Pulled Over!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 1, 2005
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listen to this, was on my lunch break... I get pulled over, for absolutely doing nothing... a 22 yrd old who dresses in clothes a lil big.. (thug look)... and a hat on backwards... but anyways.. the cop goes mind if i take a look inside the car.. i said why.. he goes your awefully young to be driving this car.. I said well i have a good job.. he goes yea mom and dad probably bbought the car for you.. i was like yea ok.. then he states again.. can i have a look in the car.. i said no, you dont have propable cause.. so he called in a k-9 unit.. i was a smart ass with him.. they had the dog search the outside of my car.. didnt find anything.. so i made a comment ... what I cant have a nicer car then you???? he asked me to step out and cuffed me then he searched me.. then let me go and said have a nice day..... wtf is that all about!!!!!!!!!

I really hate cops... ecspecially the ones with nothing else better to do then harass people!!
Motts said:
listen to this, was on my lunch break... I get pulled over, for absolutely doing nothing... a 22 yrd old who dresses in clothes a lil big.. (thug look)... and a hat on backwards... but anyways.. the cop goes mind if i take a look inside the car.. i said why.. he goes your awefully young to be driving this car.. I said well i have a good job.. he goes yea mom and dad probably bbought the car for you.. i was like yea ok.. then he states again.. can i have a look in the car.. i said no, you dont have propable cause.. so he called in a k-9 unit.. i was a smart ass with him.. they had the dog search the outside of my car.. didnt find anything.. so i made a comment ... what I cant have a nicer car then you???? he asked me to step out and cuffed me then he searched me.. then let me go and said have a nice day..... wtf is that all about!!!!!!!!!

I really hate cops... ecspecially the ones with nothing else better to do then harass people!!

I guess his wife or boyfriend didnt give him any azZ so he was just upset about that its a shame he took it out on you tho!! Luckly he didn't think you were some type of drug dealer or something!! What a jerk!!
i think thats what he actually thought.. he did search my car!!!!
Well listen to my story, I was on my way to summer school in the subway train (not mandatory), I was one stop before my destination and then this cop walks in asking for tickets. I showed him mine, and he said how old are you?, im like, 17, then he told me to get out, and wrote me a ticket for truancy, after I showed him all my credentials and papers about my school, he said he didnt care, put me on a van with bars and took me to the school jail, and set me up for a court date..!! wtf?? IM WITH YOU.. ALL THEY DO IS HARRASS PEOPLE.. and thats when I decided to buy myself an LS....
Ever since i bought this car, in which :L dont get me wrong but i think i'm havin more cop issues then you guys are problems.. lol... no tickets yet but still everytime i pull up next to a cop or a cop sees me he follows, or glances more then once,, i just stare back usually.. lol.. i'm gona keep an empty box of dunkin donuts in my car.. write on the inside of the lid and open it.. it'll say sorry i ate the last one.. lol :steering
BIG CELO said:
I guess his wife or boyfriend didnt give him any azZ so he was just upset about that its a shame he took it out on you tho!! Luckly he didn't think you were some type of drug dealer or something!! What a jerk!!

Yeah that is just wrong. I would file some type of harrasment down at the station. Though that would probably just get you even more harrasement. It is truly a shame that a young man can't roll a nice car without getting harrased. That is bull$*&%!!! :soapbox:
My favorit time is crusing in the lincoln At like 2:30 AM get pulled over and ya they want to surch the car. "HaHaHa ya right" when ever they cuf you and are surching you I like to say ya know I wanted to be a cop, but I decided to finsh Highschool insted. that always gets them so pised off and there anit :q:q:q:q they can do about it.
I was puled over for hitting the yello line 3 time in a mile, when he told me that I thought it was a complament. (dricing a frends Big ass lifted jeep, with a stick shift talking on the cell and eating a bigmack)
dont be such a prick to the cops, and they wont really harass you. :N specially if its an area you go thru alot, and plan to come back to. they WILL remember you, and if you are going a few miles over & remember you were the little prick giving them a hard time, they wont give you a brake.

