Who's state is best??... or worst !!

I'm sorry- did I just hear someone from JERSEY complaining about the smell?

once again... i'm from SOUTH Jersey.. i don't live near staten island ( sorry NYC LSC ).. its no where near as stinky as floridas ditches or the entire state of georgia .. which reaks of sulfer as i drive through on my way to florida
If a person uses a deep well to water their yards, it often will have a strong sulfur smell.
As far as the roads go, Kentucky is probably about average. We don't have a huge rust problem though, because our weather is pretty much normal.

As far as other issues, I'd NEVER set foot in a place like Jersey or New York. Not even to visit. There is simply no personal freedom. It's almost impossible to own a weapon in those places. On the other hand, in Louisville I can walk into a Target or Walmart with my pistol openly carried on my hip and nobody says a thing. Not that I do; I have a concealed carry license which I take full advantage of, but - hey! - you can't get those in NJ or NY either!

I include Kalifornia and Chicago in that list as well.

Make fun of Kentucky "backwoods" all you want, I don't care; I'm not even from here. But I'm not leaving as long as it's one of the freer states to live in.
It's almost impossible to own a weapon in those places.

so very true.. im beginning to think that New Jersey' state gov. is communist !!!

this is why i think south jersey should be its own state.. a lot of people here are originally from the south or south of here at least... laws would be a lot different if that were the case
Well, I have been in both Delaware and S. Jersey and I have been in both in the same day and I say they both can smell pretty bad.

Even up here when I cross from Easton into Jersey its like a wall of smell just hits you. :D

It seems as if every county ( all whopping 3 of them ) in Delaware has its own smell.
i'm beginnning to think that every place has its own stink.. and once you're used to it.. you dont notice it...

and being used to your own stink makes you think that you don't stink.. and all new and different smells automatically smell bad
On the other hand, in Louisville I can walk into a Target or Walmart with my pistol openly carried on my hip and nobody says a thing. Not that I do; I have a concealed carry license which I take full advantage of, but - hey! - you can't get those in NJ or NY either!

I include Kalifornia and Chicago in that list as well.

Make fun of Kentucky "backwoods" all you want, I don't care; I'm not even from here. But I'm not leaving as long as it's one of the freer states to live in.

Doubt Kentucky has a a big gang problem, maybe the KKK? Idk. And NJ is a huge huge artery for guns and drugs running up I95. Also being the most populated state per sq. mi. has a its annoyances. Plus we have Camden, Trenton, Newark, Oranges, Jersey City. California has South Central LA. Louisville I suppose you have more of chance of being assaulted with a Louisville Slugger than gun. HAHA, I crack myself up.

Also, I love waking up to the smell of fresh petroleum in NJ every morning. You know why? Cheap gas....and we don't have to pump it.

And the end all, be all.............Sopranos. Enough said.
Michigan rocks!
Ohio sucks!
No explanation needed

Other states I really like are Washington, Oregon, and Arizona.
And anywhere where your car doesnt rust out.
Doubt Kentucky has a a big gang problem, maybe the KKK? Idk. And NJ is a huge huge artery for guns and drugs running up I95. Also being the most populated state per sq. mi. has a its annoyances. Plus we have Camden, Trenton, Newark, Oranges, Jersey City. California has South Central LA. Louisville I suppose you have more of chance of being assaulted with a Louisville Slugger than gun. HAHA, I crack myself up.

Also, I love waking up to the smell of fresh petroleum in NJ every morning. You know why? Cheap gas....and we don't have to pump it.

And the end all, be all.............Sopranos. Enough said.
I won't dispute that Louisville is Mayberry compared to Camden or South Central LA. No KKK here that I'm aware of. We've got our problems and our criminals, but we're allowed to defend ourselves too.
Jacksonville Florida sucks. Get out of the city and away from certain people and it is OK.

Duval's murder rate has now led the state 13 of the last 18 years and finished second behind Miami-Dade the other years.

Duval finishes second in Florida behind Miami-Dade in the actual number of murders. But Duval has a higher murder rate because Miami-Dade has nearly three times more people.

This was from last year. Last year total murders was 139, we are at 127 already this year with 2 months to go.

If you look up most dangerous cities in U.S. you will see they vary, however most of them have Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, and about 4 other large Florida cities as "worst" "most dangerous" "deadliest"
Liven in California is sweet, I still am able to ware shorts ,
I never get pulled over , I'm white and driving a Lincoln (cops are overwellmed with illegals too bother me)

but it seems we have more than our share of wackjobs


We all are not crazy freaks out here in West Coast
hey buddylee i hear you on that, im in sac but i go to frisco a lot and damn seeing those tranys makes me sick
I live in Las Vegas (Nevada) Although many people think it's great I do not care for it anymore. The entire East side of Vegas has been invaded with illegal aliens & man are they messy & have no shame! The SouthWest & Northwest sides are still very nice but pricey!
The entire southern part of NV is pretty much desert, the nortern part is greener, gets snow & is much nicer IMO. I still would rather live elsewhere though, Maybe Washington State or Oregon.

Let's see, AZ is desert like NV with their own illegal alien problem. Phoenix is even hotter than Vegas in the summer & it gets hot here! 118+, Ask Mespock. I can't stand Southern California! That place has become a real third world dump in parts, Yeah it has its nice spots but it's not for me.

Anyhow my state is OK but that's about it. The roads are pretty good & there is no state tax. That's two good things! Speed limit is 75 MPH in some areas, I've been over 140 though! Shhhh.... You can own as many fire arms as you wish as long as your not a fellon or have a domestic violence on your record. There is no state vehicle inspection, only emmissions in 2 counties, Insurance rates are pretty high I think. I also gained 100k of equity in my home overnight about 3 years ago!:D Since I have lost about 30k:mad: , but still 70K ahead;)

I don't go to the casinos since I don't gamble & can't stand cigarette smoke.
Would I move somewhere greener if the chance popped up??? YOU BET!!!!

Oh, one more thing OUR CARS DON'T RUST!!!:D :p We have real aliens too!!!


north carolina, best state hands down. i've been to a lot of states but nc beats the piss out of all the others. i'm in florida now and the indian river smells like rotten eggs. not randomly, everyday it smells like that. delaware is pretty :q:q:q:qty too, that town of rehobeth is suppose to be the queer capital.

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