New Guy


New LVC Member
Mar 26, 2005
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I just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I bought a used 2001 LS V8 about 2 months ago and I love this car!! My only dissappointment is that just last week I noticed the chrome peeling off of all my rims at and around the lug holes. I live in wisconsin and have washed the car faithfully and this peeling seems to have just surfaced out out of the blue. I was wondering if this has been a problem with others and is something I could contact the dealer about. I did buy the car from a private owner and it is past the warranty. I have had other cars with chrome rims that this has never happened to. Thank you for any information that you can give me.
Welcome to the club Novs34!.

Is it one wheel or all four? Unfortuanatley, since you are out of warranty, I don't think the dealer will be much help except to try and sell you a new wheel...If its just one wheel, try finding one or all on ebay. And use the old one as a fullsize spare.

Maybe being in the winter salt has ruined it, most folks over @ LLSOC change out thier chrome wheels just for that reason.

Good Luck with the new LS, and welcome.
Welcome and now you have an excuse to go out and buy a set of larger, aftermarket rims....
:W to : :V I also have a 2001 with the factory chrome wheels. They still look like new. Mabey its the salt, or previous owners never taking care of them. Anyway have a great time on this site.
welcome to the forum say hello to the knowledge and goodbye to any extra money.
Welcome... and my 17's are doing the same thing around where the center cap snaps in. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with these yet...

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