Sub Replacement Question

you could also remove the OEM amp, solder RCAs on to the OEM signal wires, and then find a turn on signal (tricky to get a signal with RAP)

1Loud/Joegr - I'm thinking about switching out of my current High Level Input setup to a RCA/Low Level one. I believe I have Sub Amp wiring harness C466a in my 06 w/ THX- if so would I solder wires from pins 7 WH/RD and 8 GY/RD to male RCA's Left/Right (so I can plug them into the amps RCA Harness Inputs). Assume I can then use the same Ground for both RCA's Pin 2 Bk/BU? Dont need to worry about Pin 5 RD/BU since the amp is powered and grounded straight from the battery. Finally, can I use the Pin 1 YE/RD wire to go into the "Remote Terminal In" on the amp so its switched on/off?

Thanks in advance.




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If you go with your plan, one of the subs will be 180 out of phase.

The sub is mono, not stereo (left/right). Pin 7 is the negative for the mono sub signal, and pin 8 is positive for the mono signal. It is differential instead of ground referenced. It may work connecting pin 7 to the ground connection of the RCA (and pin 8 to the signal), or it may not. I know that the factory amp will accept ground referenced signals, but I don't think it normally works the other way around. Yes, pin 1 will work for the turn on signal, but it is not 12V level. It's more like 7V or so.
Ok thank you! - a few more questions for clarity:

If I try connecting pin 7 to Ground (double checking this since the C466a diagram shows 7 as "+") and 8 to signal (or vise versa if 7 is +) then I would just use one of the 2 RCA's to connect since amp is 2 channel:

Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 7.43.42 PM.png

Then I would wire the speakers as Mono #4 vs. #6 - subs are 2 ohm:

Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 7.47.19 PM.png

Based on your info I'm guessing Pin 1 will not work for Remote Turn On since it states in #6 (at bottom) 12V

Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 7.44.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 8.02.39 PM.png
Ok thanks Joe and will order those - not afraid to try something out because if it doesn't work I can always revert back to how it was before. When I get them I will let you know so I can get bit more clarity on the steps if you don't mind.
Do they have the phase marked? It'll be a dot or something like that on each side.

C466a pin 7 to the pin with the dot on the front of the transformer (pick a side and call it the front). C466a pin 8 to the other pin on the front side.

The left and right input positives (signal) of your sub amp to the pin with the dot on the back of the transformer.
The left and right input negatives (ground/shield) of your sub amp to the other pin on the back of your transformer.
Joe there are no markings - one side has three receptors for wires (with only two used). While the other side has 2 with both used. Not sure if that helps...

You'll just have to pick at random. You have a 50/50 shot at it. If it is out of phase, then reverse the wiring on one side (only one side, not both).

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