can to protect them, she isn't even 13.

You only think it's a bad thing because she disagrees with your point of view, and very effectively.

No foss, as I said - go ahead I will argue with you on this - away from this little girl.
I find this issue far less offensive when discussed by a child than so many others. Because she's not arguing it through the prism of politics, or bad law. She's only approaching it from a human and ethical way.

Would it be more tolerable if she were merely speaking about the euthanasia policy at the Animal Shelter? Or the fur industry? Would she have been more credible if she merely were talking about how animal cruelty was wrong?

Why is abortion so complicated?

personally, I find it much more distasteful when I see 12 year olds, at the behest of their parents, repeating a mantra regarding issues of geo-politics, national security, and climatology. Issues that a 12 year old absolutely doesn't understand, nor would they have had the opportunity to have studied yet.
It isn't that it is distasteful at all, and I really do believe she is sincere - I take offense to the posting of the speech on youtube, where it seems exploitive, and perhaps damaging to the little girl. This is a very polarizing issue, and a 12 year old can't possibly know what crazy people are out there on the other side, but her parents certainly know and have to be aware of all the dangers that this poses regarding the safety of their little girl. I guess they have a good reason to have this posted on youtube.

What would be their (the parents) reason to post this do you think?
And yes it is the parent's pejorative to allow their pre teenaged daughter to be exposed like this on youtube.
You obviously don't know what the word means.

And as far as your phony concern about the 12 year old, it's pathetic. I ask you again, what's the danger?

Thanks for admitting that the left is full of crazies.
What would be their (the parents) reason to post this do you think?
Proud of their daughter. They likely didn't anticipate the viral activity such a video would cause. And they certainly didn't anticipate the ugly, blind, rage and hatred of the left in this country.
Only god can judge me, who the :q:q:q:q are you? I have my reasons for not having kids. If you want me to keep my "pecker" in my pants, tell your daughters to stop throwing themselves at every man in uniform who drives a nice car.

I do what works best for me, and you do what works for you!
Only god can judge me, who the :q:q:q:q are you? I have my reasons for not having kids. If you want me to keep my "pecker" in my pants, tell your daughters to stop throwing themselves at every man in uniform who drives a nice car.

I do what works best for me, and you do what works for you!
God will judge you. But I can judge what you did, because I know the difference between right and wrong, and because I know that God's Word has already condemned what you did. I can tell you that what you did was abhorrent, wrong, and disgusting. You virtually admit to having no morals. You slaughter without conscience. What you did may be legal, but you'll answer for it.

Turds like you give men a bad name.
Terds like me are the reason you sleep peacefully every night, I would rather pay for an abortion, than have another fatherless child running around america or worse caught up in the adoption system.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...........
Terds like me are the reason you sleep peacefully every night, I would rather pay for an abortion, than have another fatherless child running around america or worse caught up in the adoption system.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...........
Well I've never murdered a child.

That helps me sleep at night.

Lack of conscience helps you.

If you think serving in the military justifies your actions, think again. I served in the military too, and I never slaughtered a child.

"Caught up in the adoption system" You say that as though it's a bad thing. There are thousands of nice couples dying to adopt children. You didn't even give the children a chance at life. And the fact that you admit that you wouldn't be a father proves you're gutless as well.

You're the one who likes to bash Bush for sending troops to die in war. At least those troops volunteered knowing they might die in a war someday. You PAID FOR your OWN CHILDREN TO BE BUTCHERED just because you couldn't be bothered, and you're not even sorry about that. You're a monster.

And since you're trying to quote Scripture in your defense, I have some for you:

Luke 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Proverbs 6:16-17

16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

Psalm 127:3-5

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Because I would rather wait until I retire to have a child makes me gutless, have you ever been to a foster home? There are millions of kids "caught-up" in the adoption system, and there are millions of couples wanting to have kids, what does that tell you? Just because a kid is sent to a orphanage, doesn't mean they will be adopted.

I grew up without a father, I learned how to be a man from the drug dealers on my block, I just had a mother that stayed in my a ss and the smarts that allowed me to walk away and realize that hustling, robbing and selling drugs wasn't the right thing to do.

I have a cousin who is the same age as me, he was a military brat, he is currently locked up for 10 years, his father was constantly deployed, and was never around.

When I do start my family, I want my children to have every advantage possible, both parents, good school system, and a supporting father and mother.

