Well-Known LVC Member
you could also remove the OEM amp, solder RCAs on to the OEM signal wires, and then find a turn on signal (tricky to get a signal with RAP)
1Loud/Joegr - I'm thinking about switching out of my current High Level Input setup to a RCA/Low Level one. I believe I have Sub Amp wiring harness C466a in my 06 w/ THX- if so would I solder wires from pins 7 WH/RD and 8 GY/RD to male RCA's Left/Right (so I can plug them into the amps RCA Harness Inputs). Assume I can then use the same Ground for both RCA's Pin 2 Bk/BU? Dont need to worry about Pin 5 RD/BU since the amp is powered and grounded straight from the battery. Finally, can I use the Pin 1 YE/RD wire to go into the "Remote Terminal In" on the amp so its switched on/off?
Thanks in advance.
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