scammed by member.......beware of GIPP


LVC Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
He has a thread on here parting out his LS that was stolen . I corresponded with him and agreed to purchase his Idle air bipass solenoid and a power window bracket . He sent me the bracket and a crappy used fuel filter .

C'mon who wants a used fuel filter , and who cant tell the difference?

I emailed him and PM'd about the problem and he stated it was a mix up and he would try to "figure it out" that was on 6/6/09 . I gave him ample time to figure it out and requested a refund from him on 6/14 and have not heard from him since .

It is not a huge sum of money , were only talking $25 for the bipass valve. But its just the principle .

I have no reason to lie or make up stories about this guy . I am a LEO in florida and deal with criminals and fraudulent activities daily and have seen it all too often . If it was an honest mistake then so be it . I didnt want to make a thread and trash the guy . But his lack of communication left me no choice .

If anything maybe he will respond here and we can get it straightened out .

his thread:
I think he only has times on weekends or something to tear into the car and get parts out. It may have actually been a true mix up and he just hasn't had time to respond.

However there is no excuse to not replying to your questions about the issue. I am sure he will get this resolved and clear his name, it's too bad it came to this.

GIPP come through man!
I bought a Passenger side door speaker from him and I received it in less than a week. I don't know what the problem would be because I also had exceptional communication with him. :confused:
When I first read that I thought, "wtf does his astrological sign have to do with this?" :shifty:


sorry to hear about your troubles. id say try to be patient though. seems like he's not a bad guy. maybe he just hasnt had a chance to get on the computer.
Where did we lose you, Warden? :p

Law Enforcement Officer.

aka. COP
aka. Police
aka. PoPo
aka. 5.0
aka. The man
aka.... :p

I better shut up now. I like Warden. He's a fellow V-rod owner.

No Frog - I had a whole list of acronyms for LEO but it came in all jumbled and I had to get to a mtg so I just edited the jumble out and replace it with a ?
Also have had problems with Gipp. Seems like a nice guy but have gotten very stressed out with him. I 'bought' all the woodgrain from his vehicle but when I went weeks without any product I emailed him and he offered a refund. I accepted his offer and it is now been three months with no car parts at all or any cash back. Paypal has found him in fault but have been able to reclaim any of my lost money (about 150 bucks). He says as soon as he gets the money he'll get it back to me. We'll see about that- I just want one or the other. Hopefully he gets back to me. But as for fellow LVC members I would be cautious.
I'm still waiting on parts but I talk to him quite frequently on msn messenger, and he's always been quick to get back to me. I'm not trying to lay his personal info out there but he's been really busy as of late. Next time I talk to him I'll see what's up but I'm pretty positive he's not a scam.
Just to throw in my 2 cents...

I've been selling parts off of my 2 LS's also and sometimes it can take up to a week or more before I am honestly able to get back to someone. I know a lot of the guys on here also have professional careers and are quite busy. I know it can be frustrating, but at the same time we have to deal with people asking for certain parts and constantly flaking out or taking a month or more to get back to us on whether they actually want or can afford the parts. I know a bunch of guys on the forum here have gotten parts from him so hopefully this is just a miscommunication.

I hope you get all of your issues worked out!
I don't wanna bash him either because he does seem like a good guy but its been over a month since I sent him the money for my parts to and nothing! I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks either. I am seriously hoping it is a miscommunication. I would like those parts.
but you already sent him money, no? So he spent YOUR money already? That's weak.

Just what I was thinking.
A good seller would only ask for money after the parts are off the car ready to ship.
I could understand if you need time to get stuff boxed and shipped, but no parts and no refund after a couple of weeks is B.S.
+1. It doesn't take much to do legitimate business.

Maybe gipp is an LEO too. read his name backwards :D
but you already sent him money, no? So he spent YOUR money already? That's weak.

That's correct. I sent him the money months ago. Then when he offered the refund I accepted and then he tells me that he doesn't have my money anymore; that he will need to sell some more parts before he can pay me back :confused: I'm not very experienced with paypal but the adminstrators say that they are unable to refund my money because his account is insufficient. Anybody have any tips to help?
Ok well that is a different story. That is bull and he should pony it up right away, out of pocket or whatever.
Yea in paypal disputes you only get your money back if paypal decides in your favor. However, if this has happened, you will only get back the money if the seller has funds still in his account.

I have been through several scamming/disputes via paypal and everytime it is decided in my favor, but it takes up to months to get money back in some cases.
GIPP's last activity was June 14th, 1900 hours under his username IP address.

He may have logged on with another IP or not.

And Frogman, 1900 hours means 7:00 ... pm, not to be confused with am, CST in this case:) .

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