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Mar 2, 2004
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United States

Contrast the muslim appeaser now in the White House with Cheney. The United States should bow to no one.

lol why you guys so bummed over Obama...he hasn't successfully done anything. obama has done nothing to help the US but Bush did EVERYTHING to f*ck it up......I'd like to see more bush insults......[edited for stupidity]
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lol why you guys so bummed over Obama...he hasn't successfully done anything. obama has done nothing to help the US but Bush did EVERYTHING to f*ck it up......I'd like to see more bush insults......wish he was dead
Can you just comment on the actual topic instead of making everything about you?

The fact is that no U.S. President in 220 years has EVER bowed to a head of state, before Obama. That doesn't bother you at all? The fact is that Obama is out of his depth, ignorant of correct Presidential protocol, and completely egotistically blind to the surrounding world and how he appears in it.

Maybe if he'd quit going around the world apologizing for HIS OWN COUNTRY he would get less flak.

Emperor Akihito is the son of Hirohito who provided the final authorization for the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Would Obama bow or otherwise show deference to the son of Osama bin Laden who’s sneak attack killed a similar number of people?

You think Bush didn't get eight years of insults in this forum?

You're a joke.
bowing is a sign of respect as with other conservative nations. Just because a man is polite and honorable to another person's country and leaders doesn't put one out to be the badguy, The reason Chenney can't bow is cause he's a douchebag prick and maybe one of his hearts might pop out of place.

I'm not saying he's a good president...nor am I saying he's a terrible one...though he's getting there. But a man's status should not be represented upon how he greets someone. Don't you think that one of you guys coming up and doing a "ghetto" handshake or a fistbump would look as a sign of respect to a subburban white boy who grew up in a hollywood-california lifestyle? really?
bowing is a sign of respect as with other conservative nations.
This from a guy whose total knowledge of Japanese foreign relations comes from watching The Last Samurai.

Please cite evidence to back up this ridiculous statement.

Just because a man is polite and honorable to another person's country and leaders doesn't put one out to be the badguy,
Bowing to a head of state shows obeisance, not respect. I've never seen anybody, even Japanese, bend way the hell over and stare at the floor while shaking hands. Even Mr. Miyagi knows you don't do that. Remember - "Always look eye!"

Why didn't he do him a favor while he was down there?

The reason Chenney can't bow is cause he's a douchebag prick and maybe one of his hearts might pop out of place.
Uh-huh. Which one is it? Is he a prick or is it his health? And you're the jerkoff who just said you wished George W. Bush would drop dead. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying he's a good president...nor am I saying he's a terrible one...though he's getting there. But a man's status should not be represented upon how he greets someone. Don't you think that one of you guys coming up and doing a "ghetto" handshake or a fistbump would look as a sign of respect to a subburban white boy who grew up in a hollywood-california lifestyle? really?
Do you also bow while fist bumping?
Pete, since you no doubt will not go to the link fossten gave, here is the money quote for ya...
"Obama's handshake/forward lurch was so jarring and inappropriate it recalls Bush's back-rub of Merkel.

"Kyodo News is running his appropriate and reciprocated nod and shake with the Empress, certainly to show the president as dignified, and not in the form of a first year English teacher trying to impress with Karate Kid-level knowledge of Japanese customs.

"The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms....The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part.
And keep in mind, this is from an academic who is, "in general a supporter of President Obama". So you can stop using this as a tool to demonize and dismiss the right...
Fast Forward to 2:58.
I missed your point.
Besides noting that TAPS was playing, not the Star Spangled Banner or the reciting of the pledge... what was the point you were trying to make?

In fairness, at least in the 2nd picture (with the Democrat candidates) that was during the singing of the national anthem. I was not aware until recently that you were supposed to put your right hand over your heart during it's singing. The Obama quote, "My grandfather taught me when I was 2. During the Pledge of Allegiance, you put your hand over your heart. During the Star Spangled Banner, you sing." seems reasonable to me. He's aware of it now, so why would he continue to make the same mistake of protocol?

But the bowing to foreign leaders and so-called 'royalty' is inexcusable and humiliating.
The fact is that no U.S. President in 220 years has EVER bowed to a head of state, before Obama. That doesn't bother you at all?



Since there's so much kerfluffel over the supposed Obama bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, I thought I would post another picture of a sitting US president bowing to a foreign leader. The president is Richard M. Nixon, the foreign leader is Japan's emperor Hirohito, and the occasion is their meeting in Alaska in 1971.

Or what about Ike?

Long time no see, Charles De Gaulle!

By their logic, I believe that last bow means we have all been French since 2 September 1959. Eisenhower clearly demonstrated by that bow that the American President is a subordinate of the French, which means that for the past 50 years America has been a French territory with pretensions of sovereignty. Mon Dieu!

Jokes on you. :cool:

Ike bowing to De Gaulle.jpg
And, it never fails, Johnny bursts in with the fresh DailyKos/Sorros/MM/DNC talking point, designed to change the subject and focus of the discussion.