Abortion is wrong! but, in some cases, it is the best option for the couple.
Murder is wrong, but if someone harmed your wife, wouldn't you kill them?
Because I would rather wait until I retire to have a child makes me gutless, have you ever been to a foster home? There are millions of kids "caught-up" in the adoption system, and there are millions of couples wanting to have kids, what does that tell you? Just because a kid is sent to a orphanage, doesn't mean they will be adopted.

You didn't WAIT, you killed them. Stop trying to sugarcoat what you did. Waiting means you keep yourself under control. You obviously didn't. You couldn't even afford a lousy condom? What a loser.

And again, who are you to decide who lives or dies? You're irresponsible and gutless. If you had any courage, you'd man up to your actions and support your family.

I grew up without a father, I learned how to be a man from the drug dealers on my block, I just had a mother that stayed in my a ss and the smarts that allowed me to walk away and realize that hustling, robbing and selling drugs wasn't the right thing to do.

Stop whining and making excuses. I don't give a crap. You're a man, and you take responsibility for your own actions. When you slaughter innocent children, you own it. You're not even sorry for those innocent children you killed.
I have a cousin who is the same age as me, he was a military brat, he is currently locked up for 10 years, his father was constantly deployed, and was never around.

When I do start my family, I want my children to have every advantage possible, both parents, good school system, and a supporting father and mother.

Abortion is wrong! but, in some cases, it is the best option for the couple.
Murder is wrong, but if someone harmed your wife, wouldn't you kill them?
Who did those children harm?
So broke that I can't afford a condom, LOL. I have the title to all three of my vechicles, I can buy whatever I want, and I don't need acceptance from you.

If i am hell bound, then let me be on my way. I am sure GOD will JUDGE me based on my situation.

I dont have to explain myself to you, I will continue to do whats works best for me, and you do the same.
So broke that I can't afford a condom, LOL. I have the title to all three of my vechicles, I can buy whatever I want, and I don't need acceptance from you.

If i am hell bound, then let me be on my way. I am sure GOD will JUDGE me based on my situation.

I dont have to explain myself to you, I will continue to do whats works best for me, and you do the same.
You were the one originally whining about how expensive abortions were. If you could afford a condom, and if you're so well off, then your pathetic excuse of "waiting to have children" doesn't fly. Neither does your original bitch that abortions are expensive.

Not only that, but your statement "abortion is the best option for a couple" is bullcrap as well. Wouldn't a condom be a better option? Furthermore, are you still with any of the women you impregnated, or did you pay them all off and abandon them for greener pastures? If you did, then you weren't a 'couple,' you were just spreading your seed around.

Please make your case that an abortion is the best option for a couple. I'm all ears.
Nope, once they have abortions, we split ways, thats the good part about being single. I never said I was well off, I just wanted to remind you I am not broke, and I can afford condoms, I have a pack of 12 in every car, I just always seem to bust them.

My justification for abortion:

Child Support $750 x 12 = 9000

$9000 x 18= $162,000

College $40,000
Total $202,000*

*Misc expenses not included.

Night at a club $150.00
Hotel $150.00
IHOP $ 25.00
Abortion $350.00
Total $675.00

I dont have to justify my actions to you. The #1 problem in America is failure to mind our own business. Don't worry about whats going on in my house.
Nope, once they have abortions, we split ways, thats the good part about being single. I never said I was well off, I just wanted to remind you I am not broke, and I can afford condoms, I have a pack of 12 in every car, I just always seem to bust them.

My justification for abortion:

Child Support $750 x 12 = 9000

$9000 x 18= $162,000

College $40,000
Total $202,000*

*Misc expenses not included.

Night at a club $150.00
Hotel $150.00
IHOP $ 25.00
Abortion $350.00
Total $675.00

I dont have to justify my actions to you. The #1 problem in America is failure to mind our own business. Don't worry about whats going on in my house.
You bragged about your murderous past and present, so you opened yourself up for criticism. Clearly people are nothing but numbers to you. I would argue that the #1 problem in America is 50 million babies murdered by human debris like you.

You make no bones about the fact that you have no respect for life, so quit whining.
I think what KK is referring to is that she could be reading something her parents wrote out for her, which could make Lia a pawn in this situation.

My 11 year old son and his friend made a video (I did the editing so make me the bad guy here -added captionss, etc.) about ancient greek mythology. They wrote their own script and did an 11 minute presentation in one take.

