Now who is this...


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Jax, FL
That's just brain dead. Why did he even stop? There's lots of room to just go by him. What a maroon, a true dashcam hero.
Ummm, I don't get it. He started to pull into the lot, and the merc started to back up. So he stopped to see what the merc would do rather than just drive into him. You wait a few seconds, and the situation will be resolved, you all go on your way to, well, wherever you're going. I never understand why everyone is in such a hurry all the time. I mean, when I was a kid I was the same way, always in a rush to get somewhere right away to do........nothing important. But at some point I realized that ten or fifteen seconds either way isn't going to make any difference in my life. I checked his youtube channel; it's filled with videos of him being a dick to other drivers.

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