Why Isn't it legal to kill the Stupids?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 4, 2009
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a big WTF to this!
chances are, people in truck are mexican
chances cop is white...?
then you're screwed because he doesn't want to appear racists. ~shrugs~ still not worth it.
"Why Isn't it legal to kill the Stupids?"

kuz we would have killed you a long time ago. lol. jk
up here in canada, we have a city called hamilton, its a dumpy town and guys come into our city with these old POS trucks all this ghetto sides home made to haul more junk, their pickups drive around with sometimes 5 to 10 feet of scrap over the roof of truck, pices falling out so unsafe but they get away with it, i forget a strap thats not even needed on my landscape dump truck and mto nails me but not broke a$$ bums driving around making messes of your garbage to take your srap, they smash apart bbqs and leave whats not metal

up here in canada, we have a city called hamilton, its a dumpy town and guys come into our city with these old POS trucks all this ghetto sides home made to haul more junk

Lol Hamilton, not a good place to live indeed.
up here in canada, we have a city called hamilton, its a dumpy town and guys come into our city with these old POS trucks all this ghetto sides home made to haul more junk, their pickups drive around with sometimes 5 to 10 feet of scrap over the roof of truck, pices falling out so unsafe but they get away with it, i forget a strap thats not even needed on my landscape dump truck and mto nails me but not broke a$$ bums driving around making messes of your garbage to take your srap, they smash apart bbqs and leave whats not metal

Looks like the trucks in Grand Rapids, all these Red Sanford looking guys with these POS trucks, with the bed of the truck so rusted out that they are barely able to contain the all the chit they haul around the city
These stupids are everywhere!

Ever seen the familiar p/u with pallets stacked one full
story high, with the top hanging over the car next to it?

Looks like the trucks in Grand Rapids, all these Red Sanford looking guys with these POS trucks, with the bed of the truck so rusted out that they are barely able to contain the all the chit they haul around the city

That is what killed me about living in Michigan, any POS no matter how bad could be driven on the road. You don't see much of that here due to the strict standards.
That is what killed me about living in Michigan, any POS no matter how bad could be driven on the road. You don't see much of that here due to the strict standards.

Saw this POS on 131 headed north one back tire was at a 45 degree angle (not really, but it was bad) the other back tire was bouncing up and down something fierce and what looked like chicken wire holding everything together underneath, and of course every body panel and cover was flapping, pretty sure it didn't have any mirrors :eek:. If I had been pulled over for speeding around that car I would have told the cop, pull that guy over, his presences on the highway is a far greater threat than my speeding.
na na your speeding means money for the town. if they have no money then they can't pay the officer so they would have to lay him off causeing a depression in the city. so feel honored to pay the fine and help the city when they send an ambulance to take the person behind this ja when he loses his load. so you helped save someone by paying the fine. now they need more money to pay for the gas and new ambulance. to stick to the thread this is why me need more DA's not district attorneys. so the city can afford to pay the district attorneys not the DA's. on on on on and on jd
Around here, that's probably just some doctor headed home from the office.
when my area has the bulk trash pickup you can expect to see the shttiest trucks with the shttiest people trolling through the neighborhoods taking anything metal or slightly useful.. or tweakers on mountain bikes

I saw a tweaker with a pool pump motor tied to his handle bars last week, no doubt rushing it to the scrap yard
When I lived in California, I was on the freeway when a piece of plywood flew off a truck in front of me. I swerved and it missed me, but caught the car behind me in the upper passenger side corner of the windshield. Nice mess, no one hurt and I simply felt fortunate enough to be paying attention enough to avoid it.
I kid you not when I had my f250, I was on highway 2(Canada's major highway) I was behind a car with a dog hanging out the window and it seemed like the kid in the back seat pushed the dog or something, well you guys figure out the rest. You have any idea how hard it is to get dog out of your rad? I do :(
I kid you not when I had my f250, I was on highway 2(Canada's major highway) I was behind a car with a dog hanging out the window and it seemed like the kid in the back seat pushed the dog or something, well you guys figure out the rest. You have any idea how hard it is to get dog out of your rad? I do :(

Hey, that reminds of that pic of the BMW that hit a deer on the Autobahn at around 150 mph. Have y'all seen that? OMG, the whole deer went through the grill and was wrapped around the engine. Unreal.....

If you google it, I'm sure it could be found relatively easily!
ive seen mattresses and all kinds of junk on the road. just missed an eany chair in the fast lane around an inside left corner.wasv going fast, but a whole recliner. how do you not notice that falling out of your truck?

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