The Inaugural LvC NE Chapter Edison Meet 3/12/05



Well, all I'm going to say is THANK YOU! The meet turned out better than I had expected considering weather, salt covered cars and distances some of the guys had to drive. I applaude you all! It was MY pleasure to meet all of you and I'm hoping that we can keep the LvCNE Meet tradition going. The attendees:

Hotweelz & Hunter NY Lincoln
Codewize NY Cadillac
Cubster MA Lincoln
Brentalan NJ Lincoln
Eric1 NY Lincoln
Gadget73 NJ Lincoln
Hizhonor PA Lincoln
Jamler3 NJ Lincoln
OldSchool1 PA Lincoln
seanklsc NY Lincoln
an01sts MD Cadillac
Bob NJ Cadillac
Bernie NJ Cadillac

I'm not sure if the Homestyle Buffet will welcome us back since we had sort of a burnout contest as we were all heading home.... it was brisk and cold but we all endured and all had a good time.

It was about the PEOPLE and NOT the cars and that's what makes a meet... next time, the weather will be warmer, the cars will be more detailed and hopefully more will attend the Sloatsburg, NY Meet on April 9th.

I took some pictures as did Codewize and Oldschool1 and I saw Cubster's and Brent's flash going off a few times also. Many thanks to all who gave up their Saturday morning to make the trip. I wouldn't have missed it for anything!

Stay tuned for details of the Sloatsburg Meet and the next SE PA FLM Meet. All are welcome! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Hi HizHonor

HizHonor said:
Well, all I'm going to say is THANK YOU! The meet turned out better than I had expected considering weather, salt covered cars and distances some of the guys had to drive. I applaude you all! It was MY pleasure to meet all of you and I'm hoping that we can keep the LvCNE Meet tradition going. The attendees:

Hotweelz & Hunter NY Lincoln
Codewize NY Cadillac
Cubster MA Lincoln
Brentalan NJ Lincoln
Eric1 NY Lincoln
Gadget73 NJ Lincoln
Hizhonor PA Lincoln
Jamler3 NJ Lincoln
OldSchool1 PA Lincoln
seanklsc NY Lincoln
an01sts MD Cadillac
Bob NJ Cadillac
Bernie NJ Cadillac

I'm not sure if the Homestyle Buffet will welcome us back since we had sort of a burnout contest as we were all heading home.... it was brisk and cold but we all endured and all had a good time.

It was about the PEOPLE and NOT the cars and that's what makes a meet... next time, the weather will be warmer, the cars will be more detailed and hopefully more will attend the Sloatsburg, NY Meet on April 9th.

I took some pictures as did Codewize and Oldschool1 and I saw Cubster's and Brent's flash going off a few times also. Many thanks to all who gave up their Saturday morning to make the trip. I wouldn't have missed it for anything!

Stay tuned for details of the Sloatsburg Meet and the next SE PA FLM Meet. All are welcome! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Sounds like a pretty good first meet, wish I could have been there but two two thousand dollar breakfasts in as many weeks is way beyond a poor mechanics meagre income.

Looking forward to the pictures

Best wishes

I like to say that it was a pleasure meeting some of the members of the NE Chapter, a great bunch of guys, see "y'all" at Carlisle !!

Cubby :waving:
Cubster said:
I like to say that it was a pleasure meeting some of the members of the NE Chapter, a great bunch of guys, see "y'all" at Carlisle !!

Cubby :waving:

I have to clarify that statement, it sounds like it wasn't a pleasure to meet all of the guys who showed up, I meant it to mean, the members of the NE Chap who didn't show. After rereading the original statement I felt I had to clarify it! Hope no one was temporarily offended.
sry i couldnt get there, i had a family emergency, and a vehicle emergency :(. If i knew what time it was over, i woulda tried to get there on my way home.
I didn't see anything that could have been taken out of context, and I agree with you. Of course, I enjoyed meeting EVERYONE who attened, and I enjoyed finally getting to mee SOME of the members.

SOME of you missed on one heck of a breakfast, and only a priviliged few were able to see my car in one of the nastiest conditions it has ever been in. I hit a chuck hole, sending a plume of muddy/salty water over the entire car. Heck! I would have been rummaging through the ash tray for butts before I would have driven to the store to get a pack of somkes with the car in that condition. And there I am, going to my first LVC meet, looking as someone vandalized the car.