they are doing their job. i hate people who think cops are out to get people. yeah, some cops get bored & dont have a reason to stop you, but god, just kill em with kindness. you'll learn!!! :rolleyes:

being nice has helped me get out of like 3 tickets.
maybe being a young female helps too! :woowoo2:

one i couldnt get out of and i EVEN CRIED!!!!!! i was going like 90-something on I80/94S, and saw a cop coming the opposite direction, slammed the brakes to slow down (good thing i did, cuz he had his radar on) he turned around in a DITCH to come after me, and pulled me over saying he clocked me at 88. i was nice to him, but he went back to his car and i said, "wait! look your gonna run my plates & my dl# and see that i have no tickets, im a good driver w/a good record, please dont give me a ticket." he went back to his car, sat in there for like 10 minutes, so i knew he was writing a ticket for me. he handed it to me & i started crying and said "im from out of state, cant you just rip this up & give me a warning?? he said no. i cant. so i said "thats not very nice, you people dont give anyone a break" he said, you almost got me there, but i cant give breaks for going 22 mph over the limit!!! i continued to tear, and said "what can i do to get out of this, can i take a class? what? he said call the number on the back of the ticket.

that was that. i called the #, the ticket was $95, but if i wanted it off my record, i could pay an extra $50 and get 6 months supervision. after 6 months no moving violations, it is OFF MY RECORD!!!! :) YAY!!! a clean slate, once again!!! :L
Oh yeah, i keep thinking, next time i get pulled over for speeding, i can say "i have REALLY bad diarreah, i NEED TO GO NOW!!!!" and they will let me go, but last time i got pulled over and got that ticket, i remembered that excuse, but when the cop looked at me, i couldnt get the balls up to say it. someone should try it & get back to me. let me know if it works!!! :)
luckieleo said:
dont be such a prick to the cops, and they wont really harass you. :N specially if its an area you go thru alot, and plan to come back to. they WILL remember you, and if you are going a few miles over & remember you were the little prick giving them a hard time, they wont give you a brake.

they are doing their job. i hate people who think cops are out to get people. yeah, some cops get bored & dont have a reason to stop you, but god, just kill em with kindness. you'll learn!!! :rolleyes:

being nice has helped me get out of like 3 tickets.
maybe being a young female helps too! :woowoo2:

one i couldnt get out of and i EVEN CRIED!!!!!! i was going like 90-something on I80/94S, and saw a cop coming the opposite direction, slammed the brakes to slow down (good thing i did, cuz he had his radar on) he turned around in a DITCH to come after me, and pulled me over saying he clocked me at 88. i was nice to him, but he went back to his car and i said, "wait! look your gonna run my plates & my dl# and see that i have no tickets, im a good driver w/a good record, please dont give me a ticket." he went back to his car, sat in there for like 10 minutes, so i knew he was writing a ticket for me. he handed it to me & i started crying and said "im from out of state, cant you just rip this up & give me a warning?? he said no. i cant. so i said "thats not very nice, you people dont give anyone a break" he said, you almost got me there, but i cant give breaks for going 22 mph over the limit!!! i continued to tear, and said "what can i do to get out of this, can i take a class? what? he said call the number on the back of the ticket.

that was that. i called the #, the ticket was $95, but if i wanted it off my record, i could pay an extra $50 and get 6 months supervision. after 6 months no moving violations, it is OFF MY RECORD!!!! :) YAY!!! a clean slate, once again!!! :L

I do agree that most cops are cool and have good intentions but the few like the clown that harrased this guy give the good ones a bad name. What he did was out of line. He had no reason to call a K-9 unit to saearch his car. I just feel it is little ridiculous.

Oh and bye the way I am sure that you being a cute young female has helped you on more than one occasion

Cheers :Beer
dropped74 said:
I do agree that most cops are cool and have good intentions but the few like the clown that harrased this guy give the good ones a bad name. What he did was out of line. He had no reason to call a K-9 unit to saearch his car. I just feel it is little ridiculous.

Oh and bye the way I am sure that you being a cute young female has helped you on more than one occasion

Cheers :Beer

yeah, but the cop was being a smartass just like the guy who said "no you cant search my car"

if you have nothing illegal, yeah, ask why, but if someone wanted to search my car & i knew i had nothing in there to get in trouble, i'd be like "fine, whatever" and that would be it. the officer would have said "thanks, have a nice day.. sorry to bother you" but since he gave the officer a hard time, the officer got back at him & gave him a hard time. i'd do the same thing if i was the cop. :)
Payback is a mother