I don't know what's going on in the Eisenhower pictures. The Nixon/Japanese one has both men tipping, acknowledging each other. That is like a hand shake. One man isn't standing up right while the other one bends at the waist at a 90 degree angle. That is both submissive, weak, and expressing apology.

I don't have an idea what the story is with the French picture though, however that's still an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT gesture than the one made by Obama. But people like Kos (or Johnny) don't care about context when posting that, they just want to change the subject. Since there's a half century old picture of who-knows-what, now it's o.k.

Johnny, do you think the President should bow to foreign Emperors? Should they bow from the waist?
Or do you think he should stand up, like he's representing the greatest and most powerful nation in the world, and approach the man eye to eye.\

There is a difference between two people doing a quick bow to each other, and one standing up right while the other bows all the way over at the waist.
One isn't such a bad idea and would cut down on colds and flus (if used instead of handshakes), the other is weak.
And, it never fails, Johnny bursts in with the fresh DailyKos/Sorros/MM/DNC talking point, designed to change the subject and focus of the discussion.

I don't know what's going on in the Eisenhower pictures. The Nixon/Japanese one has both men tipping, acknowledging each other. That is like a hand shake. One man isn't standing up right while the other one bends at the waist at a 90 degree angle. That is both submissive, weak, and expressing apology.

I don't have an idea what the story is with the French picture though, however that's still an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT gesture than the one made by Obama. But people like Kos (or Johnny) don't care about context when posting that, they just want to change the subject. Since there's a half century old picture of who-knows-what, now it's o.k.

Johnny, do you think the President should bow to foreign Emperors? Should they bow from the waist?
Or do you think he should stand up, like he's representing the greatest and most powerful nation in the world, and approach the man eye to eye.\

There is a difference between two people doing a quick bow to each other, and one standing up right while the other bows all the way over at the waist.
One isn't such a bad idea and would cut down on colds and flus (if used instead of handshakes), the other is weak.

How many tokes did it take you to come up with that twisted, nosensical rationalization Cal? Toke, toke, PASS dude!

I didn't change any subject, YOU were the one that bought "bowing" into this thread, not me. I'm merely correcting the record WRT to Foss's false statement. I didn't see you jumping on him for changing the subject. :rolleyes:

I don't disagree that Obama's combination handshake/bow was ungraceful and poorly executed, but to claim it's a sign of submission like he was bending over to grab his ankles (like your buddy Rush fantasizes about frequently) is pure nonsense. At least it didn't come off sweet and fruity like this:


:bowrofl: :eek: :bowrofl: :leghumper
I missed your point.
Besides noting that TAPS was playing, not the Star Spangled Banner or the reciting of the pledge... what was the point you were trying to make?
My point is the video was taken at the same event as the photo in Bryan's original post (Memorial Day 2009). The positions of each person match, so it was very likely the same point in the ceremony. It was rather easy to find the video once the post on AtlasShrugged identified the event. Yet it is obvious that Obama has his hand on his heart in the video. Was the photo perhaps taken a split second before he did? Very likely.

I'm sure that doesn't change anyone's mind that Obama is an America-hating commie, but you'll have to look elsewhere for your evidence.
Maybe it's because Italians always kiss one another when we see each other but I don't see anything "fruity" about Bush's pictures.

I think it's Japan or Hong-Kong men hold hand walking down the street as friends but a man and a women doing the same is frowned upon, it's a simple matter of culture.

Yes Obama bowed to the emperor to Japan, he obviously didn't do so with the intentions of looking weak. Brush it off as a misunderstanding let's get back to the real issues like oh I don't know 10.2% unemployment, Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Fosseten who cares that's the son of the emperor who authorized their attack on pearl harbor? It's as relevant that the Queen of England is a descendant of King George, the modern world has to many issued to deal with the distant past.

Long story short he shouldn't have bowed it was an idiotic move on his part.
Pete, since you no doubt will not go to the link fossten gave, here is the money quote for ya...
"Obama's handshake/forward lurch was so jarring and inappropriate it recalls Bush's back-rub of Merkel.

"Kyodo News is running his appropriate and reciprocated nod and shake with the Empress, certainly to show the president as dignified, and not in the form of a first year English teacher trying to impress with Karate Kid-level knowledge of Japanese customs.

"The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms....The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part.
And keep in mind, this is from an academic who is, "in general a supporter of President Obama". So you can stop using this as a tool to demonize and dismiss the right...

then looks like I was wrong. I would of assumed bowing is a sign of respect and appreciation but guess in politics it takes a 180 degree turn. Touche :p
I'm sure that doesn't change anyone's mind that Obama is an America-hating commie, but you'll have to look elsewhere for your evidence.

Isn't the more likely explanation that the pledge of allegiance or national anthem were performed at a different time during the Memorial Day honors?

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