To LVC Members Effected By the Cold Chill!


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 7, 2013
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Hope all you guys in the middle of the country stayed warm today as I saw on the news of temperatures as low as -40 degrees F and wind chills as low as -60 degrees. Hope all your cars and families faired well too! The east coast is gonna get it tomorrow (not as bad though) today temps by me were 55, not bragging and don't worry it was slushy rain all day. I will be getting my share tomorrow as it will be -14 by me. I'm not sure how long those temps are gonna last, but keep warm anyway guys!
i get that kinda cold most every year. usually a week or 2 at a time.
but if you don't normally experience it, it can be tough.
i just got my 2000 ls working sunday (new trans) parked the car sunday night go to start it monday morning an it just clicked ( 1 click) it was -51f windchill ..i changed the battery now im changing the starter:Bang
it's 17 degrees in FL im a florida boy so im used to the heat but you put me in the cold weather I can't stand it.
I don't have the heart to go out and check how cold it is but I checked online. Says it's 30 right now but that can't be true since it was 31 in the afternoon and it feels much colder indoors right now.
had 100kmh(62mph) gusts overnight with 10C(50F) on the thermo.
set records for winds and temps. knocked down a few feet of snow.
very unusual weather. record highs and rain in the land of cold and snow.
Our ball park in Grand Rapids almost burned down because the fire hoses kept freezing over, but the following week it was raining and almost 40, and now it's back into the teens and 20s.
biggest swing this year was the sunday before christmas. -36C to 6C by noon monday. 42 degrees in 30 hours.
(-33F to 40F.)
and 5 different days so far this winter with freezing rain. last freezing rain in middle of winter was in the 80's.
not that i'm complaining. winter is warm this year.

it was -51f windchill ..
a windchill makes no difference to a battery(nor an engine or starter). it can only be as cold as the air.
Got up to 36°f on Sunday dam was that nice being outside in a T-shirt.
Tomorrow its back to -13°f :(
Got up to 36°f on Sunday dam was that nice being outside in a T-shirt.
Tomorrow its back to -13°f :(
yeah it was about that by me on Sunday as well, there was a nasty wind though, I was still outside cleaning the car in a t shirt.

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