Around 10 years ago I was pulled over for speeding about 2am after driving my girlfriend home.
I was driving a brand new Nissan extended cab lifted on 35' tires, 5% tint, and four 12's in the cab.
The cop gave me the sobriety tests and he said I failed them all (I hadn't had a drink in days)so he needed to take me in. At which point I told him he better get me the breathalizer, now.
Then the a$$whole made me wait outside the truck while the K-9 unit was comming with the breathalizer, which wouldn't have been a problem except I was only wearing boxers. No shirt, no shoes and it was December. I did have a hunting vest in the back but he wouldn't let me get it.
When the lady cop with the breathalizer got there she asked me why I was shaking naked in the street, so I explained with a few four letter words and she ripped the other cop a new one.
After two hours I passed the breathalizer, the dog found nothing, and the ba$tard still gave me a ticket for 55 in a 35 mph zone.

Years went by and one day a familiar face came into my audio shop wanting to have a stereo installed in his new Corvette (under 2000 miles).

I padded the equipment and labor prices to more than compensate for that little ticket.

Oh, and have you ever seen a new Corvette do donuts and get stuck up to the body in a gravel pit, then drug out with a chain attached to a 4x4 Nissan ? :steering

I have.
luckieleo said:
yeah, but the cop was being a smartass just like the guy who said "no you cant search my car"

if you have nothing illegal, yeah, ask why, but if someone wanted to search my car & i knew i had nothing in there to get in trouble, i'd be like "fine, whatever" and that would be it. the officer would have said "thanks, have a nice day.. sorry to bother you" but since he gave the officer a hard time, the officer got back at him & gave him a hard time. i'd do the same thing if i was the cop. :)

I don't think the guy was being a smart ass as much as he was challenging the cop as to why he wanted to search his car. That does not happen enough in my opinion. Cops just do what they want and that is why so many people get out of things that they actually did do wrong, and that is cause cops don't follow the law. Everyone thinks because they are law enforcers they must know the law, well I assure you, they don't on most occasions.

MikeB said:
Around 10 years ago I was pulled over for speeding about 2am after driving my girlfriend home.
I was driving a brand new Nissan extended cab lifted on 35' tires, 5% tint, and four 12's in the cab.
The cop gave me the sobriety tests and he said I failed them all (I hadn't had a drink in days)so he needed to take me in. At which point I told him he better get me the breathalizer, now.
Then the a$$whole made me wait outside the truck while the K-9 unit was comming with the breathalizer, which wouldn't have been a problem except I was only wearing boxers. No shirt, no shoes and it was December. I did have a hunting vest in the back but he wouldn't let me get it.
When the lady cop with the breathalizer got there she asked me why I was shaking naked in the street, so I explained with a few four letter words and she ripped the other cop a new one.
After two hours I passed the breathalizer, the dog found nothing, and the ba$tard still gave me a ticket for 55 in a 35 mph zone.

Years went by and one day a familiar face came into my audio shop wanting to have a stereo installed in his new Corvette (under 2000 miles).

I padded the equipment and labor prices to more than compensate for that little ticket.

Oh, and have you ever seen a new Corvette do donuts and get stuck up to the body in a gravel pit, then drug out with a chain attached to a 4x4 Nissan ? :steering

I have.

That is classic!!!
I forgot about that, the cop did search my truck(with my permission) before he gave me the sobriety tests and I was more than polite untill he asked me to stand outside in the cold. I even asked to sit in the police car, but he said no.

If there are cops who want a big bust enough to treat a kid like that what makes you think they wouldn't plant something in the car.

I don't invite strangers into my house and I won't ever give a cop permission to go into my vehicle again.

Probable cause and evidential maters are for the courts to decide, unless you give permission. Then one bored a$$whole who wants to make a name for himself can make your life a living hell.
Sorry guys I know a bunch of cops personally.. they are all pricks. Traffic stops are nothing. Believe me thats not harrasmant. Ive been through hell with the suffolk county cops. Our cops are the highest payed in the nation and do nuthing but wrong sh!t.
Being young and Black in anything expensive is enough for the cops to pull you over. I don't want to turn this into a race issue but it's the truth.
I have generally found the oppisite with the Lincoln, cops ignore it because it's not like some attention grabbing Mustang or Camaro.
brentalan said:
I have generally found the oppisite with the Lincoln, cops ignore it because it's not like some attention grabbing Mustang or Camaro.

