Transmission problem


LVC Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Okay I was driving down the freeway and everything was going good then out of no where my rpms jumped right to 6000 and I was like what the fu** so I pulled over turned the car off then I was merging back on and once I got out of 3rd the rpms jumped right back up. So I'm going with that I lost fourth gear?
See the two little silver boxes? They are held in with 2 bolts and it plugs in. Swap that part out and you also might want to put on a new MLPS and you should be set. My 94 lost OD back in 2006 and changing those out fixed it.


That's a 98 trans above but with yours being a 94, the shift solenoids will look more like this.


Replace the TCC solenoid and shift solenoids and hold off on the MLPS. I think the shift solenoid will fix you. It fixed mine.
Maybe you guys can help me. I had the rear trans. housing replaced. I know I have a leak in my pump but recently my car when shifting from 3rd to 4th will shift.. then for a split second pop back to 3rd and finally back to 4th. I've been thinking it's lack of tranny fluid as that seems to have fixed the problem. Could It be something else and this being only a temp fix.

(I go through about a quart per 1-2 weeks.)
I would just do the MLPS aka neutral safety switch first. Why start taking the trans apart when its probably just a neutral flare. If it was dropping into third I doubt it would be hitting 6k.

Check fluid level also of course.
Okay Idk why I didn't post this before probably because I didn't know but my car isn't even going into 3 rd
Wasn't the shift solenlids have to have my trans rebuilt guy said 1500 but because I know his friends and family so he said 1200 is that still to high or a fair price?
Wow that is hard to read.
I wouldn't pay that.
Do a search on this site.

Get a 98 plus trans that fits your car, it doesn't have to be from a Mark.
Your search will tell you what fits.
Sometimes they pop up here, or go to and find one.
I took your advice and started calling around I found 94 trans that a guy in lapeer has. He said it was working fine when he took it out. He told me 300 bucks he will go through the trans and make sure every thing is good to go and guarantee the trans no matter what happens to it. My dad called the guy and he is suppose to have a whole bunch of lsc and base model parts for are car. I'm going to pick it up Monday and have it installed this week for 200 way better then 1200 bucks
I took your advice and started calling around I found 94 trans that a guy in lapeer has.

Which part of:

Get a 98 plus trans that fits your car, it doesn't have to be from a Mark.

eludes you? In case your math sucks as badly as your English writing skill, 94 is NOT 98. There is a 4 year difference between the two years. I may be over taxing your brain, but do you know why the man said a 98 year transmission, specifically? No... don't answer that, you might hurt yourself in the process thinking and others when they try to read your answer.

Seems to me you didn't take anyone's advice.

He said it was working fine when he took it out. He told me 300 bucks he will go through the trans and make sure every thing is good to go and guarantee the trans no matter what happens to it. My dad called the guy and he is suppose to have a whole bunch of lsc and base model parts for are car. I'm going to pick it up Monday and have it installed this week for 200 way better then 1200 bucks

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your incomprehensible, 3rd grade level babble.

We'll see you next time you have a problem.
Honestly the 94 should work fine. It just won't be as good as a 98 and will probably fail more quickly than a 98 would.
Wow.. frogman. Calm down. Sometimes duck tape and zip ties are all that's available.

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