Thank You Thread


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
I was reading a thread by Archer28 the LS Forum (Thread Link) thanking PM80 for his generosity in helping him with his Lincoln LS. Then reading a post in the thread by TheRebel who thanked another member... I thought

Why not show off LvC's true side, and have a thread dedicated to thanking those who have help us out.

I am hoping this thread can out do MsM8tress' Guys Guys Guys thread, where member are asked to post pictures of themselves, show all the great things LvC members have done for each other.

What this community is truly about!!

Personally LvC has save me $1000s of dollars helping me do repairs that each would have cost me $100s of dollars if I would have taken my Mark VIIIs to a shop. Just the replacement of one lower control arm would have cost me $400 locally, and doing it my self cost $50 for the part and $50 for the alignment a savings of $300. Plus with the help that I have received from Members who have called to offer advice or allowed me to keep them on the phone while I did a project. Wow. LvC there is a reason I keep coming on everyday.. And no it's not that I don't have a life and nothing else to do.

So my first Thank you goes to Joey, Geno, Ray, Bryan and those I may have missed for starting this site.

Then going down my list, and forgive me if I forget anyone..

MonsterMark - alternator and much support
1wykdmk8 - Too much help solving so many problems while on the phone
94m5 - The Job you did on my 94 Mark VIII nice.. and for bringing back my 94 Mark VIII from Carlisle
ONEBADMK8 - Phone calls and support
TorqueMonkey - How much information can one person find out about how todo a job.
Scott9050 - For buying my 94 Mark VIII, and for selling it back to me.
OldSchool1 - Attempting to spend a 3 hour lay over at the Philly Airport that got delayed... Thanks for the Hoggie..
02LSE96LSC91SE84TC - Damn what a name and for all the support and help
American Air-1 - For a great support and a fantastic deal on an air ride conversion kit.
Frat-man-du - For going out hunting for T-bird parts and lots of T-Bird support
GMan - For support and phone calls
Bufordtipisser - For the gift of 2 calipers, air intake tube, and OD cable.
Jibit - For putting up with me and having a place to stay when I'm in the Chicago area
brentalan - For being a great friend and roommate (not that way Chicken)
mrzeee - For great deals on parts

Then to all my friends on LvC who I have spent many PM discussing issues and just having fun with on LvC and at the meets.

Pepperman, MsM8tress, Sergmark, FreeFaller, Conti95, Nyssa, Chickenviii (and ms. chicken), Calabrio, Barry2952, JC1994, viiiball, dern humpus, marked8, MediumD, JoshMcMadMac, Ohiorudeboy, QuickLS, PioneerCrazed, Truckerlincoln, 95Pred8er... And anyone else who I may have missed or forgotten, oh and yes even you Fossten..

If I messed someone please yell at me..
I want to thank Frat-man-du, for sending me two replacement stereos for my TC . I have put one in already and it works good , Thanks Frat. The bottom one is the one I put in my TC.

I'm going to make my thanks more generic, but no less heartfelt. To all of you who have talked to me on the phone, answer question after question or on this board and explained things to me thank you all very much as well as the founders of this board. :) :) You know who you are.
Thanks Mike(94m5) for borrowing me the Time-sert tools. They worked great and are not why my car is no longer running.:mad:

Thanks chickenviii for the tech info on my trucks blend door actuator. I ended up having to change the blend door itself, but your info was helpful to get the project started anyhow.:rolleyes:

Thank you to whoever can tell me why my#2 cylinder is dead...I know, I broke it.

Theres more but these are the first 2 that come to mind.
mespock said:
brentalan - For being a great friend and roommate (not that way Chicken)
dont lie rich:rolleyes:
thanks ray for your switch and the help during installation
thanks mike for the parts (which still havent been installed but someday they will)
thanks to everyone involved with making, and keeping this site up
i dont know where id be, without my LVC
Yeah, how else would he know about "sand for traction"? ;)

I would like to thank, in no particular order;
~ MsM8tress, the first LvC'er to help me with my then failing air ride, moral visits, and general mechanical mayhem.
~ Brentalan, Donor rear center section & Designated Driver.
~ 94m5, Tech assistance; mechanical and auto body and your Dad is one of the coolest people I’ve ever met.
~ Pepperman, checking on progress of daily grind/projects and fellow Boscobel rabble rouser.
~ TruckerLincoln, for cross country searches of ‘60s Contis.
~ Mespock and family for their generous Hospitality and part searches.
~ LvC Honorable mention to Danny and the Kiker family and their afforts at the First Annual Boscobel Lincoln vs. Cadillac weekend extravaganza and other assorted stuffs…
~ MosterMark, for a safe ride to the Airport with great Tech talks. (See above)
~ Conti and Nissa, for safe transportation to my hotel. (See above)
~ Chickens, for assisting me w/ emptying coolers of assorted beers that where unnecessarily full and general rabble rousing around Boscobel...Oh yeah tech stuff too.
~OldSchool, for quick answers to my new VII, obsession.
~ Dr. Paul, meeting up for performance orientated grill out and the best ever “world series of kickball games.”
~Gixxerboi, for driving the AZ meet up at the Scottsdale pavilions.
~ zexls, AZ meet, Tech support, parts, materials and all around good guy.
~ dnehthend, AZ meet another fortunate man with a really cool Dad.
~ Frogman, tech support and good general knowledge and mechanical direction.
~ LvC as a whole!!!