It was tie between 2 of us for the grimiest cars, taking some of the edge off. No one was what you could have called spotless, so everyone overlooked the grime.

We are waiting as patiently as possible FOR THE PICTURES :bash:
Awww don't be so hard on yourself LOL I thought what I could see of that Crimson Pearl looked good between the mud splashes! :p Like I said was about the people and not the cars this time and I, for one, appreciate you taking the trip up from Maryland to meet with us. It was a pleasure to talk to you and I hope you find that Cadillac Mod Shop soon...Ya got one sweet ride! Lookin' forward to the next time! :D

an01sts said:
I didn't see anything that could have been taken out of context, and I agree with you. Of course, I enjoyed meeting EVERYONE who attened, and I enjoyed finally getting to mee SOME of the members.

SOME of you missed on one heck of a breakfast, and only a priviliged few were able to see my car in one of the nastiest conditions it has ever been in. I hit a chuck hole, sending a plume of muddy/salty water over the entire car. Heck! I would have been rummaging through the ash tray for butts before I would have driven to the store to get a pack of somkes with the car in that condition. And there I am, going to my first LVC meet, looking as someone vandalized the car.

It was tie between 2 of us for the grimiest cars, taking some of the edge off. No one was what you could have called spotless, so everyone overlooked the grime.

We are waiting as patiently as possible FOR THE PICTURES :bash:
No offense taken, Cubby ...I thought the guys from upstate NY had a long drive ... but you coming down from Mass ...well, you're a class act, Cubby ... it was really good to meet you....then again, I'm used to that wicked hahhhd kawr attitude of you Bahsonites LOL It was good to finally put a face with the posts! Hope to see you at Carlisle!

Cubster said:
I have to clarify that statement, it sounds like it wasn't a pleasure to meet all of the guys who showed up, I meant it to mean, the members of the NE Chap who didn't show. After rereading the original statement I felt I had to clarify it! Hope no one was temporarily offended.
Oh man, that STS was gorgeous. Despite the splash you can tell it was one of the best looking cars there.
Hi All

Oh-no!!!! Did someone steal HizHonor's placard?



Hi Dereck..... it was so windy that It just wouldn't stay put. I'll need to modify it's staying power a bit before the next meet! :p

Dereck said:
Hi All

Oh-no!!!! Did someone steal HizHonor's placard?



Left to Right: aka The LvCNE All-Stars :D

Jamler3, Brentalan, Hizhonor, an01sts,Hotweelz & Hunter, Cubster, seanklsc, Eric1, gadget73, Codewize and OldSchool1

Jim, Brent, Jack, Mervyn, James & Hunter, Everett, Sean, Eric, Thain, Aaron and John

mespock said:
How about a who's who on this. I take it Ray is the guy in the stocking hat! LOL
HizHonor said:
Left to Right: aka The LvCNE All-Stars :D

Jamler3, Brentalan, Hizhonor, an01sts,Hotweelz & Hunter, Cubster, seanklsc, Eric1, gadget73, Codewize and OldSchool1

Jim, Brent, Jack, Mervyn, James & Hunter, Everett, Sean, Eric, Thain, Aaron and John

Hey thanks, nice to see who you guys all are. Who's from Philly?

I'll be stopping in Philly Internationa Airport for a 3 hr lay over until I head out to Charleston SC to pick up my 95 Mark VIII.

If any of you are in the Philly area and would like to have a drink or dinner while I wait to head out you are more than welcome to stop in at my house LOL (Philly International Airport my home for at least 3 hours). I'll be arriving around 4:00 PM.
mespock said:
I'll be arriving around 4:00 PM.
Tell me that you didn't post this on THE SAME DAY that you're taking the trip?!?!

There is like three of us from the Philadelphia area that could pick you up and chauferred you around for an hour then let you pay for dinner then drive you back to the departures side of the airport.

So wHeN the hell are you going to be in town and do you have my number?
OldSchool1 said:
Tell me that you didn't post this on THE SAME DAY that you're taking the trip?!?!

There is like three of us from the Philadelphia area that could pick you up and chauferred you around for an hour then let you pay for dinner then drive you back to the departures side of the airport.

So wHeN the hell are you going to be in town and do you have my number?

PM me your Number.. I'll be in around 4:00 PM flight leaves around 7:00..

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