programmically pushing message center buttons to turn off traction control


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2005
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I didn't think it was going to be easy, but it seems different than I anticipated.

I want to wait 5 seconds, have something press the Vehicle Settings button (to get to the first item, disable traction control), wait .1 seconds then press reset (to disable traction control).

I first thought I could simply ground each of those items in the board and it would send a unique ohm value to the Message Center.

However it looks like there is a constant ohm value going to the message center (8.88kohms) and when pressing Vehicle Settings it goes to 5.5kohms, and when pressing Reset it goes to 6.91kohms.

I had planned on using either a set of 555 timers or an ATTiny85 programmed with an Arduino to do it, but I think I can only ground or send 5v from them.

I don't want to spend a ton of money on it, or have a huge project, but I was thinking maybe resistors and optocouplers with an ATTiny (with a 5 volt voltage regulator). I have to read up on 555 timers, and 2 stage 555 timers (not sure what they are called).

Anyone have any ideas how to best proceed? I have an Arduino, voltage regulators, 555 timers, resistors, bread boards, probably more than enough to do it. A little shaky soldering but not of this is surface mount.
The first circuit add-on is a timer switch to automatically disable the traction control in lieu of having to key in through the message center to disable the traction control. Once the switch is thrown, keying on the ignition and starting the car results in a slight delay before you hear the beep-beep of the traction control being automatically disabled. The second circuit is tied to the traction control circuit as well. Should the traction control be enabled and kick in, the second circuit basically dumps boost so not to leave the engine at risk with the PCM reducing torque via timing/fuel changes.


Drillers supercharged CE does that.
he may be able to provide some insight on how it was done.
I might have to reach out and find out. The more I look at it, the more I think it will be easy. Each button grounds a resistor so I will have to solder wire to some small SMD resistors in the board but should be doable, I guess I had hoped to be able to do it externally and add it inline between message center and switch assembly.
Get a tune and it can be disabled in the PCM.
Seems your making it much more complicated than it has to be ;)
I don't think it can be disabled in a tune. I have asked a couple of people that do a fair amount of Mark VIIIs and they say it can't be done. Don and the DLF also have posts about not being able to do it, there is a param but it doesn't work on the Mark VIIIs.

Complicated apparently is my MO. I really don't have a ton of spare time, but I like to fill it with stuff like this. I want to figure it out myself, but wouldn't mind hints or if someone else has done it or anything like it.

I want to try out optocouplers but am not sure if I need voltage on the isolated side or not (which I won't have, I just want to ground pins). I smoked the few I have so need to get some more.
I have also have heard it can't be tuned off, there is a option to do it...but have never attempted it.
When I hack at the tune I can try it... but if it could be done I'm sure DLF would have.
I also know there was a member, a friend of Tommy's that made the TC come off the way Drillers car does and used to sell it... I would guess he used the method your thinking.
Would be interesting to know if from the PO of Drillers CE got his to work himself, or bought it.
JA might have a few ideas....its out of my ballpark.
I will bug him to post.....I have a strong hate of TC
Got the IC programmed, and will make it so I can make changes to it easily, if a 6 second wait, press vehicle settings for .5 seconds, wait .5 seconds, then press reset for .5 seconds doesn't do it.
Here is the IC I am using, programming it in using Wiring language, and an Arduino Nano to program it. It is an ATTiny85, I think in bulk I paid 60 cents a piece for them. It has 8k of memory and this uses 800bytes so might look for an ATTiny45 or smaller.


Here it is mocked up with blue LEDs instead of relays.

Video of it in action...I guess I could have paused the X-Files hah

only additional "hardware" will be two small relays, that 5v regulator just stuck in the board, and a bread board with this stuff soldered on.
This is the button board. It is a series of resistors that send a different overall resistance measurement out to things like the message center.

SW1 is Vehicle Settings
SW6 is Reset

on SW1 I need to ground the top of resistor r101 to simulate pressing Vehicle Settings

on SW6 I have to ground the botton of resistor r106 to simulate pressing Reset
Nice mod.
Im working on similar project to interface swc to pioneer stereo.
The voltage line its noisy so maybe you can avoid issues adding a lpf at rail and some bypass caps.
Thanks Driller! I have some 555 timers, and have had some slight success in the past using them to get what I want, and having this schematic (one 555 timer for delay, and a 556 timer for the two button presses) is great! I think I am going to go with the programmed IC method for now, but this helps with knowing I am on the right track, makes me think of things like a way to disable it, and that I should think about fusing it, so I don't blow the SCIL fuse I am tapping, which I know makes the car not drivable or lacking lots of important features. Also that I should add a cap for the input, I am using pretty clean 5v and 12v sources for testing, but we know how a car is. I also think I should extend the time after it is powered on from a run and start 12v because I don't always start it up in 5 seconds, but don't wait too long.

I also want this to be the size of a quarter or so.

Not sure I will get this completed this weekend, this is a hobby type thing to fill in the time, something to do during 2 hour conference calls, and to keep my mind busy.
There is about a 10 second delay after starting the car before the traction control button sequence starts and there is about a 1 second delay between the button sequences.

EDIT... I just noticed the schematic calls out for a 12 second delay and 0.5 second delay.
I think that will be TC_DIS 2.0, including logic for if it is already disabled to not attempt to disable it. I am already in that area playing with starting with OD disabled as well.

While I don't take 4 minutes to take off once in the car, the first 10 seconds or so are busy, and my wife thinks I am trying to launch a nuke. TC off, OD off, phone plugged into charger, connecting phone to radio, starting Pandora, dash cam on, display to average economy.

I have added a switched power for the dash cam, snipped the wire for the air suspension message (so it goes to last view, average economy), with TC off and OD off, that leave plugging in phone (the Sprint version of my phone doesn't do wireless induction charging). I already posted about adding Bluetooth and it being switched as well, and NFC sticker with automated things for entering and leaving car for phone take care of the rest.

I just have to fix the check transmission message when holding manual second and maybe every 30th start. Then I will be in a good place control wise.
From Doug....
While there is a parameter in the SCT db for the TC, I've tried it, and it hasn't had any effect on the Mark VIII's that I've tuned. Maybe you'll have better luck.
I know Tommy also tried it, that's when his buddy made the control center
Never asked him about it I assume its because they did a lot of drag racing and got tired hitting all those dam buttons on top of everything else...
I did find this Tommy post...
You can turn off all the timing retards in the pcm and of you turn off the torque module as well, you've 98% eliminated it.

it might pulse the rear brakes and turn on the little spinning wheel icon on the dash..
I call it my "you spun the tires indicator".

I might have to check my tune....

as mentioned before, yes..and you can also disable it in the tune so it never comes back on..
which is my preferred route to you can kill the torque reduction on the shifts and also remove about 20 degree's of "tip in retard", while your at it.

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