I know there are more people out there who deserve mentioning as well. My time is limited at the moment.

Thanks again :cool:
I'd like to thank-
mespock for all the encouragement
MsM8tress for all the support on keeping with the Mark's and getting to know everyone
94m5 for checking out my codes at Boscobel 2006
TorqueMonkey for all the advice and knowledge(and yes, still lookin' for your Conti!!)
pepperman for all the hilarious threads you post
And last but not least, EVERYONE who belongs to LVC. It wouldn't be the best without those who are dedicated to it!!
I'm not going to write a huge list, so I will just say thank you to everyone here. For being great people and making me proud to say that you are my friends. This is a wonderful place and there is no other site like it. I thank each and everyone of you who I consider to be some of the greatest and kindest people i have evr met on a website, any website. You should all be proud to be exactly who you are.

:V you rock!
Allright I'm gonna go ahead and get this out of the way before i forget about this thread again. Keep in mind that these are in no piticular order. nor can there be any order to the mix.

Mespock: THANK YOU for keeping the midwest section alive. I've had ALOT of fun going to meets all over the central section of our country, and am looking forward to more. :) There is more to thank you for, but I have class in the morning and need to keep in half way short. :D

BrentAlan: For assorted MMX driveshafts, and center sections. Also for Hooking my old man and I up when we needed a place to stay driving home from Boston. There is more also, but keeping it short. :D

MS Matress LOL: Giving us a reason to pit stop on the same trip refered to in Brent's section. Had a helluva time at applebees, and I still owe you for dinner. COME TO THINK OF IT we ALL owe you breakfast because of the Unique last july. Also for just plain being there when I needed someone to talk to. Thank you.

Joey, talking me into spending WAY too much money on my 95, then making me drive it AND my 98 cross country for 1000 miles. Honestly, I'm glad I did, I had a HELLUVA time out there. Dad did too. Also the whole....starting this forum kinda helped all of this happen. :D

Jbit.....your sense of humor is always welcome where were hanging out. Thanks for meeting Melissa and I at fridays that night.

Sergmark. Thanks for the tents you supplied for Jeremis party in august. Good person to talk to, and one kickass markVIII

Monstermark. Has offered me MANY parts for free when I have been down on my luck and needed em. Fortunatly, I hav'nt had to take him up on em yet. :D

Conti, What can I say, your ALWAYS a good person to have at the meets, and if I'm ever up there on vacation you can drive the 95 like I've promised you since it was done. Till them just ask brent how it drives. LOL

Frogman: you know what you've done. :) thanks again man.

Jeremi Lutostaoski (M-Maker) you have been a MAJOR influence on my incursions in the the VIII world. Everyone tells me thank you for the help, but they should be thanking you. I would'nt be near as into these cars if it was'nt for you. Margret needs a special mention here for the hospitality you both showed for my Dad and I during the meet at your home. you did'nt have to shack us up, but you did anyway. I (and dad)appriciate it.

Driller, Sorry I took your 1st at Carlisle, but you are one hell of a good guy, and a pleasure to be around. Same goes for your wife.

BuffordPisser: Assorted parts, and some tech advice a few times. Sorry we did'nt get to meet at Carlisle. Maybe next year. :)

JC1994: Always fun man. your a joy to have on the forum, and I like reading some of your posts on racing. :)

Pepp, the Girls girls pics are always welcome here. :) Good meeting you in Boscobel, and way to keep the forums hoppin.

anyway.... I'm sure there is more, but I can't stand to be awake anymore. I'll update if I think of anything.


EDIT...How could I forget Mr elgin? Jimmy boy, where are you??!?!?!?!?!?!? We need to be keeping the man offa Chicken a little better. Glad to meet both of you in Boscobel, and hope to again soon enough.
Damn how could I forget Rich, Thank you my friend for all the advice you sent my way and also Thank you and Heather for letting me stay at your house during the meet in July.

To MsM8tress, I can't imagine what this site would have been like without you here ;) , it always brightens the place up when you are posting, and for all the advice you have a good soul.

Conti - You are a good friend thanks.

94m5 - Mike it was a blast meeting you and your dad at the meet, looking foward to the next one.
torquemonkey said:
~ Chickens, for assisting me w/ emptying coolers of assorted beers that where unnecessarily full and general rabble rousing around Boscobel...Oh yeah tech stuff too.
see how helpful i can be and yes mike i will ALLWAYS need help with the man

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