Rear noise Help!


Active LVC Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Ok, so i've had this noise coming from the drivers side rear strut area. I had new struts put on, but its still there and now its super loud. It's like a grinding squeek... It has gotten worse over time.

It even squeeks when i get out of the car from the pressure.

Anyone else have this issue?
i do, but its passenger side front, but i'm hopefully putting sprint springs on and new shocks so hopefully that will fix it and it doesn't do it all the time
FYI: The Lincoln LS uses coil over shocks, no struts, like what bearsfan39 is putting on his LS.
Thanks for the correction... im sure u spend most of ur time on this board correcting people.
Thanks for the correction... im sure u spend most of ur time on this board correcting people.

It is easy to understand someone’s question and give accurate information when you have the correct terminology. Don't you want to know what you really have on your Lincoln LS? And yes I have tried to put the correct information out there and others have educated me, just today I learned something new about a tune and rev limiters on the 2nd gen LS. Didn't know you were done learning new things, I should have recognized that by the lack of correct spelling and your use of upper/lower case even more so than my own errors.

Could b ur leaf spring or maybe ur break shoe is draggon.
1st of all you weren't correcting me for a possible answer to my problem. You were just correcting me, because you could. I'm sorry strut and coil over shocks were so relevant when I said I had new ones put on... which means the right ones are on and I misspoke.

My lack of upper and lower case? You're :q:q:q:q:q:q:q... I didn't know my lack of upper casing my word made me done learning?

I'm sure I have more knowledge than you in other subjects, but I don't think I'm going to go online and point it out when I have nothing to contribute to the question that was asked.
1st of all you weren't correcting me for a possible answer to my problem. You were just correcting me, because you could. I'm sorry strut and coil over shocks were so relevant when I said I had new ones put on... which means the right ones are on and I misspoke.

My lack of upper and lower case? You're :q:q:q:q:q:q:q... I didn't know my lack of upper casing my word made me done learning?

I'm sure I have more knowledge than you in other subjects, but I don't think I'm going to go online and point it out when I have nothing to contribute to the question that was asked.

I guess maybe we should all just call them "those round things that go up and down" to avoid the possibility of offending anyone else that might not know the correct terms...
It's cool guys... My question wasn't answered. I'm sorry I misspoke. I'm sorry I didn't like the FYI.
It's cool guys... My question wasn't answered. I'm sorry I misspoke. I'm sorry I didn't like the FYI.

No problem Xrumer, understand your frustration after throwing $$ at it and still have the same problem but it is very difficult to diagnose a noise through written word. Need to be a little more thick skin on a form.

I always consider myself the dumbest person in the room.
Is the sound a constant sound that changes with speed or is it more influenced by bumps in the road and changing direction?
Maybe ball joint? Could be a bushing. I wouldn't think it is the brakes at all. Can you make a video of it?
Oh, if you have some wd40 or something similar then try spraying the swab bar bushing.
Are you telling him to put his foreskin on a form? I sure hope you meant "more think skinned on a forum" haha J/K

well, while we are all at it, i think you mean thick skinned not think skinned. lol

seriously though, can some one please explain what is the difference between a coil over shock and a strut? they do look an awful lot alike.
My understanding is a strut takes the place of more than one suspension component. A strut does the jobs of a shock (damper), spring, upper contol arm, and sometimes a ball joint. They have a bearing to help move with the steering too.

A coil over shock is just that. a coil spring to restrict the vertical movement of the wheel, and a shock for a damper to stop the spring from oscillating.
My understanding is a strut takes the place of more than one suspension component. A strut does the jobs of a shock (damper), spring, upper contol arm, and sometimes a ball joint. They have a bearing to help move with the steering too.

A coil over shock is just that. a coil spring to restrict the vertical movement of the wheel, and a shock for a damper to stop the spring from oscillating.

Like pektel said: coil over= up and down, the upper control arm is a good give away. Strut= up, down, and side to side. And yes they do look very much a like.

You might want to use a silicone spray instead of WD40 which is a solvent that evaporates in time. Both would be a temporary fix but at least you could find the source noise.

Got to respect a person who takes responsibility, good, bad or indifferent, for their actions because we all have our day's.

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