The school recommended that the tape be sent to the Ford agency for talent review.

Don't underestimate the intelligence of kids. They are way smarter than you or I were at that age.

[Edit] Rethinking your comment, it doesn't surprise me that you would accuse the parents of writing it and making the kid 'recite' it. Must make you cringe knowing a smart, articulate, pro-life girl is floating around in the U.S.S.A.
You obviously don't know what the word means.

And as far as your phony concern about the 12 year old, it's pathetic. I ask you again, what's the danger?

Thanks for admitting that the left is full of crazies.

And the right is full of crazies on this issue too... As I said they have committed felonies in the past... I am sure they will in the future.

Obviously Foss, you don't have a 12 year old girl of your own do you? The parents were comfortable with their prerogative (I thought you had misspelled it, and was attempting not have a pejorative affect on your ego... ;) However I did use the other word myself - sorry, my error, I had meant to correct it) having the link posted in a published interview. They are obviously comfortable 'advertising' this. And they obviously know (Cal this is for you) that is is a volatile and controversial issue, unless they live under a rock. By 'advertising' it they had to know that it would gather lots of attention - good and bad.

And the bad attention is where the danger lies.

Would you be as lenient if this was a pro-abortion piece by a 12-year-old girl? You wouldn't wonder about her parents if they had interviews and youtube videos with links to many pro choice sites? I would wonder about their motives. And I would be just as concerned about the attention that a speech on pro choice would bring from right wing crazies who firebomb clinics.
damn 750 a month for child support? what state do you live in where theyre taking half your monthly salary?
My 11 year old son and his friend made a video (I did the editing so make me the bad guy here -added captionss, etc.) about ancient greek mythology. They wrote their own script and did an 11 minute presentation in one take.

The school recommended that the tape be sent to the Ford agency for talent review.

Don't underestimate the intelligence of kids. They are way smarter than you or I were at that age.

I know they are smart - I have them too...;) Way smarter than I was... I was just trying to explain maybe what KK had thought - that her parents may have penned it. I actually don't think they did - I think they may have inspired it, and certainly they teach this at home, but as a whole, Lia probably wrote it. Parents help, (like your editing skills Bryan) but I am sure the ideas are hers, perhaps from what she has read around her house. Maybe her parents have pamphlets and books concerning this subject. I don't know.

But I do know they had to be comfortable with the youtube posting, even leaving it up after apparently threatening and hateful comments being left in the comments section. Bad enough that they turned off that feature. If hateful and threatening things were being said to my daughter in regards to a youtube posting - I would take it down.
And just a side note - cool Bryan - how neat - film makers in the 'making'.

You must be really proud. :cool:
And the right is full of crazies on this issue too... As I said they have committed felonies in the past... I am sure they will in the future.

There you go again, with your "the other side does it too" baloney. Why would a 12 year old girl be in danger?

Obviously Foss, you don't have a 12 year old girl of your own do you?

Not that it's any of your business, but I have a teenage son who produces films on youtube. So your ad hominem FAILS.
And the bad attention is where the danger lies.
What danger? Isn't the left tolerant of 'speaking truth to power?'

Would you be as lenient if this was a pro-abortion piece by a 12-year-old girl? You wouldn't wonder about her parents if they had interviews and youtube videos with links to many pro choice sites? I would wonder about their motives.
Yes, because unlike you, I believe people have a right to think and say whatever they want, and don't need a nannystater like you telling them how to live their lives.

And I would be just as concerned about the attention that a speech on pro choice would bring from right wing crazies who firebomb clinics.
Really. HOW FASCINATING! So you believe that this 12 year old girl, who believes in a right to life, is as dangerous as an abortion clinic. Well done, I believe you just FAILED the thread.
I actually don't think they did - I think they may have inspired it,

In my case, I hate greek mythology so I had nothing to do with the topic or content. From what I see in that video, she was more than capable of researching and making her case by herself. The Internet is a powerful tool.
And just a side note - cool Bryan - how neat - film makers in the 'making'.
Like I said, I did the editing, they picked the songs, etc.

Anytime you feel like making a video....I can add some really neat special effects.

My whole point is: We don't know if she got help so the benefit of the doubt so go to her as a kid her age is capable of that thought process.

Sorry to jack the thread.

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