:I i got pulled over countless times in 2 years of driving my old beater (91 Olds 88)

but in the linc, i've only gotten pulled over like 3 or 4 times in 2 years of driving it. i do wear my seatbelt 90% of the time, and always use my signals. the only thing that would scream for me to get pulled over is my speeding. :steering

and dont get me wrong, i never said cops are always nice & always do the right thing, but they ARE authority, and most of the times if you fight authority, you lose. "i fought the law & the...LAW WON."

they can do things you dont have control over. i just think the smart thing to do is be respectful. if your a prick, they have more reason to be a prick. it doesnt always keep you out of trouble, but puts you at less risk for more trouble. that is all.
dertyclown said:
My favorit time is crusing in the lincoln At like 2:30 AM get pulled over and ya they want to surch the car. "HaHaHa ya right" when ever they cuf you and are surching you I like to say ya know I wanted to be a cop, but I decided to finsh Highschool insted. that always gets them so pised off and there anit :q:q:q:q they can do about it.
I was puled over for hitting the yello line 3 time in a mile, when he told me that I thought it was a complament. (dricing a frends Big ass lifted jeep, with a stick shift talking on the cell and eating a bigmack)

By looking at your spelling are you sure YOU passed high school....?

I also like your post in the other 420 thread that you started....
To refresh everyones memory here it is....
" 55 is so fast when your messed up
we shold not have to go to work to day. infact thats it im calling in sick!
hey Administrators out there I can't belive you let this stay here yall are cool as hell "
Looks like the "pigs" have their aim set on a pot head that likes to drive under the influence....
That is why they Harrass you. Dont do anything illegal that compromises your life and the LIVES of others on the road.
luckieleo its not that easy. Im young, hispanic, live in suffolk county and constantly have to drive late at night from my recording studio. Take it from someone who gets pulled over more than he would like to cops are pricks.... period. Ive been driving since I was 16 and trust me Ive run into lots of "officers" who are nuthing but a disgrace. I have a family member that works in the courts and you would be surprised how much they get away with. In bayshore, theres a street where lots of day laborers meet to try to get work. In the summertime at least once a week usually on a monday they go to the courts to pick up their money. what happens is the cops round them up on fridays when they are walking home these guys get paid cash so the cops take their belongings. after a few hours of harrasment they release them and tell them to pick their stuff up on monday at the courts. only problem is there never is money at the courts. Its bogus, they take the money!!!! lots of these guys dont have legal id so they lose out. So your right the law always wins but its not always right. But enough depressing crap cuz the forum is supposed to make us happy. Your car looks nice with the new lights!!!
From the tickets that I have got in the past, the LS seems to be the best car not to get pulled over in. I owned a 1985 Mustang GT convertible (still do) and was pulled over all the time for reasons unknown to me. I also owned a 1990 Mustang GT convertible and had the same problem. I'd get pulled over and talk to the cop and I'd end up with a warning. However, a couple of years ago I was driving a 2001 LS-8 and was pulled over for 79 in a 65. The cop was a complete jackazz about the whole situation. He gave me the same line as to why I was driving a new Lincoln around and he also gave me the whole line about having my parents give it to me.......blah blah blah (my parents own a dealership and they let me take it out for the night..........i earned everything i ever got from them because I worked for them). I don't think the LS attracts cops so much but when you get pulled over and they see the car up close and the driver being young.........best bet you're getting a little more attention paid to you. Just my experience.

But yeah, I think a cop who asks to search your car just because you're young and driving a nice car is a bit overkill. I would have given the cop an attitude too..........like i'd be doing something wrong while driving if i had a trunk full of drugs.......i think not. I appreciate what the cops do and I give them the respect that they earn from me. Just because they wear a badge doesn't mean that they garner the respect. If they treat me nice then I treat them nice. If they dont, then forget about it.
Kamikaze said:
Being young and Black in anything expensive is enough for the cops to pull you over. I don't want to turn this into a race issue but it's the truth.

I hate to sort of agree with you. B/C I' am white and I have yet to be pulled over and I have had two close calls where I should of been. (once for 15 over the other for 12 over) but around here (Richmond VA) the cops here take a good look long look at the car, the chorme rims and then at me and just drive by. It's even more apparent now since I have one yellow light and the other is a xenon attracts their attention but still nothing:).

But then again I guess it depends where you are and which cops u deal with so I have nothing against cops...I am studying to be a cop (most cops have college degrees nowadays) or maybe a lawyer.... (either way I won't have to worry about being pulled over in the future) :)
"Do you know how bling you were going?" :D


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